9/7/2008 8:28:36 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Durham, CT
age: 43
hi wendy and all the other woman looking for a nice guy! were out here it seems its tuff to meet anyone actually!weather your a guy looking for a girl or vice versa!to find a good guy or good girl you have to weed through the un so kind unfortanatly! dont give up hope that guy is there for you ! just as i am sure that girl is there for me! but to find them you have to be willing to reach out and give them a chance!talk to them,strike conversation! im a good guy and i hope a good woman comes my way ! good luck to all!
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

9/7/2008 3:53:08 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Hartford, CT
age: 60
Right on Winks - Like what ya had to say. Very profound and insightful. Sometimes wwe women don't smile and do act like our shit doesn't stink (sure there are men with the same attitude). I believe in fate, so smile, go places, chill, let your hair down, don't expect anything and sometimes that when ya find it.
Peace out
9/7/2008 6:15:17 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Bristol, CT
age: 49
hey Girls and Guys....
Why can't we do a "meet singles" at a designated spot in CT?? Use this site to plan and advertise the time, date, ect. Tell all our single friends and do it. Post it and get the word out. If nothing else it gives us an opportunity to talk share and meet new friends. Say a Thursday evening from 5-8pm...... Love to know what others think
9/7/2008 6:52:03 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Waterbury, CT
age: 46
The only time you really find someone is when you aren't looking. I'm not putting my heart into these sites anymore. Just browsing with no real hope of finding anyone. A friend of mine wants to sign up for match.com and I really don't know what to tell him. Only what I've experienced so far. These sites don't give you much in your own backyard, and most people don't want the ones from out of state.
But I know there are plenty of real men and women in CT. Just how do you find them? And are they looking here? Or are they not looking at all? Point me in the right direction!!
9/9/2008 3:27:45 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Manchester, CT
age: 24
whoa there...women are JUST AS BAD AS WOMEN...i feel like things went down hill with yall when that damn song LIKE A BOY came out lol...its all good though...do yall thang...women have been treated like crap for too damn long and its about time yall stand up n fight back...im ALL FOR THE FEMALE PIMP!!! lol do yall thang and keep us men insecure..its only right....ps-iv never really treated a girl bad unless she deserved it..like really... laterz
9/9/2008 4:49:51 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Barkhamsted, CT
age: 41
kimmy your correct we should all do that cause pictures and typing can't paint a bigger picture untill you are face to face.yes there are real men just don't be to picky before you have interaction
9/15/2008 10:32:43 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

New London, CT
age: 50
9/15/2008 10:36:41 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

