2/20/2008 7:50:49 AM |
Does age really matter in a realationship? |

Eastpointe, MI
age: 28
W'eve all heard the term "I'm too old for you" And you think, big deal i mean so what, is that really the one thing that keeps away a person that happends to be older? I think it's silly,don't get me wrong it's not like I'm going door to door at the retirement home asking out old women for a game of backgamin. If 2 people share alot of interests and have chemistry than whats the big deal? Personally all i ever dated was older females, and to tell you the truth, alot of them were immature. In internet land it's hard to judge it because there is no "side to side" chemistry, it's all based on judgment. Tell me what do you think?
2/20/2008 3:06:53 PM |
Does age really matter in a realationship? |

San Antonio, TX
age: 39
It's hard to say when age becomes a factor in a relationship. I think it's possible with a lot of communication and trust, just like any relationship. I was married to a man who was 14 years older than me and I was involved with someone who was 13 years younger than me. Both are no longer with me for different reasons, none of which had to do with age. just my 2 cents.
2/20/2008 6:14:01 PM |
Does age really matter in a realationship? |

West Monroe, LA
age: 35
Not really, after a certain age anyway. I was skeptical about seeing someone younger than me, but I don't know why. I was kind of reluctant to meet him, but after I did-I'm so glad I did meet him. We have some awesome chemistry.....and share a lot of interests as well, so it worked out well. We just seem to fit together and I never dreamed it would be that way... I just always was leery about younger men, but whatever the age-if it's there, it's just there...
2/20/2008 7:24:20 PM |
Does age really matter in a realationship? |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
I agree with the posters.
In my opinion, anything over 26 yrs old is no kid anymore and there is no age borders..period, as long as it is "mutually" agreed upon.
Younger guys dating older women is been a thing going on since Adam and Eve and so has been younger women dating older guys, is really not a big deal but like any relationship, If is not mutual, then it becomes a problem, is really that simple 
2/21/2008 5:17:34 AM |
Does age really matter in a realationship? |

Daytona Beach, FL
age: 42
They say wisdom comes with age, I think age also comes with wisdom.
I have met young people who are wiser then there years,
and older people who havent grown up yet. Age is just a number.
2/23/2008 8:13:57 PM |
Does age really matter in a realationship? |

Kansas City, MO
age: 39
I think it dose to an extent. you have to think of it like this. If I got in to a serious relationship I wouldn't want to get involved with someone in there 20s when I am 39 I think staying in a 10 year range is a good Idea. Sex isn't everything but it helps to be able to keep it up. Not that I have a problem with that but. I don't want to it to be a issue and she turn to someone else to fill her needs. Things would just go down hill from there.I know women like sex as much as men they just don't show it. I am not saying I want to get in to a relationship for just sex. So I don't want anybody to get the wrong idea about me. I want more then that. Like they say If there not getting it at home there getting it some were else. weather its him or her. I am just being honest about it.
2/24/2008 12:14:53 AM |
Does age really matter in a realationship? |

Eastpointe, MI
age: 28
It's not about sex, if it happens fine, but it runs deeper than that and you should know this being 39 yeah i'm talking to you, it's being emotionally involved realating to an older person, I'm 28 I feel that i can relate to a woman who is 39 or 40 much better than a 25 or 26 year old, simply because they have their shit together (or chances are who knows) It's easier for me, to relate to an older female regardles of if they wanna have seax or not, beacuse the sex will always be there but, the chemistry will not, thanks for your opinion
2/24/2008 9:40:59 AM |
Does age really matter in a realationship? |

Creswell, OR
age: 37
Hey Rocket, I'm in a position of being a single mom again. I generally don't go for the younger guys (even if they are cute!), mainly because I've got kids. I want someone who knows the issues of raising kids and who can be a help. I don't want to have to raise another! I dated a guy, a few years younger than myself and that didn't work out at all, one reason being he was an alcoholic. The other, I thought that he was too self absorbed in himself. Now a guy that is, lets say 10 years older than me, no way. I'll be 50 when my youngest is done with hs and I will still want to get out and enjoy life, like travel or at least still have the energy! I don't want some guy who is just ready to sit around the house and not do anything. For me, just my opinion, someone about my age or within 5-8 yrs older works for me. At least I'm hoping! 
2/24/2008 1:38:37 PM |
Does age really matter in a realationship? |

Superior, WI
age: 30
Ive always prefered older men. Im 30...and have yet to meet a mature man younger than me. Now older.....30-45....ive met some(online) that seem more mature and focused on what they want. Of course ive met a few that are either immature, or think that because they are 40ish(40 to 46) that their lives are over...they have no chance or time left for a relationship.
Tis not true. Nobody has a set timeline to find someone..it happens when its meant to. I just keep telling myself that.
Again, i just prefer older/wiser men..that have their sh*t together and know what they want in life. 
2/24/2008 1:46:57 PM |
Does age really matter in a realationship? |

Kansas City, MO
age: 39
Hey Rocketman I side ( to an extent) there are binafits of dating older women I agree some can take there teeth out bro hehe and they have Medicare and they can get food stamps the down side they will ask you a million times Has the mail came yet! Your cabinet will be full of Best choice products and depends in the bathroom. they will have there granny pants hanging over the shower rod becuse there to cheap to spend a $2.50 to wash them in the washing machines and dry them.I have had a 75 year old lady comment on my legs and tell someone I had nice legs. coming from her it didnt do anything for me. I tell ya bro its just wrong. Iv also had women old women tell me they liked my shorts I was wearing telling me they looked cute on me . I just wish women more closer to my age would flirt with me I am hopeless I gess.
2/24/2008 4:44:25 PM |
Does age really matter in a realationship? |

Fremont, NE
age: 37
I would say, yes and no. Just depends..on compatability,interests.
2/24/2008 5:16:11 PM |
Does age really matter in a realationship? |

Calgary, AB
age: 42
i think age is just a number and you actually need to meet someone in person before you can really get an idea of their personality - body language says so much more than words on a screen.
2/24/2008 7:08:08 PM |
Does age really matter in a realationship? |

Eastpointe, MI
age: 28
thanks for the reply silverstar but i'll stick to the women that are your age not your moms age
[Edited 2/24/2008 7:09:02 PM]
2/24/2008 7:16:23 PM |
Does age really matter in a realationship? |

Eastpointe, MI
age: 28
i agree tex, well put, body language is important and so is upkeeping, because if the female is older and she's a slob, than noway but if she takes good care of herself than she's worth a second look,but say from a womans point of view if she thinks the younger guy is cute but he has baggy pants or a backwards hat would you be more hesatent?
2/24/2008 10:33:55 PM |
Does age really matter in a realationship? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 39
age does not matter love is not a number