Boise, ID
age: 68
Ralph Nader may have an outside admittedly very outside chance of inning this year. Sounds crazy I know but look at it the way Clinton and Obama are at each others trough's has urned off any Democrats. A number of Clinton supporters state they will not vote for Obama if he wins and an equal number of Obama supporters say they will not vote for Clinton if she wins. Now McCain has a number of Evangelical Conservatives which don't want to vote or him. Count in the Independents that don't like any of the big three and you could have a protest vote that could put Ralph Nader in the White House
[Edited 3/27/2008 4:25:48 PM]
London, KY
age: 46
that could happen. god I hope he picks Wilma Mankiller as his veepee! now wouldn't that put a lot of turbans into twists?
Navarre, FL
age: 51
You've got to be kidding..LOL
Let's just hope Killery doesn't get in by trickery....LOL
We are all in for an entertaining election season at worst. At best it is going to be the most important in the last several decades.
BTW, I have dated Ann Coulter, and she still likes me, but not for my political views...
P.S. And yes, I can prove it.