Waynesville, MO
age: 29
on this day 11 years ago you were put in the hospitial.
3 days latter i had to pull the plug on you.
and we had to put you back in the ground on your birthday.
I know it has been 11 years but i will never forget you.
You were my heart, my soul, my best friend.
You never Judged me no matter what i did.
No matter if i was in sweats and a tank top you told me i always looked cute.
we always sang songs together you remember the one we did in chior??
Can You Feel The Love Tonight.
we celebtated every holiday together and every year its hard because i still have the gift i bought you 11 years ago for your birthday and it is still wrapped in the paper and bows it has never been opened and it never will.
my dear brother i know that you are watching over me and always will and i know one day we will be together again but not any time soon.
I love you my big brother
Love always