3/2/2008 12:00:34 PM |
Just when WAS the last time you lied about your age... |

Sedro Woolley, WA
age: 58
and got away with it? I got an ego boost by saying I was 42 once, when I was really 50--felt God would forgive me that one....
3/2/2008 12:04:30 PM |
Just when WAS the last time you lied about your age... |

Summerville, SC
age: 49
I never lied about my age, if someone doesn't like me because of my age well then I don't care to be around them.
3/2/2008 12:05:42 PM |
Just when WAS the last time you lied about your age... |

Butler, KY
age: 52
Never have never will..Period..
3/2/2008 12:05:51 PM |
Just when WAS the last time you lied about your age... |

Venice, FL
age: 55
I once got busted for the telling the truth about my age in the lounge of the local bowling alley, where many of my friends hung out. I was not drinking, but I was not allowed on the other side of the glass partition, because I was not 18. I lie about my age every single year..in December, I start telling people I am the age I will be the following May...that way, when it does come..I am totally adjusted There is no half in my vocabulary when it comes to may age
3/2/2008 12:08:58 PM |
Just when WAS the last time you lied about your age... |

Seymour, IN
age: 51
have not lied about my age... very proud to have made it this far and if people don't like me because of my age, there is the door and hope it doesn't hit them in the butt on the way out...
3/2/2008 12:10:34 PM |
Just when WAS the last time you lied about your age... |

Liberty Hill, TX
age: 59
Don't recall having felt the need to fib about my age...ever.
Besides, I figure people are fairly astute when it comes to really guessing
age even though it seems to be fairly common to guess at -10 years.
3/2/2008 12:11:43 PM |
Just when WAS the last time you lied about your age... |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
Don't recall ever lying about my age. If I don't care for someone to know my age I'll reframe from telling them. I like it more when I tell someone my real age and they tell me, I don't look it (THAT old) or that I seem younger. 
3/2/2008 12:19:26 PM |
Just when WAS the last time you lied about your age... |

Sedro Woolley, WA
age: 58
Well, did any of you ever hesitate when saying your age? I have no shame in my game, I just minused 8 years from my age to see if my story would pass. When it did,   I felt GREAT! And that was surprising
[Edited 3/2/2008 12:23:04 PM]
3/2/2008 12:19:38 PM |
Just when WAS the last time you lied about your age... |

Springfield, MO
age: 53
I had to laugh at this one, when I do tell people my age, they accuse me of lying, that I can't be THAT old????, guess I don't look my age, don't act it and sure don't feel it....age is merely a state of mind and something the state slaps on the driver's license?
3/2/2008 12:36:05 PM |
Just when WAS the last time you lied about your age... |

Hickory, NC
age: 55
I will say to be honest 1 time ,I was just 16 and needed a job in
a mill and I said I was 18 to help my family I had a baby and a hurt husband.
3/2/2008 12:37:28 PM |
Just when WAS the last time you lied about your age... |

Marshall, MO
age: 59
I have never lied about my age why should I? What would it get me to lie? guilt? I can do with out that. lol However if I feel that someone is trying to be sarcastic to me due to my age then I will just tell them they shouldnt ask a lady her age and move on. lol
3/2/2008 12:43:41 PM |
Just when WAS the last time you lied about your age... |

Rolla, MO
age: 61
Thats way to far back.. was needing some beer then and wasn't old enough.. don't have that problem anymore??.. Don't drink that much beer anymore either... 
3/2/2008 12:46:42 PM |
Just when WAS the last time you lied about your age... |

Charlottesville, VA
age: 70
I asked some lady friends at work how old did they think I would pass for. 55 seemed to be consensus. I used it for Three years on Four different web sites and it not help one iota. So I decided to tell the truth on DHU. My nose is still very very long. 

[Edited 3/2/2008 12:50:49 PM]
3/2/2008 12:47:06 PM |
Just when WAS the last time you lied about your age... |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
My age is wrong on my marriage license but it was NOT my doing. My age is wrong on my marriage license but it was NOT my/our doing. We ran away to Mexico and got married, I was 16. For some reason the guy/official said something about it would get THEM in trouble if they married us that young so he put down 17. Not sure what the reason was as I didn’t understand a word of any of it. All I understood was when I was nugged to say “I Do” and it came out “uh hun”. A running joke with me and my ex he told me I agreed to a LOT of stuff in the vows. 
I didn't have to lie about my age for drinking because in Texas if I was with my husband he could server me. I could not order but he could and then give it to me.
[Edited 3/2/2008 12:49:08 PM]
3/2/2008 12:47:29 PM |
Just when WAS the last time you lied about your age... |

Fredonia, TX
age: 72
I've never lied about my age, but have been accuse of it. I've not looked my age for a long time now. My mom was the same way. When I was in my thirties, people very often thought we were sisters. I never told on her. Let her enjoy it. She'd usually, eventually let the cat out of the bag. I am proud to be the age I am. If someone has a problem with my age, it truly is their problem, not mine.