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3/28/2012 9:55:40 AM |
Overland Park, KS
60, joined Feb. 2012
& say so little 
Yr thoughts????
The Bear
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

3/30/2012 12:24:48 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Franklin, NC
58, joined Feb. 2012
Will answer your question w/a question:
Because....all women are the same???????!!!!


Sounds to me like you don't like women, in general.
Sure, I could be wrong - yet for you to make such a blanket statement w/in your question, generalizing ALL women AND demeaning the content of what women in general, have to say - seems clear to me that you don't like women! Lots of people out there who may lust, yet lack ANY like, respect nor remote possibility of love of the objects of their lust.
Best wishes.
[Edited 3/30/2012 12:25:43 PM ]
3/30/2012 12:57:25 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Franklin, NC
58, joined Feb. 2012
Thank you for that belly laugh!!! Re the whole "fast" thing! You have a very quick wit there and you're funny as heck!!

@Bear -
I meant no disrespect btw - just stated what I thought & felt after reading your post...
ALL women are not the same - just as all men are so not the same.
Jus' sayin'.
3/30/2012 1:15:02 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Mooresville, NC
62, joined Oct. 2010
I talk fast when I'm afraid a man is going to interrupt me AGAIN!!! I want to get my turn! 
3/30/2012 2:46:35 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Rome, GA
56, joined Sep. 2009
Women are more into details than men when they speak. They can make a trip to walmart for groceries into an hour long discussion where men sum the adventure in one word.
A lot of women also believe that their opinions are not taken seriously or understood.
So they tend to restate their point of view many times during a discussion to make sure
that they are being completely understood.
Some also have the tendency to speak rapidly and not give the opportunity for another's
voice in the discussion because they think this will drive home the correctness of their
views and the person listening will eventually get a clue and just stop arguing.
These are of course generalizations and there are exceptions.
But I've found that women world-wide seem to follow the following philosophy.
“Women don't want to hear what you think. Women want to hear what they think -- in a deeper voice.”- Bill Cosby.
[Edited 3/30/2012 2:47:04 PM ]
3/30/2012 4:30:04 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Mooresville, NC
62, joined Oct. 2010
So CT, if a man speaks his opinion where his wife can't hear him, is he still wrong?   
3/30/2012 4:34:12 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Sullivan, MO
55, joined Mar. 2012
I myself love a woman that talks often ,its the one's that don't that scare me.
Like what the hell they thinking
3/30/2012 7:20:14 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Rome, GA
56, joined Sep. 2009
Of course he is.
That doesn't change even after she's dead or an ex.
It's the tree falling in the woods and making a noise thing.
3/30/2012 8:03:35 PM |
Overland Park, KS |
Overland Park, KS
60, joined Feb. 2012
It is something one half of the population has long suspected - and the other half always vocally denied. Women really do talk more than men.
In fact, women talk almost three times as much as men, with the average woman chalking up 20,000 words in a day - 13,000 more than the average man.
Women also speak more quickly, devote more brainpower to chit-chat - & actually get a buzz out of hearing their own voices. If that isn't enough, the simple act of talking triggers a flood of brain chemicals which give women a rush similar to that felt by heroin addicts when they get a high.
The Bear
3/31/2012 1:45:35 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Franklin, NC
58, joined Feb. 2012
Sorry, I don't buy it. We can each find things out there to support our own views...
I have worked around plenty of guys & it's just like the old belief that women gossip more than men - so not true...
I simply think neither all men this nor all women that...no matter what we are talking about...
AND! In general, I am always leary of blanket statements & when folks use the word "most". Not accusing anyone here of this - speaking about it all in general terms....
Unless someone has conducted some major, rather exhausting type of empirical research project, worldwide - one can so not say "most" women this nor "most" men that.
I find it a much more accurate statement when one says "Most of the women/men whom I have known...."
I have heard just as many guys talk non-stop, seeming to love the sound of their own voices, and heard just as many guys gossip.
By the same token, have met equal parts quiet guys & gals.
So I think it really depends on the individual, male or female.
[Edited 3/31/2012 1:47:29 PM ]
3/31/2012 3:26:58 PM |
Overland Park, KS |
Overland Park, KS
60, joined Feb. 2012
Will answer your question w/a question:
Because....all women are the same???????!!!!
Sounds to me like you don't like women, in general.
Sure, I could be wrong - yet for you to make such a blanket statement w/in your question, generalizing ALL women AND demeaning the content of what women in general, have to say - seems clear to me that you don't like women! Lots of people out there who may lust, yet lack ANY like, respect nor remote possibility of love of the objects of their lust.
Best wishes.
U didn't ask a ?,,,what U did is infer me as a woman hater,,,,,,,,,,do tell how U came 2 that conclusion? That is a ????
The Bear
well ... being a woman .
U R? Could have fooled me...
Thea bear
@Bear -
I meant no disrespect btw - just stated what I thought & felt after reading your post...
ALL women are not the same - just as all men are so not the same.
Jus' sayin'.
I never said ALL & yes U ment disrespect,,,Fn B*tch
The Bear
I talk fast when I'm afraid a man is going to interrupt me AGAIN!!! I want to get my turn! 
Just another control freak off her meds again.....
The Bear
Women are more into details than men when they speak. They can make a trip to walmart for groceries into an hour long discussion where men sum the adventure in one word.
A lot of women also believe that their opinions are not taken seriously or understood.
So they tend to restate their point of view many times during a discussion to make sure
that they are being completely understood.
Some also have the tendency to speak rapidly and not give the opportunity for another's
voice in the discussion because they think this will drive home the correctness of their
views and the person listening will eventually get a clue and just stop arguing.
These are of course generalizations and there are exceptions.
But I've found that women world-wide seem to follow the following philosophy.
“Women don't want to hear what you think. Women want to hear what they think -- in a deeper voice.”- Bill Cosby.
What he said 
Will answer your question w/a question:
Because....all women are the same???????!!!!

