5/18/2008 12:17:46 PM |
What Do You Feed Your Pet |

Harrisburg, PA
age: 59
My dogs have unbelievable food allergies and it makes feeding a little rough. Just curious what everyone feeds their pets??
5/18/2008 12:49:53 PM |
What Do You Feed Your Pet |

Middleport, OH
age: 50
my precious Boots who is now gone couldn't eat much food because he had IBS or IBD. but my dogs eats pedigree , purina dog chow or kibbles and bits along with alpo and pedigree can food . my cats eats meow mix, purina cat chow and friskies cat chow.
5/18/2008 1:12:25 PM |
What Do You Feed Your Pet |

French Creek, WV
age: 43 online now!
I feed my dog Iams for small dogs and toy dogs, and I feed my 2 cats that are long haired, Purina One for indoor weight and hairball control. This helps keep them from vomiting up hair so much.
5/18/2008 1:49:15 PM |
What Do You Feed Your Pet |

Harrisburg, PA
age: 59
I can't use any of the commercial foods for my female and only one for my male. Just curious what others do. Keep them coming, please!
5/18/2008 2:27:41 PM |
What Do You Feed Your Pet |

Splendora, TX
age: 54
Miss Kitty is so damn picky I have to buy several brands till she finds one she'll like then I buy that until she refuses and we have to start over again. Smart alec cat!
5/18/2008 3:06:01 PM |
What Do You Feed Your Pet |

Columbus, OH
age: 48
D*ck Van Pattons Duck and Potato is a great dog food for dogs with bad food allergies. It is expensive.
My cat turns his nose up at everything but Meow Mix. At least he's cheap to feed unlike the dog.
5/18/2008 4:34:06 PM |
What Do You Feed Your Pet |

Dallas, TX
age: 38
Once read about a cat that lived to almost 29 yrs. His favorite snack, cheese puffs. Beers to him, for he's out lived a lot of my friends and that's a fact. What a privilege to have a pet for that long.
Also knew a girl that couldn't afford 'cat food'. She would feed her cats cans of vegetables, anything she could give them. They would come running when she poured out a can of corn or green beans and were happy to eat them. Even liked liked lettuce and tomato; salads.
I've never seen a group of healthier cats in all my days. Their coats were slick and shiny. Never had to worm them either. Organic could be beneficial I notice.
I've seen my cat eat leftovers from a whopper sandwich once, lettuce and everything but couldn't ever convince her to try a salad.
5/18/2008 5:12:16 PM |
What Do You Feed Your Pet |

Harrisburg, PA
age: 59
My dogs are allergic to lamb, pork, beef, chicken, yeast, beets, potatoes, sweet potatoes, barley, nuts to name a few. Are there any dog foods left other than duck and rice which my male eats. I always check out the new ones but haven't seen one yet. Expensive? Did someone mention? My dogs eat organic, human food so it costs more to feed them than me.
Does anyone feed raw and if so, which ones?
5/18/2008 5:44:19 PM |
What Do You Feed Your Pet |

Dallas, TX
age: 38
Did anyone mention expensive? Yes, I did...
Well, comparing all food prices today to that of 18 years ago, pet food was more expensive.
A 14.5 oz can of vegetables would cost average .20 - .25 cents.
14 oz cat food .45 and higher per can.
My friend and her family grew and canned most everything they consumed. Average about 1,000 quarts or more of vegetables and produce per season. We're talking copious amounts of canned vegetables and were at little or no cost to her, if that is a concern.
I was talking about feeding cats in 1990.
You're talking feeding dogs who much eat more in 2008. There's a time lapse here.
That was then, this is now.
5/18/2008 5:59:10 PM |
What Do You Feed Your Pet |

Dallas, TX
age: 38
My dogs are allergic to lamb, pork, beef, chicken, yeast, beets, potatoes, sweet potatoes, barley, nuts to name a few. Are there any dog foods left other than duck and rice which my male eats. I always check out the new ones but haven't seen one yet. Expensive? Did someone mention? My dogs eat organic, human food so it costs more to feed them than me.
Does anyone feed raw and if so, which ones?
A lot of people are unaware that some nuts are quite poisonous to dogs, not an allergy at all.
5/18/2008 9:13:19 PM |
What Do You Feed Your Pet |

Harrisburg, PA
age: 59
I watched my female bleed for a long time and no one could figure out what was wrong so she was taken to one of the best clinics on the East coast and was tested for cancer, Addisons, and many other diseases and the only test that showed anything was the food allergy testing. So I had both of them tested and those were the results. It doesn't stop there. They are allergic to six kinds of mold, trees, grasses, weeds, dandelions and more. It was really enlightening.
5/19/2008 2:44:05 PM |
What Do You Feed Your Pet |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 50
I've fed all of my companions a ballanced prey model raw diet for a LOT of years. It requires a bit more work and planning but I feel it's well worth it. Slightly more expencive than comercial diets but if you join a co-op and shop around it's not too bad.
5/19/2008 6:13:04 PM |
What Do You Feed Your Pet |

Harrisburg, PA
age: 59
Silver, please explain. Do you put something together yourself or feed it as is? Tell more about what is in it. Thanks.
5/20/2008 5:10:02 PM |
What Do You Feed Your Pet |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 50
Raw meat, fish, poltery, and organ's in preportions that duplicate,as closely as possible, a natural diet. Salmon oil and colustrum are added about once a week as an immune system booster. It's a bit more expencive than bargan brands of commercial dog foods but still less on a per pound basis than the "premium" brands. I also practice 'skip' feeding (one day a week without food) in order to allow the animals systems to clear themselves out. (Same ammount of food...3% of the adult body weight per day. Just distributed over one less day.)
It sounds a lot more complicated than it really is. All the animals love it and in my expierance are a lot healthier. A raw diet, due to the lack of undigestable fillers, also produces much less waste.
5/20/2008 6:43:13 PM |
What Do You Feed Your Pet |

Harrisburg, PA
age: 59
Thanks, Silver, I have been hearing a lot about the benefits of raw feeding. I feed my dogs human food but I have been cooking it. They eat small portions three times a day because the female has major problems. They eat everything they aren't allergic to. Veggies, rice, yogurt, turkey, fish, cottage cheese, organic rice cereal or rice noodles. And yes, it is expensive but the vet bills are far less.
Do you add raw bones too?? It sounds very healthy. Anyone else???