4/14/2008 1:08:14 AM |
12 step group |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 48
1. Yes |
2. I'd rather stay drunk |
I think a group for people in 12 step programs of all kinds would be a big help to those people.
Anyone agree with me?
4/14/2008 1:08:42 AM |
12 step group |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 48
I better say yes, I started the thread
[Edited 4/14/2008 1:08:55 AM]
4/15/2008 8:27:07 AM |
12 step group |

Beacon, NY
age: 52
Yes, absolutely. I'd love to see a 12 Step group underway. Great idea! Calling all "Friends Of Bill W." or any other fellowship. 
4/15/2008 4:51:16 PM |
12 step group |

Bossier City, LA
age: 46
There are all kinds of 12 step recovery programs. Any place, even the internet, could offer support & comfort to people in need.
I attended a Christian 'Celebrate Recovery' program at my church. It was for people with - Hurts, Habits, & Hang-ups-- which would include us ALL.
So Yes- it could be a new group
[Edited 4/15/2008 4:52:15 PM]
4/16/2008 11:00:59 AM |
12 step group |

Saint Augustine, FL
age: 48 online now!
I would like a step program because Im addicted to DH.
4/17/2008 9:58:16 AM |
12 step group |

Beacon, NY
age: 52
Sittinginatree... do you still attend the "Celebrate Recovery" in your Church? Sounds like an awesome meeting. I believe everyone could use a little recovery in their lives. Becoming a part of a 12 step program is the best gift I have received.
4/21/2008 5:00:41 AM |
12 step group |

Michigan, ND
age: 47
Definitely a need.
4/29/2008 6:59:15 PM |
12 step group |
Syracuse, NY
age: 38
I'm in you name it I've probably got the book (AA, NA, Al-Anon). Of course there's also food, sex, gambling and so on.
4/29/2008 7:10:01 PM |
12 step group |
Overland Park, KS
age: 41
I go to offline meetings very infrequently..I try to attend at least 4 a year LOL..I've been a bad boy..in fact..I completely spaced off my sobriety birthday this month..
April 19th marked 20 years clean and sober for me..I DID celebrate last year at my home group..but completely forgot about it til the day the 20th, 9 days ago..
Being sober and drug free is soo muuch a part of my life , it just feels natural, and I tend to forget that I belong to a special group of friends that I can call on world-wide.
Where ever one finds help, it matters not..just so they find the help they need to continue down the road to Happy Destiny.. ODAT my fellow Friends of Bill W. 
4/29/2008 7:17:24 PM |
12 step group |
Stateline, NV
age: 55
I say yes to, it sure doesn't hurt to have support groups, even if it is online.
4/29/2008 11:20:51 PM |
12 step group |

Auburn, WA
age: 53 online now!
It was a 12 step that got me sober we could use a good one

4/30/2008 4:51:50 AM |
12 step group |

London, KY
age: 46
having been borderline myself, hell yes!
4/30/2008 9:01:09 AM |
12 step group |
Syracuse, NY
age: 38
I'm more of an Al-Anon 12 stepper. I will tell you those people saved my life and helped me put the focus where it needed to be.
There are alot of online support groups too. I belong to a wonderful one at yahoo. People I have never met that are as dear to me as my own family.
5/8/2008 5:21:38 PM |
12 step group |

Shreveport, LA
age: 56
Yes, I think it would be great!
I am in recovery from alcohol 19 yrs now. I would
love to be able to help the beginners in what I have
learned from my sponser and others and life changes
since being in recovery..
I could learn as well.......
For awhile, I just traded addictions!!!
5/8/2008 5:23:49 PM |
12 step group |
Piedmont, SC
age: 65
Yes a 12 step group sounds wonderful. Been in AA one day at a time for 13 years.
[Edited 5/8/2008 5:28:46 PM]