Fulton, NY
age: 55
Here is all the info:
Caddy Shack Tavern
402 old liverpool road
liverpool ,n.y 13090
(315) 413-0475
Party will start at 6p.m with a mini buffet and then the party will begin around 8 with the d.j . playing all your favoraite 70's,80's and 90's dance music.Caddy Shack is located just minutes off both route 81 and route 90 and just seconds from the mall.
Thought I'd pass along this info. It is another site's get together, but everyone is welcome. March 8, 2008

Ithaca, NY
age: 39
What kind of party is this?

Fulton, NY
age: 55
Hi, I belong to another dating site also. It is a party put on by that site. Just thought I'd pass along the info. Everyone is welcome. In January, they had 100 people at the party. Have a good day!

Watertown, NY
age: 57
Thanks for the info. Jeeters.I'll add it to my to list