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3/29/2011 9:08:41 AM |
Work verses dating |

Crab Orchard, KY
age: 58
I've worked all of life...Even as a kid at home, I had chores every day. I didn't have time for sports or much socializing. Joined the Navy straight out of school...worked, got out, got a job....worked. Took a buyout that my company (after 20 years) offered and went back to work....work, work, work.....The job I'm in now seems to be all consuming....6 days a week with 8, 10 and 12 hour days AND 2nd shift. So, I join a dating site in hopes of dating....I'm not in a big hurry to find a LTR, but I WOULD like to have some fun with someone of the opposite sex every now and then. But, again, there's work....that four letter word that keeps rearing it's head.
Question: How do YOU balance your work life with your social life?  
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

3/29/2011 9:33:01 AM |
Work verses dating |

Lexington, KY
age: 45
I am lucky enough to be able to leave at 4:30 Monday thru Friday and then have my weekends to myself. (Not including 16 yr. old daughter's schedule) I have paid my dues on the work course grind working production from 5:00 a.m. till 8:00 or 9:00p.m. My only concerns when it comes to dating is making sure I can show my date a nice time and spend the right amount of money to have fun but also have enough to cover weekly budget. My daughter and bills comes first, then that special someone for the evening or lunch date. I am sure the ladies out there know what i am talking about. I have missed out on alot of possible great dates due to not being able cover for the kid or not really able to spend the money for gas or whatever.

3/29/2011 9:45:19 AM |
Work verses dating |

Walton, KY
age: 50
I'm not in a big hurry to find a LTR, but I WOULD like to have some fun with someone of the opposite sex every now and then. But, again, there's work....that four letter word that keeps rearing it's head.
Question: How do YOU balance your work life with your social life?  
I don't want to come off harsh, but . . .
With that kind of schedule ?
There's only 7 days in a week !
Your current situation doesn't warrant a LTR.
You may want it, and even though jobs are not a hot commodity,
have you considered making changes in your life so that this could become a reality ?
3/29/2011 10:09:20 AM |
Work verses dating |

Louisville, KY
age: 47
Sometimes is can be really hard to balance your social life when you work 2nd/3rd shifts. Maybe if you find someone who works the same shift as you or close to it.
That way you both can enjoy a few hours after work, before heading to your prospective homes.
Some thoughtful hints:
Order dinner and have it delivered to her place of employment. As you both sit for dinner talk on the phone. After work meet up to say goodnight if possible.
It maybe be a short and sweet meeting but she will know you miss her as much as she misses you while working.
Write a letter and mail it once a week... I know sounds funny and stupid but she will be surprised to get a letter from you and will be able to keep it with her and read it anytime she feels lonely.
Send a small gift threw UPS (I know you will see her, but getting things at home when you least except it is a wonderful feeling)
Leave a message on her answering machine telling her goodnight/good morning. It lets her know you were thinking of her.
Once you have been dating for awhile go to the flower shop and buy (sometimes they will give them to you) petals and make a path to her front door, where you have left her a small gift ( scarf,figurine or a box of chocolates)with a card invitation for dinner.
Ladies can do the same. All men have a sensitive side as well, they just don't like to show it most of the time.
PS: If a woman is looking for you to spend a ton of money on her... She is NOT worth your time.
I went to Wally World the other night with Tank and I had the best time (NO LIE) I have never laughed that hard and had that much fun in my life... We had an awesome dinner and only paid something like $10 a plate and had Fried chicken, Mashed potatoes with gravy, Vegie, Soup, Salad, Hot dinner rolls and Sweet tea.
It's the company your in that makes your date fun. "NOT" the amount of money you spend.
3/29/2011 10:17:54 AM |
Work verses dating |


Somerset, KY
age: 50
What an amazing answer Keezy!Some really great suggestions! I totally agree with the money...that's not even close to what it's all about but unfortunately so many people still buy into that.
Night, you wouldn't (or maybe you would) believe how many men don't work! That seems to be the type I attract. They're able but just don't. You're a hard worker. Try some of keezy's suggestions and I bet you have no problems dating after that!
3/29/2011 10:23:10 AM |
Work verses dating |

