4/10/2008 10:38:58 PM |
single mom of a autistic child |

Keystone Heights, FL
age: 26
it's really hard to get a date when you have a autistic child 
4/11/2008 9:16:24 AM |
single mom of a autistic child |
Rockford, IL
age: 47
Hang in there, I too am a mother of an autistic child... (young lady). For every lb of pressure added to you, the joy and happiness will come back tenfold at least. Sometimes, we have to die to self for awhile. Make friends here. The rest may come in time.
I'm sending you a big hug... for you are embraced. - Timid
4/11/2008 3:47:09 PM |
single mom of a autistic child |
Roxboro, NC
age: 41
hugs to you too! You must be a very special person to be given such a very special gift. And don't feel bad...the rest of us have a hard time getting dates too!
4/13/2008 11:33:50 AM |
single mom of a autistic child |

Omaha, NE
age: 50
hot mamma..I have a child with "downs" He's the best gift ever.
Don't fret..give yourself some time. It'll come as all does in the proper timing.
5/4/2008 10:17:00 PM |
single mom of a autistic child |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 36
Wow ladies I have to first off commend you. It is hard being single with kids and having to do it all yourself. I am also a single parrent of 3 wonderful kids 2 teens and a 6yr old with autism, I do understand how hard it is to date in this situation. Just finding a sitter that will be able to handle the random behaviors is hard enough just for that 1 hour trip to the store, bt 4 - 5 hours for a date hard stuff. My Daughter takes her brother when I date. I owe her a great deal because if not for her it probably wouldnt happen.
7/27/2008 7:42:23 PM |
single mom of a autistic child |

Keystone Heights, FL
age: 26
I took my daughter to VBS (vacation Bible School..) I was so scared.. But she did Great!! She starts Head Start in 3 weeks!!!
7/28/2008 8:19:41 AM |
single mom of a autistic child |

Alvin, TX
age: 25
I don't have a son with autism so I don't fully understand what you are going through but my son does have a LOT of health problems. So I do understand how it is hard to find a date that can understand it isn't always easy to go out for a date when your child isn't perfectly healthy. Ya know? So just keep your head up and one day someone will come along that will be the right man for yall.
7/31/2008 3:39:08 PM |
single mom of a autistic child |
Owensboro, KY
age: 41
Well, I have a 10 yr old daughter with Bipolar disorder and I can completely feel your pain. I'm not ashamed of her, but it is not something I tell people when we talk of dating. Surely there is hope for us supermoms out there somewhere.
8/4/2008 2:31:48 PM |
single mom of a autistic child |

Ocala, FL
age: 35
well hotmomma this is frank and i can relate to you also my 6 yr. old Yanelis was diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorder which is one of the Autism spectrum disorders. She was diagnosed when she was two yrs. old at that time me and my wife where still together and we got her aproved for headstart we where living in Orange City and took her to Deland to headstart. but i can tell you its the best thing that could have happened for her. She advance so much in so little time I'm extremly appreciative of the program and recommend it to all parents of children with behavioral and developmental problems and about dating., your wright but what do you know!! (I'm a guy your a girl) who nows maybe something can come of this im also christian/pentecostal. but to me as long as i can adore and worship the lord without bieng frowned upon I'm happy.
P.S. hope to talk to you soon and be strong God has a plan for you,also many blessings to your daughter 
8/5/2008 5:55:47 PM |
single mom of a autistic child |

North Brookfield, MA
age: 47
I hope you are doing well, at this moment in time I am wishing you a time for yourself. A defining time just for you as a woman. Not a mom. For those of us with children that have disabilities, it is sometimes not so easy to give ourselves that. I am hoping that somehow you get out and are able to laugh... freely, without any guilt that time is spent on just you. Laugh... every chance you get. Kick a can, because it was there. And most of all... don't loose perspective of the marvelous person that you are.
8/7/2008 7:09:08 PM |
single mom of a autistic child |

Omaha, NE
age: 36
Hang in there. I'm in the process of trying to adopt my x's grandson that has Cerebal Palsy. I have had him since he was born so he is like my own. I wouldn't trade him for anything and anyone I date or think about dating has got to realize that he comes first and always will. His own family can't care for him the way I do and I will not rob him of anything. Dating is not as important.
Would it be nice to have someone to give me a hug when he has a bad day. Absolutely, but not a necessity. When you have a child with disabilities, you get stronger and lots of the guys I have dated don't like that, but guess what. Some men like independant women too.
It takes a very special person to be as patient and giving and strong as we have to be. Those are qualities that any one that I want to be with will cherish.
9/12/2008 12:08:56 PM |
single mom of a autistic child |

Portsmouth, OH
age: 33
no its not if they wont accept your kids to forget them your kids come first im single
9/12/2008 12:10:11 PM |
single mom of a autistic child |

Portsmouth, OH
age: 33
i also have a daughter with down syndrum nicest child youd meet
9/27/2008 10:42:51 AM |
single mom of a autistic child |
Waco, TX
age: 22
I am proud of you don't give up you are a very special person who will in turn be reworded with a very special man. My heart goes out to you much love and respect if you ever want to chat i am just a tape away. Peace!!!!!  
9/28/2008 4:28:01 PM |
single mom of a autistic child |

Lewiston, ME
age: 43 online now!
I have two incredible little boys and both have Autism. I'm constantly getting comments like "that must be so hard". Honestly, I don't know any differently so I can't say that it's harder or not. Raising children is hard. Raising them by yourself is harder, especially when the other parent isn't involved. Raising children with special needs, well that just makes the days more colorful. What gets me is when you tell a potential date/partner that your child(ren) has/have special needs and they disappear like they're afraid of catching some horrible disease. That just shows the other person's ignorance, and that they could never be a part of my life or my boys' lives. We must be pretty special people to have been given such special gifts. Stay strong.