U didn't ask a ?,,,what U did is infer me as a woman hater,,,,,,,,,,do tell how U came 2 that conclusion? That is a ????
The Bear
well ... being a woman .
U R? Could have fooled me...
Thea bear
@Bear -
I meant no disrespect btw - just stated what I thought & felt after reading your post...
ALL women are not the same - just as all men are so not the same.
Jus' sayin'.
I never said ALL & yes U ment disrespect,,,Fn B*tch
The Bear
I talk fast when I'm afraid a man is going to interrupt me AGAIN!!! I want to get my turn! 
Just another control freak off her meds again.....
The Bear
Women are more into details than men when they speak. They can make a trip to walmart for groceries into an hour long discussion where men sum the adventure in one word.
A lot of women also believe that their opinions are not taken seriously or understood.
So they tend to restate their point of view many times during a discussion to make sure
that they are being completely understood.
Some also have the tendency to speak rapidly and not give the opportunity for another's
voice in the discussion because they think this will drive home the correctness of their
views and the person listening will eventually get a clue and just stop arguing.
These are of course generalizations and there are exceptions.
But I've found that women world-wide seem to follow the following philosophy.
“Women don't want to hear what you think. Women want to hear what they think -- in a deeper voice.”- Bill Cosby.
What he said 
I rarely poat a thread without some 4m of empirical research,, google the topic U Fn idiot.
The Bear
[Edited 3/31/2012 3:29:32 PM ]
3/31/2012 4:19:18 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Franklin, NC
58, joined Feb. 2012
~~WOW. So much hate coming from you. Your "f-n b*tch" comments show hate, simply affirming my original concerns about you. We have one disagreement and this "warrants" such hate spewing from you? Uh no. When another gets SO enraged at a very small incident or at one person who shares one disagreement/difference of opinion - and this RAGE flies out? Tells me the person is either a hateful person or is carrying much unresolved anger which is now coming out sideways, so to speak, at the nearest convenient target.

God bless ya.
'Twas a question re women being all the same - called rhetorical question, hello?

No, YOU did no empirical research - you pressed buttons on the computer & found things to satisfy/affirm your point of view. As I mentioned, we can ALL find things online which say what we agree with.

