3/24/2008 9:34:56 PM |
He was killed 2 years ago tomarrow |
Puyallup, WA
age: 33
It is so hard to describe the complete emptiness losing a spouse leaves. Are daughter was only 4, she had her birthday just five days before. Some night I can almost feel him sleeping next to me, but he isn't there and never will be agian. I miss so much having him in my life and so want to be able to love like that again. Dating is so hard for I ache and yearn to be held close and to be loved, but also feel guilt. I feel guilty for still having needs and wanting to be sexual again. Does anyone else feel like that. I'm just 33, to young not to try to have a life again with someone new.
3/24/2008 10:18:26 PM |
He was killed 2 years ago tomarrow |
Los Angeles, CA
age: 88
It's perfectly OK to feel the way you do- besides the guilt. You know he would want you to be happy, and if after two years, finding someone to share your life is what will make you happy, that's normal for you. 
I'll say a prayer for you tomorrow- all of us here know how tough those "anniversaries" can be 
3/25/2008 2:30:10 PM |
He was killed 2 years ago tomarrow |

Morristown, TN
age: 51
it is normal to feel that way...I have been a widow twice and it does not get any easier trying to find that true love again...
I first time, I was just 33, had been taking care of him for almost 3 yrs...he had lost his leg due to his sugar and had ripped his stitches out and they would not sew them back up for fear of infection...so changed bandages every couple of hours, was working a full time job, we had a 9 yr daughter and was a full time college student....
after he passed away, never thought I would find that true love again...but just 10 months later, I met this him and just 21 days later, we were married...we were married almost 11 yrs and he was killed in an car accident on his way to work one morning....
its hard getting out there but I know you will be fine...just take it slow and enjoy life....
3/27/2008 6:00:18 PM |
He was killed 2 years ago tomarrow |

Elgin, TX
age: 62
Do what feels right and forget the guilt. life goes on- and so should we.
3/28/2008 7:26:29 PM |
He was killed 2 years ago tomarrow |

Tuckahoe, NY
age: 35
I know the feeling. Wednesday was 6 years since my husband passed and this time the day just seemed so bad. I was also very young when he died (29)and to make matters worse I was 4 months pregnant with our son. It kills me inside evrytime my son asks for his dad. The pain never goes away, but you learn to live with that pain and it actually does make you stronger.
4/11/63 - 3/26/02
3/28/2008 9:40:59 PM |
He was killed 2 years ago tomarrow |
Los Angeles, CA
age: 88

3/31/2008 8:03:09 AM |
He was killed 2 years ago tomarrow |
Puyallup, WA
age: 33
Thanks to everyone for sharing your experiences with me. It helps so much to know others understand and have felt the same type of loss.   
3/31/2008 7:26:52 PM |
He was killed 2 years ago tomarrow |

Longwood, FL
age: 53
I understand the guilt feelings, it is not uncommon. And I feel for you on the anniversary as they are hard to come to and hard to face somethmes. But as someone else said you almsot get used to it. We all deal with our losses in th way we can, and yours is unique to you. Don't worry so much about how the guilt feels. You are not "cheating", you are moving forward and leaving him in that space in your heart just made for him. But your heart has room fr more love to give and receive, and it will come in the time that is should, not at our request.
I'll keep you in thoughts.

4/12/2008 12:08:01 AM |
He was killed 2 years ago tomarrow |

Lahaina, HI
age: 52
I hope you made it through the day.. It is a hard one.. It's been 4 years now and I still feel him close by sometimes... Guilt is normal but remember you are young and have the right to be happy.... you will always carry him in your heart but as the song for Titanic "the heart will go on..."
7/9/2008 8:42:38 PM |
He was killed 2 years ago tomarrow |

Harrisville, RI
age: 38
I two lost someone 5/20/06 and yes its hard to know whats right and wrong but the one you lost love`s you and would want to see you happy.So if you feel the need to be loved and held it`s ok but be careful I found that some people will use you because they know your easy pray and will play you for there needs.They dont realize that by our lost we were given a gift that no one else who hasn`t lost someone has.The ability to love someone with all our heart and soul and will do anything thing in our power to make the new loved one happier then they could ever dream.I`m not saying we didn`t love our lost love`s with out heart and soul we did but maybe it`s only me but I have a feeling deep down inside that I never knew I had until I lost her I feel bad at time`s that I could`nt give her that feeling I found after she died.I tell her all the time that I truly love her and I still share the gift she gave me with her but I know she gave that gift to me so I could be happy again.I`ll never forget her and she will always be with me till we meet again.Sorry if this dosn`t make sense I `m trying to tell this the best way I can I just hope you all some what understand.Just remember the warm breeze you feel is them hugging you and the rainbow you see is them smiling at you.Yes its ok to date again and they would want you to be happy they understand
and would be fine with it,stay strong.
8/19/2008 4:52:54 PM |
He was killed 2 years ago tomarrow |

Fontana, CA
age: 38
It is so hard to describe the complete emptiness losing a spouse leaves. Are daughter was only 4, she had her birthday just five days before. Some night I can almost feel him sleeping next to me, but he isn't there and never will be agian. I miss so much having him in my life and so want to be able to love like that again. Dating is so hard for I ache and yearn to be held close and to be loved, but also feel guilt. I feel guilty for still having needs and wanting to be sexual again. Does anyone else feel like that. I'm just 33, to young not to try to have a life again with someone new.
jarnold i know how you feel cause i lost my husband 2 yrs ago this month. he was only 43 when he passed and i was 36 years of age. i still hear him whistling at me in the middle of the night. I cry myself to sleep every night. I had to move back in with my parents cause i could not handle being in my apartment without him. I tried going out on dates but i am too scared to get involved. I do want to be with someone again but, it is hard to do. if you like you can add me as a friend too talk to. I also used to live in Walla Walla next to you.
8/20/2008 12:23:34 AM |
He was killed 2 years ago tomarrow |

Perryville, MO
age: 44
Big huggs for you and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
It does get better but the anniv. are the hardest for us. He passed away 2 days after our oldest turned 13 and this past Monday was his birthday and was gone exactly 4 1/2 yrs a dbl whammy. For the longest time I didn't think I could go on and the bottle was my friend but it was like one day I woke up out of the fog and put on my happy face for the world and started caring about the everyday stuff again. When he passed on alot of our friends just disappeared and very seldom do we see or talk to them. Oh well their loss and our gain they weren't really a friend to begin with in my book.