6/23/2007 12:20:43 AM |
Lost in Space a Sex Fantasy |


Columbus, GA
53, joined Jun. 2007
Ok now first we have the original characters :
Professor John Robinson commander of the Robinson family expedition. Doctor Maureen Robinson John's wife. She is the mother of their children, Judy, Penny and Will. Major Don West is the pilot of the expedition's spacecraft, the Jupiter. Don is romantically interested in Judy Robinson, and distrustful of Dr Smith. Judy Robinson is the older Robinson daughter. Penny Robinson is the middle child Will Robinson is a child prodigy in electronics; he is the youngest and brightest, and a particular friend of Dr. Smith and the Robot. Doctor Zachary Smith."The Robot. And Debbie is Penny's pet "Bloop": a creature found on the planet which seemed to continually make "bloop" noises.
Of course 5 of these are one family so unless you want inbreeding so there only so much they can do. They are however traveling from planet to planet and this is a new series so you can create planetary stops and characters and even dock with other spacecrafts and such. You can be any character original or created. So let’s get started and see how creative you are.
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6/23/2007 12:22:16 AM |
Lost in Space a Sex Fantasy |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
rflmao, BLOOP!
6/23/2007 12:24:04 AM |
Lost in Space a Sex Fantasy |


Columbus, GA
53, joined Jun. 2007
I thought you'de like this one. I really had to think it all out though! Bloop figures you'd choose that I'll be mothman will be attracted. LOL
6/23/2007 12:24:07 AM |
Lost in Space a Sex Fantasy |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
The Giant Carrot that got water to moisturize his body out of the gas pump! Turned Dr. Smith into a poetry reciting Celery Plant.
6/23/2007 12:25:18 AM |
Lost in Space a Sex Fantasy |


Columbus, GA
53, joined Jun. 2007
Wow you are good I remember that one too.
6/23/2007 12:28:09 AM |
Lost in Space a Sex Fantasy |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
The green venus lady that was hitting on Dr Smith thru the windshield of the spaceship.
6/23/2007 12:39:14 AM |
Lost in Space a Sex Fantasy |


Columbus, GA
53, joined Jun. 2007
And the venus lady had put a spell on him too.
6/23/2007 12:48:07 AM |
Lost in Space a Sex Fantasy |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
Do u remember the one with the sea monster, Angus, and they looked like they were in a Scottish castle?
6/23/2007 12:51:24 AM |
Lost in Space a Sex Fantasy |


Columbus, GA
53, joined Jun. 2007
But of course for someone into hair that would be a good one! LOL
6/23/2007 12:53:17 AM |
Lost in Space a Sex Fantasy |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
They had to look for compatible land in there range rover and went thru all kinds of inclement weather.
6/23/2007 12:59:55 AM |
Lost in Space a Sex Fantasy |


Columbus, GA
53, joined Jun. 2007
Is that why the range Rover was shaking so much? I wondered about that!
6/23/2007 1:19:39 AM |
Lost in Space a Sex Fantasy |

Columbia, SC
51, joined May. 2007
man I cant remember that show, and I watch it all the time too.. Oh well brain fart...
6/23/2007 1:21:42 AM |
Lost in Space a Sex Fantasy |


Columbus, GA
53, joined Jun. 2007
That's ok beach it's so late I can't remember what I said 2 minutes ago. LOL
6/23/2007 1:23:51 AM |
Lost in Space a Sex Fantasy |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
The range rover was always shaking the elements were so dead set against them. I dont think I can remember anymore episodes right now, am fading fast......
6/23/2007 1:31:42 AM |
Lost in Space a Sex Fantasy |


Columbus, GA
53, joined Jun. 2007
Remember the one with the gambling machine?
6/23/2007 3:33:46 PM |
Lost in Space a Sex Fantasy |


Columbus, GA
53, joined Jun. 2007
Hey I would love to take the Range Rover for a drive over to the "Beach" and make some waves. How bout it beach?
6/24/2007 2:39:54 AM |
Lost in Space a Sex Fantasy |
Athens, GA
54, joined Jun. 2007
Just tuned in but you folks are getting way off the actual fantasy topic. Here's my take on it. As you may recall the character of Dr. Smith changed over the course of the series from one of an evil genius and manipulator to one of a cowardly sneak, if I remember correctly. This makes me believe all is not as it seems. Don desperately wants us to believe he is in love with Judy Robinson and suspicious of Dr. Smith. However, Don is actually gay, very, very gay. His suspicions of Dr. Smith are based in jealousy. He wants to be aware of Smith's movements because he is in love with him. Meanwhile, Smith, seemingly gay himself, is actually a dominatrix. He has Will Robinson guarding the door to a cave while Dr. Smith ties Judy spreadeagled in a spandex thong atop a large flat rock. He tortures her with the bastinado technique and then the Robot enters the room. He has been technilogically "enhanced" by Will Robinson. Will's genius at electronics coupled with his constant indoctrination by Dr. Smith results in Will completely losing his sexual identity. He creates a four foot pseudo penis and attaches it to the robot. Will can only achieve arousal through watching The robot engage in a wide variety of perverse sexual acts. The robot enters the cave programmed to defile Judy Robinson, who, under the spell of Smith, lies on the rock, breathless and sweating, begging for the electronic member to "fill her space". Of course this gives us some inkling of the thought behind the show. The title "Lost In Space" refers only metaphorically to actual space voyagers who lose their way. The real journey is to search their genetic and experiential makeup in order to eventually "Find their Space" or, their sexual identity. Now, using the robot as the vehicle for defiling Judy is a bit of psychological transference on Will's part. It enables him to attain arousal from his sister's "rape" once removed, thereby preventing him from feeling the guilt he would normally experience at these fantasies of incest. Of course in my episode, Judy is a submissive who equates her self realization with having her "space" filled by the robot. The Robot enters the cave with his all too familiar "Warning, Warning, oil engulfed piston injection for Judy Robinson." Lights flash, there is a brief earthquake. Dr. Smith holds his hand to his mouth to stifle a scream. The robot completes the act and immediatley his expandable arms fall at his side and his power shuts down as often happened in the show. This demonstrates he is satiated and completely exhausted. Don rushes into the cave, breathless because he has been following "Judy" and wants to insure "Smith" has done her no harm. However, when he sees the outlandish orgy at it's end, he flushes with lust, not for Judy, but for the mastermind, Dr. Smith, who is capable of orchestrating such bizarre events. Don rips his leotards away to reveal a leather thong and collar. He gets on all fours and begs Smith to beat him with a rubber hose but Smith and Will Robinson merely scoff at him as they exit the cave; leaving the spent robot, the still bound Judy, and the humiliated Don to their own devices. They return to the spaceship just in time to intrude on Will's dad, strangling himself with a scarf as he practices auto-erotic asphyxiation. They save him just in time for the three of them to join Will's mom, June Lockhart, who enters the spaceship with a pitcher of cool aid, oblivious to the perverse goings on. I refuse to include the younger daughter because I believe she is underage. Also, that bleep pet she has results in Dr. Smith's reporting the Robinson's to the intergallactic version of The Department of Family and Children Services because there is absolutely no telling what sorts of diseases that space pet is carrying. Also, I don't recall an episode telling whether it is spayed or neutered. However, speaking of neutering, what emasculating acts may lie in store for poor Don now that his secret is out? As I write this I'm coming to the realization that those Robinsons are some extremely sick, weird, puppies.