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4/22/2008 1:13:58 PM |
Calgary Nightlife |

Calgary, AB
age: 55
Are there any nightlife venues in Calgary for an older crowd? I'm thinking dancing, glass of wine, meet some new singles kind of a thing.

4/22/2008 8:49:19 PM |
Calgary Nightlife |

Red Deer, AB
age: 36
Sounds like a good place I'd go too.. Lets open something like that up Besides I need to get out of this town!
4/22/2008 10:22:11 PM |
Calgary Nightlife |

North York, ON
age: 54
There are a few things, yes. You don't need to be alone or lonely just because you're in Calvary. I mean, Calgary. First, there is the manure stompede. You keep on stomping on it. Then there is the bull races. Then there is the bull-pull, which is similar to tractor-pull demolition dirbies, except it's the hay that gets demolished. (Remember, we don't do anything cruel in Canada, even to bulls.) If you want more daring activities for the fifty-plus crowd, there are the slot machines, the golf course of course, and the wife-swapping clubs for neo-nazis. If you're absolutely bored out of your skull, there is the wonderful subway system, full of very interesting people that you can talk to, who will talk back to you, even if you happen to be a token turnstile.
Never a boring moment.
4/23/2008 3:41:22 PM |
Calgary Nightlife |

Calgary, AB
age: 57
You must be thinking of Toronto's nightlife, joyschoice. First off, we don't have a subway system, nor do we have token turnstiles. Our C-Train is run on the honour system but perhaps that will all have to change as we get more & more easterners.
Sorry if I sound snarly, joyschoice. I may have taken your comments incorrectly. I happen to love it here & so your post got my back up. 
4/23/2008 4:35:32 PM |
Calgary Nightlife |

Calgary, AB
age: 55
Janey, if you find some, let me know. If I go out for a drink which is rare, it would be a small pub.
Perhaps some of the lounges in a nice hotel.
Singleguy: I know this is probably an unpopular idea with some, but there are others who
would welcome a non-drinking establishment. Not just for non-drinkers, but also for people
who don't want to be in places where there is drunkenness and the associated problems,
including of late, violence.
IF I had the money, and I don't, I would open a place with no alcohol, and encourage a
variety of music, dancing, and try to appeal to multi=ages.
4/23/2008 6:38:39 PM |
Calgary Nightlife |

Calgary, AB
age: 55
Well that's what I thought .... we'd have to open one ourselves. If I discover anything I'll let you know Forestrose.
singleguy: Aren't there lot's of clubs for people your age?
2bluiz: Yea for standing up for Calgary!
4/24/2008 4:49:21 AM |
Calgary Nightlife |

North York, ON
age: 54
Dear 2Bluiz, Thanks for putting me in my place. I need that once in a while. Yes, I realize I went out on a limb when I mentioned Calgary's subway system. And no, the honour-system would never work in Toronto's subway system. Now a lot of busy stations have a couple of undercover musclemen (they keep their muscles covered) who will "escort" any cheaters back to the turnstile and make them pay or make them leave the dishonour system dishonourably. There are no fines imposed, because that would take more money out of the cheaters' system than put back into it. I mean, what with the court challenges and all.
However, the very busy stations in very poor parts of town, like on Dufferin Station on the Bloor-Danforth line, there are no undercover guards. A, there are so many people who walk through without paying that there is no manpower numerous enough in the world that could stop the insodus of non-payers. And B, they should have to arrest two out of three customers or users of the system, which would make the whole system futile -- there would be no passengers to carry, so everyone in the transit commission would eventually become unemployed. Which means that the noble Albertans would have to support us more than they already do, so let's just keep everything quietly alone.
As for the nightlife -- I prefer daylife. You guys could maybe establish your own interest groups -- from crocheting clubs (expect very few men to attend events) to philosophical discussion groups. Or even just advertise on Craigslist or Meetup.com that you're holding a coffee group in a donut shop or at a large StarBucks. Book clubs -- ooh yes, lots of people like to read and put in their two-cents worth. Movie clubs, with discussions afterward to make it interesting AND a nighty activity as you so fervently wished for one. Post-discussion could happen in a late-night cafe or in a bar or restaurant -- no need to involve alcohol. Bible clubs used to be big at one point. (There are no religious people left in Toronto, and the few who are, we confine them to churches and other places of worship.)
With the computer age it's easy to advertise for free; and it automatically keeps out the troublesome elements, because everyone who needs your ad has to be at least computer literate.
4/24/2008 6:52:03 AM |
Calgary Nightlife |

