3/1/2008 2:01:16 PM |
Inter- Racial Dating |

Brunswick, ME
age: 35
People who like to date outside of their race or ethnic background..

3/1/2008 2:40:00 PM |
Inter- Racial Dating |

Calgary, AB
age: 55 online now!
"like to" or "just don't care". I fall in that category. That said, for me it isn't
about color, race, or nationality. The exception though is cultural or religious
beliefs. I will avoid anyone who has negative views of one gender or the other
because of their beliefs (actually, or for any other reason!).
3/3/2008 7:23:03 AM |
Inter- Racial Dating |

Erie, PA
age: 34
It has been a while but, if I hadn't made an effort to date outside my race, then I am just as closed minded as most. There is alot to learn from people that are different period. If I could date someone orange, I would. I have never been orange and know no one that is orange. If she is feeling me, then I can dig her.
3/3/2008 10:39:21 AM |
Inter- Racial Dating |

Page, AZ
age: 60
Dub I like your attitude.
I did know an Orange person once, They drank copious amounts of carrot juice.

3/16/2008 9:39:58 PM |
Inter- Racial Dating |

Crescent City, CA
age: 26
Ya a ex of mine told me that he liked carrots so much he ate so many he started turning orange when he was a baby.   
3/20/2008 5:40:57 AM |
Inter- Racial Dating |

Fulton, NY
age: 28
i really don't think i should answer this but i will!
my honest opinion is NO...i would never and have never even thought about dating outside my race.
we all have our own ways of life right?
3/20/2008 8:29:52 PM |
Inter- Racial Dating |

Detroit, MI
age: 58
I don't think anyone should "date" (or in any other way play with or learn to enjoy) another person who is not of the same (so called) race if they don't want to! To do so would just be wrong, bad and against the laws of what ever created 'em.
Now that I'm thinking about it, that goes the same for people of different sizes, shapes, religions, political affiliations, shoe sizes, nose shapes and dance styles too.
There! Now; if somebody was posing such hideous ideas as some sort of 'should we or shouldn't we' question... I think that should now be a settled issue. Don't do the things you don't want to do. If somebody is silly enough to suggest that it be done so anyway.. Don't even think about it... Just Say NO! Ummm... Make that, "NO Thanks"... No point in being rude...
Anyway; try and remember, "We are all separate." If we don't do our best to keep it that way we'll have to spend way too much time trying to figure out some other rock solid reasons for disliking somebody else.
Happy Thursday,
3/22/2008 1:36:59 PM |
Inter- Racial Dating |

Bradford, PA
age: 48
If you view something or someone as different because of thier race then I do not think that is right. You should choose to date a person who you like be it because you have interests in common, experiences, thoughts etc. I have two bi-racial children, the next president of these united states could be bi-racial, let us not discount the fact that who you should or might become infatuated with should have nothing to do with the color of thier skin, more so it should do with the content of thier character and your perspective likes and dislikes. Keep this in mind and if you want to further discuss it then I am open to all opinions as you also should be.
3/23/2008 12:54:30 PM |
Inter- Racial Dating |

Middleport, OH
age: 50
inter-racial dating. yes but only japanese and korean. sorry guys no blacks.
3/24/2008 9:07:03 PM |
Inter- Racial Dating |

Galesburg, IL
age: 46
I thought there was only one race (THE HUMAN RACE ) lets get beyond color, if you have a connection with someone skin color nor the oppinions of others should stop you from doing what your heart desires
4/5/2008 2:18:51 PM |
Inter- Racial Dating |

United Kingdom
age: 42
I myself dont look at the colour, size etc of person but at their soul and heart!!! We are all the same inside no matter our colour or size, some are bad and some are good!!! Hopefully a person with a good heart will shine through no matter what. So the question was race, the only race that i see is the human race full stop. jmo
4/7/2008 7:08:22 PM |
Inter- Racial Dating |

Adel, GA
age: 39
I would love to be a part of this group ! We need this .
4/8/2008 10:36:15 AM |
Inter- Racial Dating |

Spring Valley, NY
age: 55
Don't know what the fuss is all about, people are people that's all there is to it...
4/8/2008 10:37:06 AM |
Inter- Racial Dating |

Spring Valley, NY
age: 55
4/10/2008 2:09:45 PM |
Inter- Racial Dating |

Elmo, MT
age: 60
whatever huckles your berry