No, I did not infer you to be woman hater - I said you seemed to be, adding later, I could be wrong....
Now I sure don't feel wrong. Lol...

Seems to me, if a woman challenges you on your views - out comes your rage - your name calling - your disdain for opinionated women with their own voice. At least that is what you are clearly doing here.

Enough from me, to you. God bless & good bye.
3/31/2012 8:12:46 PM |
Overland Park, KS |
Overland Park, KS
60, joined Feb. 2012
quote from cupocheer "Being a woman..." ........ quote from polar_bear "you could have fooled me" .......... Incorrect syntax dear "The Bear" -- you should have said "You have fooled me." .... oops .... You did say that, didn't you? ........ And that is why men do not talk as much as women .... The more men say the worse they screw things up. .......... U R welcome for the insight of a woman, sweety. ........... MUAH
Ops,,Not a syntax error,,maybe a grammatical mistake at best,,,,,,,,,I am surprised U didn't take cheap shots at my spelling,,,,,,,,that's Yr style,,,,
~~WOW. So much hate coming from you. Your "f-n b*tch" comments show hate, simply affirming my original concerns about you. We have one disagreement and this "warrants" such hate spewing from you? Uh no. When another gets SO enraged at a very small incident or at one person who shares one disagreement/difference of opinion - and this RAGE flies out? Tells me the person is either a hateful person or is carrying much unresolved anger which is now coming out sideways, so to speak, at the nearest convenient target.
God bless ya.
'Twas a question re women being all the same - called rhetorical question, hello?
No, YOU did no empirical research - you pressed buttons on the computer & found things to satisfy/affirm your point of view. As I mentioned, we can ALL find things online which say what we agree with.
No, I did not infer you to be woman hater - I said you seemed to be, adding later, I could be wrong....
Now I sure don't feel wrong. Lol...
Seems to me, if a woman challenges you on your views - out comes your rage - your name calling - your disdain for opinionated women with their own voice. At least that is what you are clearly doing here.
Enough from me, to you. God bless & good bye.
A new thought for another thread "Why can't Some Women Admitt They are Wrong" Women R much more verbal than men.
Thanks 4 Yr concerns & Luv U 2 Dear...I will pray 4 U 
3/31/2012 9:37:41 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Rome, GA
56, joined Sep. 2009
Any man that has been in a relationship for over a week
knows the answer to why women talk more than we do.
We have learned that if we say what we really think or whats on our mind...
We'll have to go without sex for the next month. Maybe longer. 
3/31/2012 9:52:47 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Rome, GA
56, joined Sep. 2009
My purdy hat from the Bahamas.
3/31/2012 10:02:28 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Rome, GA
56, joined Sep. 2009
The one with water and sand. It runs around the entire island.
Take a right at the coconut palm. You can't miss it. 
3/31/2012 10:10:25 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Rome, GA
56, joined Sep. 2009
Not true. If I went anywhere with you I'd be asking everyone for help.
"Please, just cut my legs free. I can take it from there." 
3/31/2012 11:28:56 PM |
Overland Park, KS |


Pearcy, AR
61, joined Nov. 2010
The one with water and sand. It runs around the entire island.
Take a right at the coconut palm. You can't miss it. 
i found it ct thanks great directions lol..
3/31/2012 11:30:40 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Bridgewater, NJ
57, joined Nov. 2007
Why Do Women Talk So Much
I don't know..look at this page. It looks like CT talks just as much as most of the women. LMAO~~~
3/31/2012 11:33:21 PM |
Overland Park, KS |
Topeka, KS
52, joined May. 2007
I don't know..look at this page. It looks like CT talks just as much as most of the women. LMAO~~~
3/31/2012 11:34:46 PM |
Overland Park, KS |