Bowling Green, KY
age: 62 online now!
I heard what night is saying. And with the world looking for jobs right now, I don't suggest anyone quit one that is a sure thing. Bird in the hand sort of situation.
But, what I suggest is this. Open up your eyes to people around you. Down the street, around the corner, across town; any lady appeal to you? Night, I think you would have time if the person was closer to you on the map. There is nothing wrong with a grill out, yard darts (or what ever the current game is), or just iced tea on the swing and chat. Ice cream then a walk/talk. Simple pleasures are the best when trying to build a meaningful relationship with another. That would be a way to socialize and get to know someone. Believe it or not, there are women who have a similar story, working too hard and too long, and trying to find time to meet someone.
for seadragon, if "the one" is a party animal and has to be wined/dined/bedded before any other obligation in your life is properly addressed, then, well "the one" is not "the one."
Your real question was "how do you balance your life?" Going to be honest, not very well!! If I am available, the other party is not, if the other party is available, then I am not. And it continues for a while like that. For years I never wanted to go anywhere alone, that is changing. I do go alone now, with caution, a male baseball cap on the dash or deck for safety image that a man is onboard or around. And, I don't dress to kill when I go out alone, now that is a shame. Not one to be a victim, but also not one to take prisoners. Maybe I need to rethink my plan also...think, think, think.
In final thoughts, pick your partner and doe-si-doe.
3/29/2011 10:26:52 AM |
Work verses dating |

Louisville, KY
age: 47
Dating can be fun...And inexpensive
Make a date...
Both bring something for dinner... Cook it at home and bring it..
Meet at a park
Bring a radio for music
Blankets to sit on and keep you close.
Walk the trails
Find arrowheads, rocks, flowers together (plan on making something out of your date) Like bring a glass bowl vase, have a ribbon already around it. (1$ at the dollar store)
Whatever you find on your walk... start making a flower arrangement for her while you walk the trail. Gather up nice stones and flowers and when you get back to have dinner go to your vehicle and put them in the vase and bring them to her.
Simple Pleasures Of Romance 
3/29/2011 10:30:17 AM |
Work verses dating |

Louisville, KY
age: 47
A while back I started a thread called Simple Pleasures maybe I should start a thread here as well.
3/29/2011 10:48:27 AM |
Work verses dating |

Lexington, KY
age: 45
I heard what night is saying. And with the world looking for jobs right now, I don't suggest anyone quit one that is a sure thing. Bird in the hand sort of situation.
But, what I suggest is this. Open up your eyes to people around you. Down the street, around the corner, across town; any lady appeal to you? Night, I think you would have time if the person was closer to you on the map. There is nothing wrong with a grill out, yard darts (or what ever the current game is), or just iced tea on the swing and chat. Ice cream then a walk/talk. Simple pleasures are the best when trying to build a meaningful relationship with another. That would be a way to socialize and get to know someone. Believe it or not, there are women who have a similar story, working too hard and too long, and trying to find time to meet someone.
for seadragon, if "the one" is a party animal and has to be wined/dined/bedded before any other obligation in your life is properly addressed, then, well "the one" is not "the one."
Your real question was "how do you balance your life?" Going to be honest, not very well!! If I am available, the other party is not, if the other party is available, then I am not. And it continues for a while like that. For years I never wanted to go anywhere alone, that is changing. I do go alone now, with caution, a male baseball cap on the dash or deck for safety image that a man is onboard or around. And, I don't dress to kill when I go out alone, now that is a shame. Not one to be a victim, but also not one to take prisoners. Maybe I need to rethink my plan also...think, think, think.
In final thoughts, pick your partner and doe-si-doe.
I guess I need to place an asterik to my original post. I am not saying that I think I have to spend alot of money on a date or special person. It's that when I go out with a lady it's that I want to. You all are correct about cutting corners and making a great evening without having to sacrifice. But some of you girls are so great, I just gotta do more!!!! 
3/29/2011 10:50:37 AM |
Work verses dating |

Crab Orchard, KY
age: 58
Guess what it's time for? work...I'll review the posts when I get home....Please keep in mind, the question.....suggestions are fine...good ideas etc. But that's not answering the question....k? 
3/29/2011 11:05:12 AM |
Work verses dating |

Bowling Green, KY
age: 62 online now!
I've worked all of life...Even as a kid at home, I had chores every day. I didn't have time for sports or much socializing. Joined the Navy straight out of school...worked, got out, got a job....worked. Took a buyout that my company (after 20 years) offered and went back to work....work, work, work.....The job I'm in now seems to be all consuming....6 days a week with 8, 10 and 12 hour days AND 2nd shift. So, I join a dating site in hopes of dating....I'm not in a big hurry to find a LTR, but I WOULD like to have some fun with someone of the opposite sex every now and then. But, again, there's work....that four letter word that keeps rearing it's head.
Question: How do YOU balance your work life with your social life?  
Just bringing your statement and question forward again.
Everyone, night wants to know
"How do YOU balance YOUR work life with YOUR social life?"
ahhh, night, you want the real romance novels here, don't ya?
The ones who are truly successful are not posting quite as often now:
trustmereborn and dawn
Laker and hoeman
billc and rose
Tanker and Miss Becky
They all have been very successful, working and dating.
Certain after type/talking with Keezylady and Tanker, much of what she says, she has actually done, and IT WORKED, Tanker and Keezylady quietly tied the knott in FL.
3/29/2011 11:23:50 AM |
Work verses dating |


