4/20/2008 1:32:02 PM |
Should animals have rights too? When one is murdered? |

Red Springs, NC
age: 44
This is my 2 yr old Grand daughters cat, they have grown up together, and last sunday he was shot by a neighbor, for no reason, just did it for fun, .
What gives a person the right to do something like this when all he was doing was playing in our yard. they took him and threw him in a deep ditch, took his collar off. To hide him, I guess, this has torn our family up. He was a big part of it, and Im very up set at how someone could do this to a pet, NO, a family member . His death , No his murder will not go unpunished.   
This is Oliver in Audrey's chair, she only let him set in it, he was her bubbie, and she still calls his name, for him to come play with her.

This is Oliver and Audrey looking out the back door one cold winter day.
[Edited 4/20/2008 1:39:56 PM]
4/20/2008 1:53:58 PM |
Should animals have rights too? When one is murdered? |

Tampa, FL
age: 47
OMG that is sooooo awful!! The pictures are adorable of your granddaughter and her kitty buddy..I know she is heartbroken!! I dont understand how anyone could harm one of Gods creatures..makes me so sick!! DD
4/20/2008 2:03:01 PM |
Should animals have rights too? When one is murdered? |

Red Springs, NC
age: 44
Yes, I know, I was so heart broken the way he was done, and all the other cats and dogs are unharmed, that are in the neighbor hood.....still hurts....Thanks DD......
4/20/2008 2:28:59 PM |
Should animals have rights too? When one is murdered? |

Knapp, WI
age: 46
Yes,I feel that animals have rights too.
I was in a trailor fire that took the lives of my 4 cats.
I was very special to me.
He was an angora and simeese mixed.
He had silver gray and white fur.
I rented a bedroom out to someone who lied about his age.
He burned my trailor down and murdered my cats. Hes in prinson now.
I understand how u feel. Even when I was 21,we had a Huskey and golden retreaver mixed.
She was shot and killed by the town cop.
[Edited 4/20/2008 2:30:21 PM]
4/21/2008 6:05:22 AM |
Should animals have rights too? When one is murdered? |

Farmington, IL
age: 46
Yes! This is a jailable offense! Call the police and press charges!!!
4/21/2008 1:17:53 PM |
Should animals have rights too? When one is murdered? |

Pinckney, MI
age: 89
I would press charges...That is sick...They need to know they have to be responsible for what they did and it won't be taken lightly...Sorry for you loss...Janell
4/21/2008 1:22:44 PM |
Should animals have rights too? When one is murdered? |

Farmington, IL
age: 46
Also, call the ASPCA and PETA. If possible, get the media involved! This may sound like an over-reaction, but this crap HAS to stop! These people need to be punished. It's a damned good thing for them that it wasn't MY cat!
4/21/2008 3:19:30 PM |
Should animals have rights too? When one is murdered? |

Olivet, MI
age: 50
Heck yea,they should have rights. The neighbors I had,killed several of my animals . And did the law didn't do a darn thing. These furry family members should have rights too.Especially if they are in their own yard. And if we chose to retaliate,we would be the ones going to jail. I think anyone who does an animal wrong,the same thing should be done to them. Please give your granddaughter a hug and let her know that her cat is in heaven playing with other kitties and will be okay. I am very sorry for your loss. Do know that I will say a prayer for you and your family.
4/21/2008 3:55:30 PM |
Should animals have rights too? When one is murdered? |

Red Springs, NC
age: 44
Oh they are, we called them , and two days ago, the police came out to where we live, and checked out all the homes near us, the Capt, said he will be getting in touch with us soon.... Thanks everyone, Beach  
4/21/2008 4:13:27 PM |
Should animals have rights too? When one is murdered? |

Farmington, IL
age: 46
Beach, Keep us informed and give your Grand-daughter a hug for us.
[Edited 4/21/2008 4:13:56 PM]
4/21/2008 4:18:56 PM |
Should animals have rights too? When one is murdered? |

Red Springs, NC
age: 44
Thanks, thats so sweet, I will.....She goes out side , and calls for him.... Its the saddest thing Ive had to do, is see her call to him....   
4/21/2008 5:18:35 PM |
Should animals have rights too? When one is murdered? |

Urbanna, VA
age: 45
OMG, Beach. Thats so very sad, Is she ok, that poor baby. Why would someone do that to that poor kittie. I am sure she does miss oliver. let me know too. If I can help in any way.
4/22/2008 9:07:16 PM |
Should animals have rights too? When one is murdered? |

Red Deer, AB
age: 36
Rights? hell a left as well!! I know and swore to myself if anything happened to my rabbit while living with roommates and they were to fault they better buy a gun or move to a differnet planet cause I'm gonna raise hell upon them or anyone for that matter
I'm soo sorry to hear what happend to that little kat!! Just think as now that kitty is watching over your grandaughter and in a better place.. Murder is murder no questions wether it be an innocent animal or other.. ..
R.I.P. Oliver 
4/23/2008 6:59:00 AM |
Should animals have rights too? When one is murdered? |

Creighton, NE
age: 59 online now!
Sorry about your loss, And you as an owner should have rights to damages and to purpously kill you property some jail would be in order to my thinking. But the animal rights movement & stuff has just plain gotten nutty. No animals do not have rights. But owers & others are expeted to give them resposible treatment at all times. And owners do have rights to protect them selves and there animals, even from the peta peaple.
4/23/2008 8:18:38 PM |
Should animals have rights too? When one is murdered? |

Red Springs, NC
age: 44
But look at it this way, If I was mistreating this animal, all hell would break loose, and I would be in JAIL>.......No questions. OR if my dog bit another dog, I would be in court,
Paying for the vet bills...... While this person KILL, this wonderful little buddy, for no reason.
Life is not fair, It isn't and show us that at any moment we too, can be lost.
Sorry but this has upset me alot.... IT HAS>>>>>>>> beach  
[Edited 4/23/2008 8:19:11 PM]