Eastpointe, MI
age: 58
I adopted a pitt-bull at the dog pound last week and he is a
wonderful loving dog but he needs someone who knows how to train
and play with him more (puppy). I know I should have thought this
through when I got him but I forgot how much work a puppy can be.
He is housebroken and I took him to the vet to get checked out
but he hasn't been fixed yet.He loves children and he knows how to
do a few tricks. I don't want to take him back to the shelter and
I just don't know what else to do? Please give me some advice (no
preaching please)

Middleport, OH
age: 50
send him to obedience school.

Grady, AL
age: 48
How old is he and exactly what are you asking? Or wanting him to do? Sounds like you just don't have enough time for him, if that's the case your going to have to find some time somewhere to spend with him.

Eastpointe, MI
age: 58
He is a runner and he is one year old. He can jump the fence
and it is very hard to catch him because he won't listen to me.
I am giving him lot's of love and attention(thinking if he gets
fixed he might not run off?)

Grady, AL
age: 48
He is a runner and he is one year old. He can jump the fence
and it is very hard to catch him because he won't listen to me.
I am giving him lot's of love and attention(thinking if he gets
fixed he might not run off?)
He may be jumping the fence because he doesnt feel like he's "home" yet. Then again some just won't stay home if nobody is home or something exciting is going on elsewhere. You may need to run a strand of electric wire around the top for a while. When you say he runs from you and doesnt come back. Is he not being caught out of he doesnt know you or is it I'm busy I don't have time for you kinda thing? Sounds like you need a lot of bonding and discipline. Pitts are stubborn willfull dogs and they do need discipline. He needs to bond with you as his alpha. Do NOT whip nor scold him when he doesnt come to you. Oops just missed reading, you said you do give him lots of love and attention. How long have you had him? At one year old I doubt he knows what females are yet (he might though) Neutering him will make him not roam for extended periods or not look for a female in heat, and yes it will help his personality but my weim is neutered and he still goes for a daily romp through the pastures when he can sneak off.
A dog is a pack animal. He or you one will be the pack leader (alpha). Once you've bonded you need to start some obediance training with him. Get someone knowledgeable to help you. If you can't afford it then I will be glad to help you through emails. There are a lot of knowledgeable wonderful people here also that would probably be willing to help on the forums. Once your established you can take him out without a leash. Try this sometime. When he's away from you outside and won't come, make sure he sees you and turn around and run and leave him!! He should, if your alpha and bonded run after you. If I have my dog outside and he gets a distance away, I ignore him and leave. He will be at my side within a few minutes. As pack leader, he doesnt want to be left he will follow. Purchase a leash and collar and let's get started on the "come" "sit" and "stay"...the basics
I'm so glad you adopted, your a wonderful, caring person. Need more people like you!!

Eastpointe, MI
age: 58
Thanks for the information. I am trying very hard. Now another question
He won't eat unless I hand feed him(Ya, think he might be spoiled?)Where
I live you have to have a pitt-bull chained at all times or in a pen. So
I walk him on a leash in the yard because I think being chained is cruel...

Grady, AL
age: 48
LMAO..yeah I'd say he's spoiled, and lovin every minute of it. Oh well, he should be bonded to you huh? As long as you don't mind doing it, but I'm sure if he got hungry enough he'd eat on his own. You can train your own dog. Especially if you had kids. Same approach. Lots of love and discipline. Your the parent, he's the child. Here in Alabama and I think Florida, it's against the law to chain a dog. And I agree. We havent gotten the pit bull bans BSL here yet although they keep trying. We had a candle light vigile (protest) so to speak. It's in some cities here but not where I am. Thank God!! It's going to really hurt the breed and could to the point of extinction! And then what will be next? Dobermans? Chows? Rotts? Really a narrow minded stupid approach to a problem IMHO.
Keep us posted on his progress, post some pics if you can. There is so much good info on the web for you. And psssst..now that you have one, help with the fight of proving it's not the breed but the deed. Set a shining example for the idiots there that made the laws. And if you have any questions just holla girl!!