Saint Paul, MN
age: 54
God Bless you for your Help,and support and research you should feel great because.
You've helped so meny folks here atleast i feel this way when i can reach one person.
Your here for a reason Girl thanks for all you've done and your great threads,,,
Cleverlady thanks for your input i hope mother Marys Throws you lots of good feelings.
And you keep up your great work Because you have made a difference!i read most of your threads.Be well and Bless you and all the people here your all strong Belive itCleverlady 
[Edited 5/22/2008 7:55:01 PM]

Omaha, NE
age: 49
What a wonderful surprise 
Thanks for all your kind words.


Ash Grove, MO
age: 53
I just found this group but I would have to agree from what I have read! Thank you Foxy for being so sweet when you have so much on your plate as it is.


Omaha, NE
age: 49
Thanks pkk *hugs*
I'm just smiling..and wishing the best for all

Omaha, NE
age: 49
Sparkles is here..Purrring away ..Shes our new 6 week old kitty