New London, CT
age: 50
9/17/2008 8:30:08 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Shelton, CT
age: 53
There are plenty of real men in Conn. The problem is we are all tired of being taken advantage of and being lied to. Thers is not a single woman that I have dated that can not say she was treated very well. What have I gotten in return. I got it stuck up my A$$ everytime.
I use several personal sites and I cannot tell you how many of the women I have met through these site have mis-represented themselves. Lying about their age and using old pictures to do so as well. when you do that the only person you are fooling is yourself. One person I met claimed to be 50 years old. I later found out she was 57, thats a big difference.I would have surely looked foolish being the only one at her 58th bday party celebrating her 51st. Another I met claimed to be 56 she was sixty. The she tries to justify it by saying if she had put sixty down as her age I would not have found her. My response was well if I search for someone up to age 60 what am I now going to end up with someone that is actually 65, so where does it end.
So all the good men are still out there we've jsut been forced to retreat a little
9/17/2008 9:16:58 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Coventry, CT
age: 27
hey i am a decent guy who is not all about sex and sex talk. dont get me wrong sex is always good but ineed a relationship first
9/19/2008 9:59:52 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Manchester, CT
age: 52
no all the men i fine are just looking for sex. Thay tell you what thay think you want to hear. Just to have sex. The men i found here are sex nuts, wife beters, or just palin jurks
9/19/2008 6:51:43 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Glastonbury, CT
age: 21
Well that aint true always......
9/19/2008 8:03:46 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
North Haven, CT
age: 47
You sure are pissed. You shouldn't have put yourself out there like that. I'm sure it's just in your personality to be generous and giving but . . . As far as pictures go - we're not all liars. Dude, I'll meet you tomorrow and you'll see - my pics are me with the black and white being as recent as 9/17/08. And I know I'm sure as hell not looking for money or material possessions. I'm looking for a MAN. One that still wears workboots and jeans and knows how to fix things - doesn't need a manual or the internet for help. The kinda guy that when he hugs you, you know he's there. But apparently in this day and age that seems to be a thing of the past.
9/21/2008 4:06:16 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Bridgeport, CT
age: 55
The problem with the men these day's they are all looking for a barbie doll, not someone with brains and a good sense of humor, some goals in life, just so long as she looks good in a mini skirt, or on the back of your bike or all your guy friends are drooling all over her and want to get with here also that's all they care about, not what's on the inside and if she has a good heart.
Now that's not true. I know someone who contacted you and you simply ignored him.
9/21/2008 8:21:41 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Windsor Locks, CT
age: 56
Seams to be a lot of ignoring on this site.........Or like someone said in another posting they just block people they don't want to email them........So why is there a Question "Any real Men in CT?".....Until people meet and have a chance to get to know one another. You'd never know if there is "Any real Men in CT".
9/22/2008 10:01:10 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Northford, CT
age: 42
Well I am new to this but I am going to give this a shot...most of you have a little piece of it correct but no one is seeing the whole picture. Ladies, the guys who responded are, sort of, right. I have been trying to do this on-line dating thing for a few weeks now and too many women believe the way that you do (every guy is going to hurt me or use me like the last one did) then when an "good" guy does email you you' sort of, take it out on a nice guy. I am no "Adonis" - I feel I am an average guy with above average thoughts on being in a relationship but their are just as many women serial daters as their are men serial daters. I used to be a "bad boy" and for some reason you women flock to that kind of personality. I have changed over the years (let my ex wear the pants) and have become more of the strong silent type, since that change has taken place and I find myself out here again, you ladies (seem to) want to tame the bad boy and we "good guys" get left behind. I know I jumped around a bit but ladies don't quit on us, we are out here - "the good guys".
I hope I haven't hurt any ones feelings here, or upset you, just giving my point of view
9/23/2008 3:26:36 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Waterbury, CT
age: 46
You are right sn0wd0g1.
I've noticed the trend - we get older after having someone for so long in our lives that we start to look for something opposite of what we had previously. Some ladies are looking for their bad boy now after that they already had their good one. And some men are looking for their Barbies. How do you weed out which person is looking for that and find the real men or women? Maybe we aren't really looking for that REAL man or woman that we advertise in our profile after all!
(we should ask the creators of dating sites to put a choice on the site that says Barbie or Bad Boy so that when chosen, all other descriptions are grayed out and you get matched according to that criteria only - and if you don't pick it - then maybe the real men and women will stand out! )
9/23/2008 5:55:14 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Newington, CT
age: 54
where do u look?
9/23/2008 5:57:26 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Newington, CT
age: 54
u are if u go out with someone young enough to be your daughter pic a woman not a little girl!!!!!!
9/27/2008 4:57:01 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Manchester, CT
age: 52
Ni good men in Ct all i found are ones looking for sex, and will tell you any lie to get it. And ones wanting a one nighter.   
9/27/2008 7:43:16 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Barkhamsted, CT
age: 41
not all of us are just looking for one nighters or just sex some of us want to make sure the good gal is out there too!Yes some women pass people buy without taking a little extra time trying to get to know them.I have found some great people but unfortunatly they do not live in the area.Keep looking and try not to pass buy the person just because of a picture or they have kids etc!
9/27/2008 5:26:43 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Meriden, CT
age: 29
yea but females dont talk to good guys they want the bad type and say that they want a good guy but the real question is. are there and real Females in CT?
