4/4/2011 8:29:30 AM |
For All Ladies |


Ogden, UT
age: 51
Pass this to friends and daughters! snopes verified. scarey stuff.
Police Warning
(Send to Everyone)
People are R E A L L Y crazy! If you are a female, take heed! If
you are male and have a significant female in your life who you care about,
whether it's your wife, your girlfriend, your daughter, your sister, your
niece, your cousin, your next door neighbor; whomever..............pass this
along! Always, "Better safe than sorry!"
A man came over and offered his services as a painter to a female
putting gas in her car and left his card. She said no, but accepted his card
out of courtesy and got in her car. The man then got into a car driven by
another gentleman. As the lady left the service station, she saw the men
following her out of the station at the same time. Almost immediately, she
started to feel dizzy and could not catch her breath. She tried to open the
window and realized that the odor was on her hand; the same hand which
accepted the card from the gentleman at the gas station. She then noticed
the men were immediately behind her and she felt she needed to do something
at that moment. She drove into the first driveway and began to honk her horn
repeatedly to ask for help. The men drove away but the lady still felt
pretty bad for several minutes after she could finally catch her breath.
Apparently, there was a substance on the card that could have seriously
injured her.
This drug is called 'BURUNDANGA' and it is used by people who
wish to incapacitate a victim in order to steal from or take advantage of
them. This drug is four times more dangerous than the date rape drug and is
transferable on simple cards. So take heed and make sure you don't accept
cards at any given time you are alone or from someone on the streets. This
applies to those making house calls and slipping you a card when they offer
their services.
Sgt. Gregory L. Joyner
Internal Affairs Unit
Louisville Metro Department of Corrections
400 South 6th Street
Louisville , Ky 40202
Office: (502) 574-7213 (502) 574-7213
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

4/4/2011 9:56:44 AM |
For All Ladies |

Springville, UT
age: 37
Thankx for the warning. 
4/4/2011 10:03:59 AM |
For All Ladies |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 39
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you have stumbled on to a urban myth. I did a search on burunbanga and all I found was stories about how it was a hoax. The would is scary enough without having to worry about fake emails. 
4/4/2011 10:04:37 AM |
For All Ladies |


Hyde Park, UT
age: 47
4/4/2011 2:03:28 PM |
For All Ladies |


Ogden, UT
age: 51
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you have stumbled on to a urban myth. I did a search on burunbanga and all I found was stories about how it was a hoax. The would is scary enough without having to worry about fake emails. 
Shoot, I should've followed up before posting BUT!!!!
Actually, I am not familiar with burunbanga but I do know for a fact it's been so wide spread and active in Dallas areas few years ago something of similiar toxins.
I refuse to take anything from anyone by contact to avoid any potential danger *card, drinks, food, etc.*. Meaning, if I don't get it for myself unopened/untouched......then I don't want it from anyone else! 
[Edited 4/4/2011 2:09:37 PM ]
4/4/2011 2:10:52 PM |
For All Ladies |


Ogden, UT
age: 51
So, my apologies for this posting that I received in Women's group *not through emails*.....but I still strongly advised all people *yeah, men too* to be aware at all times on US soil or elsewhere travelling. 
4/4/2011 4:06:05 PM |
For All Ladies |


Eden, UT
age: 55
Shoot, I should've followed up before posting BUT!!!!
Actually, I am not familiar with burunbanga but I do know for a fact it's been so wide spread and active in Dallas areas few years ago something of similiar toxins.
I refuse to take anything from anyone by contact to avoid any potential danger *card, drinks, food, etc.*. Meaning, if I don't get it for myself unopened/untouched......then I don't want it from anyone else! 
Now I know why you don't take no shyt from me. Damned internet! But you know you like it and want more!

4/4/2011 8:32:17 PM |
For All Ladies |
West Jordan, UT
age: 42
It's not all urban myth.
It's been used for decades in Columbia. http://www.corpus-delicti.com/smp/Pittel_Burundanga.html

We've been using it for a long time too. Ya know those motion sickness patches you get when you're going on a cruise? You place one behind your ear, leave it on for 3 days, and you don't get seasick. Well, it's the same drug. It can also be taken in pill form for pre-anesthetic sedation and amnesia.
And apparently sometimes hookers use the pill form to dose the john, get him unconscious, and rob him. (see Columbia reference [expert witness] above.)
4/4/2011 8:43:30 PM |
For All Ladies |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 28
one day in wendover after having a drink at the nugget..good think i wasnt driving home...i was in my own pasanger seat, i swear someone dumped a ghb tab in my drink, i was sweating bullets, struggling to stay awake, felt like struggling to stay alive!! 30 minutes later...im completely normal again, not high not drunk nothing~
4/4/2011 9:06:48 PM |
For All Ladies |


Hyde Park, UT
age: 47
It's not all urban myth.
It's been used for decades in Columbia.
On business cards given to a friend of this or that person whose name is quite common at an unspecified gas station in an imprecisely specified city?
Yes, it's the Colombian version of a rufie. Does that mean I can slip you a rufie by shaking your hand?
4/4/2011 10:50:20 PM |
For All Ladies |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 39
After the women in these wake up are they in a bath tub filled with ice and no kidneys? 
4/4/2011 11:19:06 PM |
For All Ladies |


Ogden, UT
age: 51
Now I know why you don't take no shyt from me. Damned internet! But you know you like it and want more!

