Lakewood, OH
age: 40
I suppose it is rather vain if not totally mathematically impossible that we are the only planet that has life on it. I don't recall what the exact odds are but it is pretty next to nearly impossible that there isn't any other life out there.
If truth be know the universe is absolutely gushing with life, spewing out of every pour.
The General rule of thumb is that anywhere it is possible for life to exist, then it does exist.
Then the problem becomes what kind of life?
Intelligent life and have the mastered space travel before us?
Disregarding all the fork lore for a second, let us just look at this in a purely logical point of view.
When talking about life and life in general and not just life on earth, you have to consider how it comes about. Some of the main elements you need is light, heat and water.
Life on earth began in the sea and mostly likely that is where you'll find most of the first forms of life on other planets.
Granted I'm sure there are exceptions, it could be possible that some form of life came into existence in the absents of water but for the most part that is what you will find, that life usually comes from the oceans or other large bodies of water first.
First they will be small single celled organisms that will later evolve into higher forms of life, namely fish or some other sort of aquatic animal.
I'm sure with the.... pardon the pun, astronomical possibilities that there are wide variations on what can be considered a fish, as there are many different forms of aquatic life on our own planet currently.
But when talking about space travel, in order to get into space you must first get out of the water, so the first forms of life to develop space travel are likely to be these first creatures that crawled out of the water, mainly lizzards, reptiles, amphibians etc, etc, etc, and some variety there of.
Yes, I am sure that some forms of life when straight from the sea to space without stopping on dry land to see what they might find but I'd be it would be fairly rare, just for technical reason.
You'd think that a society would have to go threw some sort of industrial revolution in order to be able to manufacture the materials needed for ships able to travel threw space and in the water pollution would not just blow away, as it does on land. It would just sit there and collect and poison all the life it came in contact with. That coupled with a wide variety of problems that aquatic life forms would have, no opposable thumbs and other such things.
Not to mention that if they have not been able to figure out that there is a world outside the oceans then they probably wouldn't even dare to dream of worlds beyond the sky.
So you'd probably expect that a good 80% - 90% of all space fairing civilizations started out as some sort of lizzard like creature.
Which also presents a problem, not only are lizzards the first out of the oceans and the first into space, being the first they are also one of the most primitive forms of life readily sought.
Another big problem with dealing with space fairing civilizations is thus.
Generally when scientists come across an animal that they have never seen before, one of the first things they look at his the abdomen. It seems plant life is very hard for animals to digest and if it is their only food then they have probably developed a huge gut needed to process the material.
Animals eat to get energy, what is not used by the body for what it needs to get around is used for other things. But so much of the energy provided by plant life is also required to digest those plants, leaving little excess left over for growth and development.
Like cows that have four stomachs to process all the grass they eat.
If the body has extra energy left over it will likely continue to develop the digestive system, since that is what is needed.
However, meat is very easily digested and high in protein.
But in order to get a lot of meat you have to bash the brains out of some poor animal who otherwise might need them.
So what you are also likely to find is that most animals that have devolved into higher intelligent life forms are also carnivores and hunters, which usually are fairly hostile creatures.
So what you will expect to find if you did a random survey of intelligent space traveling civilizations is that they are lizzards and not very nice ones at that.
And another problem being, in order to develop and system on planet that is capable of building highly developed, researched and tested machines capable of supporting life while traveling threw space, you'd need a civilization or some sorts, not entirely unlike our own.
And civilization here on earth is and has always been little more than enslavement of other people for your own means and gains.
That is pretty much how civilization all got started here on earth, people forcing other people to work against their will.
Or sure we like to think we are all better than that now but any casual glance at a newspaper about higher inflation and lower wages will tell you that little really has changed in the nature of the way man does his business.
But we don't beat and chain people up anymore and force them to work, we just rearrange our society so that they have no other choice and try to convince them that this arrangement is absolutely normal somehow.
But the battles here on earth between the ruling class and the working class have been many. The American revolution, Communists revolutions, riots in America for unions and fair wages, civil rights, 8 hour days and 40 hour work weeks have all cost human lives and blood to bring about. But you might think that with all the possibilities of all the planets and stars and galaxies that not every civilization has gone threw such changes.
But in essence our world civilization is little more than exploitation of the poor that we cause to be poor and the weak that we insure remain week to serve our needs in one way or another.
Perhaps their population are not so prone to rebellion and are more easily pacified.
So what you are left with is a large collection of Lizard Aliens who developed space travel by preying on their own race and exploiting them, then going out to the stars to find new people to hunt and exploit.
Generally, as a rule of thumb.
I'd bet it is pretty rare that you find nice little fuzzy pleasant little creatures like ourselves out there too often.
Winnsboro, TX
age: 37
True sayd!!! I can say that the most beautyfull thing .....
is when the lizzards come up with a slogan for the litlle fuzzyes and they go and get sloughtered on some field .
Just because of a slogan that they do not spend time to question.