9/28/2008 8:02:30 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Niantic, CT
age: 49
we are out there alot of us and we've had our share of being treated like crap .nice guys are predictable and you eventually find us boring so be careful what you wish for.
[Edited 9/28/2008 8:10:27 PM ]
9/29/2008 7:45:58 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Hartford, CT
age: 36
 well wendy i am a 33 well rounded young man i married thw woman of my dreams face most of my fears and adopted 3 boys i work hard and i enjoy life i also respect people of all forms regardless of difference of opinions,life choices,religious backgroundsand race
i love spending time with my family and friends but we all fall short somewhere babygirl mybe its not the men thats the problem not saying its u either the right guy is always the one that is noticable at first glance so mybe try not judging give everyone a chance to show there [blocked site] colors and u would be surpised good luck sweet heart
9/29/2008 4:01:11 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Middlebury, CT
age: 60
I did look your way, but my son is older than you...sooooo sorry...
9/29/2008 6:25:06 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Waterbury, CT
age: 31
To answer that question is to ask what is a real man. I think us as women put to many expectation on the men that we get involved with. If you want the man to be everything than you will be disappointed. If all of us women just accept the men here in CT and elsewhere as they are and not try to change them into what we think they should be we actually might find a good one. And trust me I'm working on trying to do that myself, I am a women after all with female tendency to expect the man to be perfect and not disappoint ever. Yeah I just gotta keep dreaming. But I am hopeful.
9/29/2008 6:51:46 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Groton, CT
age: 48
Yes Wendy, there are good men in Ct. ... The problem is, their all taken... ....Seems all I ever meet, are the ones with no morals, and don't know the meaning of respect or decency...
10/3/2008 8:35:04 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Plainville, CT
age: 46
This real man is ready, willing and able, I just got divorced in July, after 19 years of marriage...I really want to find a woman that would love to have fun...
Look at my profile, if your intrested, shoot me a email...
10/3/2008 11:01:46 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Manchester, CT
age: 52
10/4/2008 12:45:09 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Branford, CT
age: 50
I am good guy with class and morals , problem is,what female out there appreciates theses qualities
10/6/2008 4:54:21 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Bridgeport, CT
age: 41
im here......is there any decent ladies out there??? 
10/7/2008 7:46:43 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Middletown, CT
age: 33
There are a lot good man out there.YOu've to go to the right places & talk a good conversation with them.Spread the different interest and maybe give each other your telephone numbers and have a great friendship to start with.Enjoy each others company and maybe meet each others families. 
10/11/2008 9:26:08 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Bridgeport, CT
age: 40
men,s are for real you got to be nice with them as they are nice to you .I saw many rude women this is for not to believe i just try to be nice and she got bully for nothing. This turn men other way no one like trouble.All women they know me they say you super nice men haw that come you alone? skype ned_usa lets talk baby. I am for real and where is the real women? 
10/12/2008 11:09:42 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Middletown, CT
age: 33
Hello Wendy, my question for you is what type of man are you looking for? I'm a man from Middletown, CT.I'm a maintenance at both my jobs. I like to go to different restaurants,workout, go hiking, shop when ever I can & for sure a movie fanatic.I also like to volunteer helping people out in which I volunteer at a genealogy library in my town.I used to volunteer at the hospital in my town.I speak a foreign language as spanish.I'm kind,easy to get alone with, funny, energetic,cheerful person.I also went to school for veterinary assistants into help animals.I'm gonna try to get a job at that field soon.I'll hope this will help you know what a real men is. 
10/20/2008 4:10:44 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Danbury, CT
age: 48
Hello Sweet Gentlemen of CT !!
I know you're out there, looking for an honest, no BS, no games, one woman man !! I truly believe there are still some beautiful souls....
10/20/2008 4:50:15 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Hartford, CT
age: 22
the problem is you look for the wrong men you want the player type but you want em to be faithful newsflash if u date a player you will get played ya digg.. cuz its plenty of us real men around
11/2/2008 9:50:26 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Berlin, CT
age: 49
I here you mikeynyce. your keeping it real, big dog. straight up !! you could be the nicest guy in the world, and ask a chick out and you get rejected. these girls want these bad boy guys. like hollywood actresses. like there gonna fix them. lol lmfao yea right. helloooo. remember a leopard dont change his spots. here , what im saying mikey. and this nice guy gets rejected and the chick hooks up with a loser. gets cheated on, gets mentally, and physically abused, gets robbed and played etc. then fineally she might get smart and throw him to the curb, NEXT. and then they tell all there g/f where are all the nice guys at ?????? helloooo you had one, and you rejected him. why???? hmmm because a girl can walk down any street, anywhere, anytime, or anyplace. and have sex with a guy. can a guy do that ???? i dont think so. geez *&^%$#@n i wonder why guys are always looking for sex, hmmmmm. lol lmfao its all a mind game, and girls are like strippers. there almost all teases, to play you, for that $$$$$ thats what its all about. lol just keeping it real ladies. increase the peace ciaos
11/10/2008 4:23:56 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Seymour, CT
age: 44
I think theres alot of great guys in Ct. thier just in differents states when were looking to bump into them , joke, do the guys think the same about us woman? 
11/11/2008 6:38:48 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Barkhamsted, CT
age: 41
We are real!some were in a long term relationship and others not so long!some thick some thin,some edjucated some not!some loyal some not!You get the point. look closely at the profile before you pass us up and don't respond to the emails!
11/11/2008 7:32:43 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |


Waterbury, CT
age: 33
But not responding is fun. 

I opted to respond to a simple message from someone with no picture the other day and once again all I got was a generic answer (someone to talk to, family/friends, working out, sex and sports.) Really how do you reply to something so impersonal? I didn't.

Take it as you will.
11/21/2008 2:54:08 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Naugatuck, CT
age: 60
Depends on your defination of a real man!! Honest and upfront don't seem to be too important. I consider myself a "REAL MAN". Also and one woman man. I still believe and in one on one realtionship. Not too many women seem intrested in those qualities.
11/23/2008 7:09:08 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Cromwell, CT
age: 40
Wow I was un aware that men were streotyped in such a way on a dating site I am very new to this. I have had three relation ships in 25 years and found that weahter you are male or female is irrelivent it's who you are not what you are. May be I am just nieve.
11/23/2008 7:41:07 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Fairfield, CT
age: 44
Wow I was un aware that men were streotyped in such a way on a dating site I am very new to this. I have had three relation ships in 25 years and found that weahter you are male or female is irrelivent it's who you are not what you are. May be I am just nieve.
These threads just don't make any sense to me.........you are fine everyone else trying to make an issue about this is just a little
Welcome to the bizarre world of Internet dating
11/23/2008 7:51:34 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |


Waterbury, CT
age: 33
La la.... This is the thread that ne-ver ends........
This is the thread that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends
Some people started reading it, not knowing what it was
And they'll continue posting it forever just because...

