3/30/2008 3:27:41 PM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Glasgow, MT
age: 61
Please tell me about these people.
Someone mentioned they liked wolves and i am wondering more now.....

3/31/2008 4:41:30 AM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Morgan City, LA
age: 53
The noun Wiccian is an old name (Celtic or Saxon I think but not sure) used for the female version of a Wizard. These people utilize the powers of the Earth and "underworld" (Mother Earth) to give their spells and "magick" power. The modern idea of this "Mother Earth" entity is Gaia but the ideas are from the original Celtic cult.
Slightly different from warlocks and witches who rely directly on the powers of Satan for their spells.
Morganeuse and daughter Morgana (or Morgan le Fey) in the fictional stories of King Aurther were Wiccians. Their powers derived from the earth but channeled by the earth spirit Vivien or Nimue otherwise known as the "Lady of the Lake" and in some stories as Moab. (some Authorian stories tell that these two spirits were sisters while other stories don't mention Moab at all)
Merlin, being half human and half earth sprit could channel the powers of the earth himself.
All this is fictional, of course, but the fiction is based on the old Celtic beliefs.
Those that say they are Wiccians or Wizards but deny the above, do not understand the meaning of what they call themselves, basing what they choose to call them selves on Harry Potter stories a complete bastardization of the original ideas and beliefs.
The reference to wolves may be because in these beliefs, the wolf played the part of Earth's protectors and messengers and sometimes, like ravens, were often thought to be the physical embodiment of the earth spirits themselves.
[Edited 3/31/2008 5:13:04 AM]
3/31/2008 9:03:58 AM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Glasgow, MT
age: 61
Thanks a lot. Me being Irish should know some of this, at least.
Good info, appreciate it
3/31/2008 3:55:46 PM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Millers Creek, NC
age: 28
yes and there are so many more also with your irish heritage you should check out dridry also. lots of animal magic there
4/7/2008 9:21:10 AM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Boise, ID
age: 68
It seems the good Capt doesn't know what he is talking about. First while Wicca comes from the Angelo Saxon Wicce or Wicca It is not meant to be solely male In Wicca both are Wiccan. The word means "Wise" because the original practitioners were the Wise ones of the area Wise in their knowledge of Natural cures Wizard may sometimes be used to denote a male but seldom.
Next "Magick" simple denotes the difference between stage magic and real Magick which is the bending of energy.
The term "Warlock" is an insult to any Wiccan as it means "oath breaker" these were Scottish in orgin which came down to England infiltrated covens in order to reveal the names of the members to the authority.
I do not know his reference to Merlin so I will not comment ,however, considering the misinformation he has posted elsewhere. I take it with a grain of salt.
As for your comment about not knowing what we're talking about. I am an initiated Gardnerian Witch. I also come from a line of witches and what I state can be verified on the net. If there is any which are a disgrace to the religion it would be ones like you which don't do their research. It would seem that you prefer fiction to fact so go back and read your Harry Potter
[Edited 4/7/2008 9:26:02 AM]
4/7/2008 6:19:16 PM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Saint James, MO
age: 89
"Gardnerian Witch."
do you do Magick?
i have never known anyone who could bend energy.
how does this manifest?
4/8/2008 4:16:51 AM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
I do not know much about Wicca, but it is nice to see you over here Skunk.
4/8/2008 5:10:25 AM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Boise, ID
age: 68
I'm not certain wheather you were wondering what "Gardenarian Witch" is, Skunk, or not but it means I have been iniated into the Gardeniarian Tradition of Wicca by a High Priestess of the tradition. This traition was founded by Gerald Gardener. Who is refered to as the father of modern Wicca.
Do I do "Magick". Quite ofen. To me it is part of who I am.
"Bending Energy" is a way of doing spells. Let me explain it this way. Atidalwave is coming tword an island you have two choises either you can stand in front and try and stop it or you can crawl on top and gentally guide it around the island. Bending energy s the latter. Through training and practice i can use energy to achive results when casting spells. Hope that helps
Blessed Be
4/8/2008 5:12:03 AM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Boise, ID
age: 68
Deleted because duplicate post
[Edited 4/8/2008 11:59:33 AM]
4/8/2008 11:10:47 AM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Allendale, MI
age: 28
Thank you for the clarifications Spiritwalker.
4/9/2008 8:18:31 AM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Saint James, MO
age: 89
thank you......that sounds like what some christians try to do, ie. pat robertson rebuking a hurricane....is this the same ?
christians speak rebuke in the name of christ. What process do you use? Or can you give an example of some energy bending feat that you performed?
Could this be done by someone accidentally who was not trained?
4/9/2008 4:47:42 PM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Boise, ID
age: 68
I do not recall using the word "rebuke" nor was such my intent. I will not give examples of energy bending nor will I discuss spell casting. As for how it is done that you would have to find out by doing your own training. Mine lasted a Year and a Day. To reveal the how would violate oath I have taken at my initiation and was further refined as part of a coven which also I pledged secrecy. I am not a Warlock therefore I will not be an oath breaker.
[Edited 4/9/2008 4:48:19 PM]
4/9/2008 5:26:54 PM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Saint James, MO
age: 89
Where would one go to get specific information or training?
4/9/2008 7:55:54 PM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Boise, ID
age: 68
Skunk, Useally any large city has a Wiccan Book Store which can head you in the right direction also there is aweb site Witchvox.com which has a lot of info. I'm not that familar with where you live in MO even though my partner is from Arcadia MO
Hope this helps be sure and check out any organization before you invest
4/11/2008 3:01:15 PM |
What is a Wiccian?? |

Saint James, MO
age: 89
thanks,,,come to think of it, i know a few wiccans!...i just never thought about it much...i'll call them and see what they say...they are also involved in other religions....i did think that was strange...i just assumed that they were trying different things...