Somerset, KY
age: 50
My work life is my kids and I don't have a social life outside of DH so problem solved LOL... 
3/29/2011 11:35:05 AM |
Work verses dating |

Bowling Green, KY
age: 62 online now!
My work life is my kids and I don't have a social life outside of DH so problem solved LOL...  
michelle, my Belle, we are just going to have to bring the Mountain to you!
3/29/2011 12:10:05 PM |
Work verses dating |


Somerset, KY
age: 50
hmm, sounds interesting! Does he have big strong arms? 
3/29/2011 12:32:18 PM |
Work verses dating |

Bowling Green, KY
age: 62 online now!
hmm, sounds interesting! Does he have big strong arms? 
Guys have the brawn, big strong arms, and understated brains; most just waitin to exercise both. Open eyes and look harder, he is around you now most likely.
3/29/2011 2:26:44 PM |
Work verses dating |

Walton, KY
age: 50
But that's not answering the question k?

OK . . . so let's get down to the brass tacks.
What amount of time are you willing to offer a LTR on a daily basis ?
3/29/2011 4:16:08 PM |
Work verses dating |


Somerset, KY
age: 50
I didn't reread his original post but I think he said he's not looking for a ltr anytime soon but he is looking to date someone.
3/29/2011 4:23:36 PM |
Work verses dating |


Somerset, KY
age: 47
You asked how we choose.
You don't have to.
If you really want to meet someone you will put some effort into it.
Take some of the suggestions and use them.
She has to be working too. So her time is a valuable as yours.
3/29/2011 8:34:24 PM |
Work verses dating |

Richmond, KY
age: 49
I've worked all of life...Even as a kid at home, I had chores every day. I didn't have time for sports or much socializing. Joined the Navy straight out of school...worked, got out, got a job....worked. Took a buyout that my company (after 20 years) offered and went back to work....work, work, work.....The job I'm in now seems to be all consuming....6 days a week with 8, 10 and 12 hour days AND 2nd shift. So, I join a dating site in hopes of dating....I'm not in a big hurry to find a LTR, but I WOULD like to have some fun with someone of the opposite sex every now and then. But, again, there's work....that four letter word that keeps rearing it's head.
Question: How do YOU balance your work life with your social life?  
okay 6 days a week and your on second shift. I see a brunch date that will fit in. your day off you need to eat then too. I see a way of sliding a date in at least one day a week possible 2. It depends on the amount of time you need to rest and your not talking about any child work. look at as a child your taking care of where would you fit raising one in? all of us women have had to do this even some men. Its how badly you want that women compaine around? also you get off work hmm midnight? 1am? some ladies go to work at 4 or 5 am theres a breakfast date. just let the lady know your sched you can set a side and the right one will make it at that time and if she cant you figure that time out!. shar
3/29/2011 8:36:11 PM |
Work verses dating |

Richmond, KY
age: 49
Dating can be fun...And inexpensive
Make a date...
Both bring something for dinner... Cook it at home and bring it..
Meet at a park
Bring a radio for music
Blankets to sit on and keep you close.
Walk the trails
Find arrowheads, rocks, flowers together (plan on making something out of your date) Like bring a glass bowl vase, have a ribbon already around it. (1$ at the dollar store)
Whatever you find on your walk... start making a flower arrangement for her while you walk the trail. Gather up nice stones and flowers and when you get back to have dinner go to your vehicle and put them in the vase and bring them to her.
Simple Pleasures Of Romance  love them ideas!!
3/29/2011 10:39:12 PM |
Work verses dating |

Walton, KY
age: 50
I didn't reread his original post but I think he said he's not looking for a ltr anytime soon but he is looking to date someone.

Sorry . . . I need to quit reading when I'm tired - 
3/30/2011 8:31:29 AM |
Work verses dating |

Crab Orchard, KY
age: 58
All very good answers and I appreciate the candidness, humor and suggestions. I guess I knew that there wasn't a cut and dried answer for my situation when I posted this, but maybe was hoping for a 'revelation' of sorts, something I hadn't thought of. I will take everything said here into consideration.
I know it can and will happen, probably when I least expect it. I'm not one to jump into a commitment without knowing the person first so I realize this is going to take time and effort to find someone that meets my criteria and I theirs. I read on here somewhere that you have to pull alot of weeds to find the flower you're looking for. My hands sure are sore!  
Thanks again for your comments....