Calgary, AB
age: 55
Joyschoice; I see your sense of humour in your post!
i.e. can't arrest the freebie riders or there won't be anyone to carry!
Calgary's council approved $100,000 for a revamp of the city's image,
and I am torn in my opinion in that I am tired of the cowboy image
for a metropolitan city of 1 million people, yet acknowledge that
it was an agricultural background that started this province, and is
still a big part of it.
4/24/2008 1:21:19 PM |
Calgary Nightlife |

Calgary, AB
age: 57
Joyschoice, I'm glad you didn't take offense when I wrote before. When I mentioned maybe things would have to change as we got more easterners, my mind went back to Klein's comments when he was mayor of Calgary & I debated whether I dare write that.
Hey Forestrose, I too am torn about the Cowboy image applying now "Cowtown" has grown up so much. And I guess there are still a lot of people out there (particularly those who haven't visited the west in the last 5-10 years) who still think of the area as like a Hillbilly country.
So the city has become cosmopolitan. Guess it's time I accepted that. Law says we can't even ride our horses in the City anymore. Waaaa...let me out!

5/1/2008 7:24:01 AM |
Calgary Nightlife |

Calgary, AB
age: 55
Just thought of something, not nightlife really, but social nonetheless:
at age 50 or 55, you can join the Golden Age Club and they do have some social events.
Not sure if they go past 8 pm though!

5/13/2008 8:04:11 AM |
Calgary Nightlife |

Calgary, AB
age: 46
How about we ourselves organize a social evening? Kind of like an "Alberta Chat" night out. Sell tickets, pick a venue....have some fun!
5/13/2008 12:11:31 PM |
Calgary Nightlife |

Calgary, AB
age: 57
Happyhorsegirl! This isn't a 'night-life' activity but Forestrose & I are about to arrange another get together for Alberta DH members (we did one last Fall). This time we're thinking of fun-time in a park, the 'theme' being "Welcome Summer!"
Your thoughts on a Social Evening is a good idea, too. Perhaps you'd like to organize something like that???
5/13/2008 8:11:11 PM |
Calgary Nightlife |

Calgary, AB
age: 46
Your park activity sounds like fun. Did you have a good turn out last year? I think to arrange a social, I might need some help with that. Not sure that I have the time to undertake that one by myself. If someone wants to do it I'd be more than willing to help out for sure. Let me know.
5/13/2008 8:17:15 PM |
Calgary Nightlife |

Calgary, AB
age: 55
I'm up for anything! I have no gift for organization at all, but will do what I can to help out.
Last year, I met 2bluiz at the get together. We became friends and she is such a fine lady.
This year, bring me a man, ok, Blu? Oh, I hear ya - if ya had one, ya'd keep him yourself! 
It is always pleasant to meet new people, have some fun, sometimes we make friends,
sometimes just friends for the day - it's all good.
Thorncliffe community hall has a small 4 lane bowling alley with a small pub attached.
The lanes can be reserved, either free or very cheap - can't recall - that might be a night out.
I don't bowl, but what the heck. I can usually get 100, or was that 10 - whatever!
5/13/2008 9:04:15 PM |
Calgary Nightlife |

Calgary, AB
age: 46
Sounds like fun....I'll pitch in.