Pearcy, AR
61, joined Nov. 2010
we women from the south don't talk fast just the men are slower   
3/31/2012 11:36:34 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Rome, GA
56, joined Sep. 2009
I don't know..look at this page. It looks like CT talks just as much as most of the women. LMAO~~~
No dear. I just type faster. 
It's the eye hand coordination thing.
3/31/2012 11:45:07 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Bridgewater, NJ
57, joined Nov. 2007
OH I don't know..he seems to keep up pretty well. Guess there's an exception in every territory and CT's got the south covered for talking as much and as fast as the women do.
Proof can still be found on this page. 
No dear. I just type faster.
It's the eye hand coordination thing.
He may talk as much and as fast as us women, but he still doesn't have the logic down pat yet. Guess that's a man's downfall. They can talk the talk, but they're too darn slow and confused when it comes to quick logical excuses so they need to invent things to try to pull one over in order to walk the walk. Nice try though dear! Keep practicing that typing, without the unneeded eye hand co ordination. 
[Edited 3/31/2012 11:46:35 PM ]
3/31/2012 11:46:05 PM |
Overland Park, KS |


Pearcy, AR
61, joined Nov. 2010
i have very good hand eye cordination i have you know..let me give you a shot i'll show ya 
4/6/2012 11:59:07 AM |
Overland Park, KS |
Overland Park, KS
60, joined Feb. 2012
Sam was trying to show his wife that women talk much more than men. To prove his point he showed her a scholarly study that showed men, on average, use about l500 words per day as opposed to women, who use at least 3,000.
Jane, his wife, pondered this for a little while and then thought of an answer. "Women", she said, "must use twice as many words as men, because they have to repeat every thing they say."
Fn Thread thief
The Bear
4/6/2012 12:34:28 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

San Francisco, CA
56, joined Mar. 2012
Not! i know a few men who do nothing but talk and gossip worst then women and then again some women friends who do the same...lol
4/6/2012 1:44:27 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Rome, GA
56, joined Sep. 2009
It’s funny. In these discussions you always seem to have the women hurriedly
pointing out that they know a man somewhere that talks and gossips just as much
as a woman.
But you never have a man come in and post about how he knows a woman somewhere
that doesn’t talk, gossip, or constantly b*tch.
Wonder why that is? 
4/6/2012 2:01:42 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Bridgewater, NJ
57, joined Nov. 2007
It’s funny. In these discussions you always seem to have the women hurriedly
pointing out that they know a man somewhere that talks and gossips just as much
as a woman.
But you never have a man come in and post about how he knows a woman somewhere
that doesn’t talk, gossip, or constantly b*tch.
Wonder why that is? 
A. Because women are FAIR.. lol The women are pointing out that it's not a gender issue and they're giving both genders credit, treating them as an equal. They're not saying they don't do it, or discrediting what's said about them, only that men do it too. 
B. Because men don't know how to be fair and feel superior to women. They'd rather get defensive, and don't know how to give credit where credit's due or admit that both genders are capable of the same characteristics. 
Yep, it's all about fairness...something men aren't capable of. 
4/6/2012 2:08:33 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Rome, GA
56, joined Sep. 2009
^^^^^^----- Exhibit article 1A for the defense your Honor.
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks." - Hamlet, Act III, scene II. 
[Edited 4/6/2012 2:09:01 PM ]
4/6/2012 2:12:51 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Bridgewater, NJ
57, joined Nov. 2007
Exhibit B...the man has as many posts as all the women put together on most pages on most threads..
Case Closed!! 
4/6/2012 2:17:17 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Rome, GA
56, joined Sep. 2009
lol ah but my evidence wasn't about posting amount.
My evidence was of a woman's ability to say nothing and take 2 pages to do so. 
My lady of the neverend eternally long posts. 
[Edited 4/6/2012 2:18:00 PM ]
4/6/2012 2:17:48 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Crawfordville, FL
56, joined Sep. 2011
Queen trumps the CT
4/6/2012 2:18:43 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Rome, GA
56, joined Sep. 2009
 Queen trumps the CT 
Butt smoocher. 
4/6/2012 2:21:17 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Crawfordville, FL
56, joined Sep. 2011
Selective Butt Smoocher (Guilty I Am)
4/6/2012 3:02:09 PM |
Overland Park, KS |

Jonesboro, AR
64, joined Jan. 2012
because they really dont want
us to find out what they are
thinking or how much money they spent
polar__bear - Overland Park, KS