I don't need shyt from ya, Top! Heck, seriously, I want it and more? In your little ol' dream! Behave before I smack ya!
4/5/2011 3:15:25 AM |
For All Ladies |


Eden, UT
age: 55
Oh please!
Do it again!
I could take a little discipline from you!

[Edited 4/5/2011 3:16:32 AM ]
4/5/2011 7:40:53 AM |
For All Ladies |


Ogden, UT
age: 51
Oh, brother
4/5/2011 8:06:02 AM |
For All Ladies |
West Jordan, UT
age: 42
Wow. Someone slightly contradicts a couple of men, even gets the reference for an expert witness, and both start in with sarcasm and demeaning remarks instead of perhaps acknowledging there's a grain of truth behind the urban myth.
for you both.
4/5/2011 8:16:58 AM |
For All Ladies |


Ogden, UT
age: 51
Wow. Someone slightly contradicts a couple of men, even gets the reference for an expert witness, and both start in with sarcasm and demeaning remarks instead of perhaps acknowledging there's a grain of truth behind the urban myth.
 for you both.
Thanks, M.
4/5/2011 11:42:28 AM |
For All Ladies |


Hyde Park, UT
age: 47
I'm not saying that burundanga or scopolamine isn't being used for illicit purposes in this country.
I just don't believe the original story is true and don't agree with the raging paranoia it seems intent on generating.
You can go ahead and be paranoid about lots of things in lots of places, drinks being spiked with rufies in a bar is a good example. There are plenty of documented cases of creeps taking advantage of naive and even not so naive women in this manner. Go ahead and refuse to allow me to fetch the next round or otherwise leave your drink on the table for me to watch.
It would simply be nice if there were genuine factual justification for a sudden refusal to touch my business card. Maybe if I were handing it to you while wearing rubber gloves?
4/5/2011 3:37:14 PM |
For All Ladies |


Eden, UT
age: 55
Thanks, M.
I dunno but who is this expert witness? Has this expert witness lost thier kidneys? Been on an induced trip? Been doing the same gig here in good ole Utah to thier advantage? Or do we just have a different version of perception of the facts? If it is knowledge of said drug then from the accounts here it is a 50%-50% deal. But so on the other hand the proof is in the pudding. Not surmised.
But then I would definitely have some corncerns if handed a business card at a social event (or other public venue) that was wearing rubber gloves. As this suggests the originator otta be having some reactions of the same from whatever they are passing out. Or now we going to concoct some MI5 / Blackops / CIA ultra secret guawno?
Piss on it I am staying in my house with a loaded gun and all of the doors locked. Scared to come out in the daylight hours. Sleep with all of the lights on at night. But then that is me and I do take it for granted... I am a male. The need to express concern for the female sector is amiss?

4/5/2011 4:13:42 PM |
For All Ladies |


Ogden, UT
age: 51
Oh, my gosh, MEN...........ugh!
4/5/2011 4:34:40 PM |
For All Ladies |


Eden, UT
age: 55
Just as Joe Friday said... "The facts Mam. Just the facts."
Is that too much to ask since it appears that we (the readers) am the judges that these two sides are trying to sway here. I am still in the middle. More retorict comments please!

4/5/2011 7:17:09 PM |
For All Ladies |


Hyde Park, UT
age: 47
I suppose I should be buying into that 200,000% exaggeration of the Bakken Formation I received yesterday as well.

4/5/2011 8:17:09 PM |
For All Ladies |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 39
All I meant was this story has been floating around for at least 4 years. That source was written in 1998. There is no way to absorb enough of this drug through you skin, even if the card was dripping wet. There is plenty of things in this world for women the be afraid of without having to worry about impossible situation happening. If it was a true story then why can't I find someone with first hand knowledge of it. Not a friend of a friends cousin knows someone that it happened to.
4/5/2011 9:12:46 PM |
For All Ladies |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 33
14 yrs sweetie, 14 years.
4/5/2011 9:44:44 PM |
For All Ladies |


Ogden, UT
age: 51
Men.........*plugging my ears with my finger and singing aloud*........toodles.
4/6/2011 1:11:50 AM |
For All Ladies |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 33
The drug is real, the email is bogus.
And if you read deeper into Pittel's testimony about the drug, the trace amounts that can be passed along on paper will only cause light submissiveness that will affect both the bearer and the recipient of the paper. Not enough for you to be taken against your free will.
To ingest enough burunbanga, it would have to be slipped to you as a roofie. And we're all already aware of the dangers of traditional roofies.
And yes, this problem is 14 years old.
4/6/2011 1:14:57 AM |
For All Ladies |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 28
congrats on your lucky find~ wink wink
4/6/2011 1:18:20 AM |
For All Ladies |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 33
Thanks J
4/6/2011 1:29:16 AM |
For All Ladies |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 28
I met with a sweetheart myself today!! I feel good about us so far~
4/6/2011 1:41:04 AM |
For All Ladies |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 33
Congrats!!! I'm glad to hear it. 
4/6/2011 6:51:48 AM |
For All Ladies |


Eden, UT
age: 55
All I meant was this story has been floating around for at least 4 years. That source was written in 1998. There is no way to absorb enough of this drug through you skin, even if the card was dripping wet. There is plenty of things in this world for women the be afraid of without having to worry about impossible situation happening. If it was a true story then why can't I find someone with first hand knowledge of it. Not a friend of a friends cousin knows someone that it happened to.
But... We have an expert witness!
Although I can appreciate the point the needs for "dripping wet", injestion... whatever and however.
Could this be another scare that someone created for attention?
I want some attention! I like to be rode hard and put away....."dripping wet"!!!!!