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Forums: Groups: 30's: How can you get over the past and not let it affect the present? |
2/23/2008 3:48:58 PM |
How can you get over the past and not let it affect the present? |

Polkton, NC
age: 39
OK, so i haven't done this before, bus I'm assuming that theres other people on here with the same issue. Anyway, my x was terrbile. He cheated on me with my best friend. I'm sure he cheated more than that, just never caught him with the others. He really broke my spirit. It took me 2 years to even think about looking to meet someone else. I've talked to a few people on here but really was beginning to give up and delete my profile when i came across a GREAT guy. We have been talking for over a month, and spent a great weekend together. He lives in KY. We talk and text everyday. SOmetimes on yahoo as well. Heres my issue.....How can I stop the past from sneaking up on me. I can't help but think sometimes that the same thing will happen. We've said we love eachtoher . I know hes not playing me. But what can I do to let the past go and realize not every guy is out to hurt me play me and break me?
2/23/2008 4:21:07 PM |
How can you get over the past and not let it affect the present? |

North Tonawanda, NY
age: 28
i have been in a similar position and I know how you feel. It took me a while to get that feeling out of my stomach, that he would do the same thing as the other one, but eventually, with a lot of time and positive thoughts it went away. Sometimes, the only thing that makes it better is to see that he is not like the other guy and he is going to treat you right. Time is a big key in this matter. I also talked with my partner and told him how i was feeling and he was very understanding and he made me feel comfortable very quickly. good luck!!
2/23/2008 4:55:59 PM |
How can you get over the past and not let it affect the present? |

Bernville, PA
age: 40
It is only smart to be a bit guarded in order to protect yourself. Eventually you have to take a chance and let your guard down and open yourself up, closed off even a little bit is no way to live your life. The only way you can truly enjoy what you two share is to let go of the past. Best of luck, it is scary, but I have to believe it is all worth it or else why even try? 
2/23/2008 5:04:54 PM |
How can you get over the past and not let it affect the present? |

Polkton, NC
age: 39
Thanks to both of you. Sweety your right. I did tell him, and he knows. He has made the comment that he hates what the x has done because it makes his job harder now. LOL guess i need to just relax and let happens happen.
2/23/2008 9:56:12 PM |
How can you get over the past and not let it affect the present? |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
How can I stop the past from sneaking up on me. I can't help but think sometimes that the same thing will happen.
You can do this! It may not happen over night but it gets easier if you have met someone already 
Try this... when you find yourself thinking about your dark past, immediately replace those thoughts with some bright thoughts of you with this new person in your life followed with some uplifting music and view yourself with this new person a yr from now happily together enjoying each others company, to boot 
Or think of things that puts a smile on your face, tings that make you feel good.
You don't even have to wait for those dark memories to invade you to think positive, just do it all day long anyway, is good for the heart 