11/24/2008 1:41:55 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Milford, CT
age: 53
Hi Wendy,
How are you, Im from Milford, lets chat
11/25/2008 9:58:01 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Windsor Locks, CT
age: 52
Instead of any "REAL" men, the question should be any "HONEST" men in CT...I know there are real men out there, because I have met a few through these dating sites. At my age I am not looking for casual dating or one night stands. I want to find someone special to grow old with. When a guy contacts me, I look for things like "commitment", "not into games", "one woman man", etc. in his profile. I have met several men that said exactly that in their profile. What I find is that instead of giving the one on one thing some time to see where things are going, the guy will blow you off without any further contact to see if they can find something better. I can understand doing that if the date went horribly wrong, or there was no chemistry, but just an e-mail saying its not going to work out wouldn't hurt. I have sent a few Dear John e-mails because I think that everyone deserves to know why they won't be contacted again. Then you can move on to the next one and give it a try again. Several of my dates went very well. We had a great time together, and there seemed to be the chemistry and connection needed in a relationship(the guys also stated this fact). So for what reason did these men never contact me again or ignore my e-mails? When guys blow you off without even a goodbye, or wish you luck, us women tend to get a bit hesitant about how honest the next man will be. If you are a "REAL" man, then just be honest with us women, and let us know where you are coming from...good or bad...and mean it! 
11/25/2008 10:21:42 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
New Haven, CT
age: 37
i don't believe there are any good me here...
if you find a feew please share
11/25/2008 10:29:41 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
New Haven, CT
age: 37
i beg to differ, im a pretty decent guy, but you women dont seem to want to give us the time of day, and half of you ladies are all stuck up and think your shit dont stink. you try to approach a girl somewhere and you get a nasty look, like they think you just want sex with them that aint my case. so to stick up for the decenct dudes around here thats what i have to say about that, dont try to make it out to look like you ladies are innocent victims cuz that aint the case sweety pie later.
hi mike
you're an exception.... now what about the 99,999,99 that are totally losers
[Edited 11/25/2008 10:32:18 AM ]
11/25/2008 11:32:55 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Barkhamsted, CT
age: 41
I'm real but i won't post anything like long term etc.I was in one for 20 years and if thats not saying something then i don't know what will?instead of just reading the profile and shooting them down get to know them!I know there are alot of people just looking for the bang but there are also men looking for what you seek!
11/25/2008 7:11:02 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Middletown, CT
age: 33
Hello Wendy, would you give me a chance to be gotten to be known? I'm a cool male that work two jobs & workout twice a week.I'm very energetic & enthusiastic person. I like doing sports like basketball & cardio workouts.
11/26/2008 8:47:42 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Berlin, CT
age: 49
HELLOOOOO wendy, candy and whoever. girls wonder where are all the good guys. hmmmm when a nice guy that would do anythibng for the girl, and asks her out. she rejects him. she wants a bad boy, or a biker guy. not that all biker guys are bad. and these guy treat her like crap. they lie and cheat and steal from her. and she forgives him duhhhhh.::sign wtf:: a leopard doesn't change his spots, girls. lol screw me once, shame on you. screw mw twice, shame on me. and if she's smart enough she leaves, and then she tells her gf , where are all the nice guys. duhhhh you had one, and you rejected him. remember.::sign oops::lol and why do guys always think about sex ???? hmmm cause a girl can get sex, anywhere, anytime, and anyplace. can a guy do that ??? i dont think so. and then these girls want to hook up with guys when there older, and ain't as attractive as before. what you wern't good enough for me before., and now you want me to take care of you. i dont think so. i dont play that in my neighborhood b*tch. ive been around the block. lol lmfao you wont see me back here, im just keeping it real. and thats a wrap.   
11/27/2008 4:15:56 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Naugatuck, CT
age: 60
Not really so sure honesty pays. My profile tells the truth. Women see the word seperated and immediatly say no way. You don't lnow me or my situation. Don't even bother to ask either. Maybe if you gave me a chance you wouldn't be so quick to run in the other direction.
11/27/2008 6:41:20 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Naugatuck, CT
age: 44
What are you looking for in a real man?
11/29/2008 2:58:10 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |


Yonkers, NY
age: 59
What are you looking for in a real man?
I don't talk for other ladies...but I want in a man the same I offer to him. Honesty and love.
BTW: Any wonderful gentleman around the NY / CT border?
11/30/2008 10:34:22 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Baltic, CT
age: 31
I consider myself a good guy that has been hurt alot in the past by women. I live in the Norwich area
11/30/2008 10:47:12 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |


Waterbury, CT
age: 33
Welcome to the forums chrrbddy!
11/30/2008 11:31:44 AM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Guilford, CT
age: 49
i agree with mike, ct has alot of nice guys, but most woman only want the bad-boys,dont look in a bar,cause thats not where were at. enjoy your day ladies, john in ct.
11/30/2008 12:10:27 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Amston, CT
age: 53
Oh yeah, there's plenty of us, but with an attitude like that...... you'll never meet one!
11/30/2008 12:40:23 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |

Fairfield, CT
age: 44
I hate this thread, it's like the movie groundhog day...........just not going to end
Guys and gals, the person who started this thread left this site in August, so guys there is no Wendy to write to
Ct has a wide variety of wonderful people both male and female, it just takes time to get to know one another.
I'll guarantee to you that every man in Ct has his own unique DNA and are real, if everyone will let this thread die the death it should have died

12/20/2008 7:13:48 PM |
Any real Men in Ct? |
Shelton, CT
age: 50
Why can`t we all just get along ? We are on this site to find someone I amit there are some bad one`s that goes both ways. The bad once allways show there true side. And the good one`s are out there. Let`s not get into all are bad just because of a few rotten apples.