2/26/2008 5:02:01 PM |
If a wife works, why to we have to cook and clean w/no help? |

Boca Raton, FL
age: 33
1. It's not fair! |
2. I'd rather be a sex slave than a plain slave. |

2/26/2008 6:57:04 PM |
If a wife works, why to we have to cook and clean w/no help? |

Uniondale, NY
age: 31
You don't "HAVE TO" cook and clean with no help.
Have a sincere discussion with your husband...
2/27/2008 5:23:00 PM |
If a wife works, why to we have to cook and clean w/no help? |

Boca Raton, FL
age: 33
I tried talking and many other forms of manipulation even. But to no avail. I've even asked around and all of the couples I've talked to - it's the women doing all the housework daily. I even know one girl that even mows the lawn on top of everything else. I just think it's unfair. But I guess when women asked for rights we got more than we bargained for. It's like men said fine you want to work - well don't forget the housework too. 
2/27/2008 7:32:59 PM |
If a wife works, why to we have to cook and clean w/no help? |

Brownsburg, IN
age: 39
Just cook for yourself, screw him! Make a real nice dinner for yourself one night and eat it right in front of him and go mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
2/28/2008 3:29:54 PM |
If a wife works, why to we have to cook and clean w/no help? |

Boca Raton, FL
age: 33
That's a good one I like that idea! You made me laugh. 
2/28/2008 4:53:55 PM |
If a wife works, why to we have to cook and clean w/no help? |

Stockton, CA
age: 35
Just bring home a little maids outfit ! when he sees it he will not want to clean but you know ! then ask him if thats his fantasy when he says yes then trow it in the trash and say and mine is your ass helping out around here ! guess we both will not get what we want tonight! I am a guy who had a problem with a gal I dated she had 3 kids that destored my house everytime they came over then I stopped her from coming over . now we are just friends but she meet another slob and there happy life works out !   best of luck
2/28/2008 5:02:53 PM |
If a wife works, why to we have to cook and clean w/no help? |

Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 37
i vote #2
2/28/2008 5:05:59 PM |
If a wife works, why to we have to cook and clean w/no help? |

Shawnee, OK
age: 35
2/28/2008 5:40:58 PM |
If a wife works, why to we have to cook and clean w/no help? |

Boca Raton, FL
age: 33
Hee! I love the answers!
2/28/2008 6:00:43 PM |
If a wife works, why to we have to cook and clean w/no help? |

Broken Arrow, OK
age: 43
I think we all would rather be someones sex slave than field slave. However, back to the orginal question. Lets phrase it this way, if a man works why does he have to mow the yard, paint the house, work on the cars, help her parents, siblings and friends when ever they call for extra help!
Without turning this sexist it boils down to what roles we are willing to participate in, don't you think?
2/28/2008 9:49:36 PM |
If a wife works, why to we have to cook and clean w/no help? |

Eugene, OR
age: 34
I know it sounds like something you would do with children, but you might consider sitting down and writing out a list of chores and their schedules. With a little discussion and compromise, you should be able to bang out some kind of agreement as to who does what when that feels fair and manageable to both parties... Write it in crayon, and post it on the fridge. 
And don't forget to give a little pat on the back when something gets done, even small things. We all like to feel our efforts are appreciated, and unfortunately, we may sometimes forget to give credit where it's due.
2/29/2008 1:35:27 PM |
If a wife works, why to we have to cook and clean w/no help? |

York, ON
age: 38
a marriage is a partner ship 50 50 if he does not like to help you tell him its spending time with me and we get done faster that way than you can take it easy together doing something you both like to do.
2/29/2008 4:45:19 PM |
If a wife works, why to we have to cook and clean w/no help? |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 28
u married the wrong dude then.... NO HELP?
3/2/2008 2:04:31 PM |
If a wife works, why to we have to cook and clean w/no help? |

Arvada, CO
age: 37
I cook..I love to cook i know alot of men who could be considered gourmet cooks...tell him to make dinner...tell him you bet he couldnt cook if his life depended on it///men love a good challenge
3/2/2008 3:09:04 PM |
If a wife works, why to we have to cook and clean w/no help? |

Lewisport, KY
age: 33
I beleive in A relationship that works together.Not everything laid on 1 or the others shoulders.