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The day that almost was
by momcat3 at 5/17/2015 9:48:51 AM

Today was supposed to be my wedding day but the engagement was broken a while ago. I think it was for the best even though it wasn't my idea.

Then I meet this very nice man on here that I thought I could have had a future with. Things were heating up for both of us. That too has gotten cool. I don't understand this but then again maybe I am not supposed to. This other gentleman had posted a blog on here a while ago and received negative comments from 2 ladies on here. I am not sure what was said but I do believe he got unfair responses from them. He deleted his blog before I got to see it so I don't know what he said, all I know is the negative responses from these ladies and what he told me of the blog. He was honest about what he remembered he wrote and what these ladies said.

It is so hard to find the one for you. I am not so sure if I should continue to try. Everytime I give my heart, or think of it, it gets broken. I am very sad and frustrated. I did ask the gentleman to come to see me today but now the distance is a problem. We live 1 hour away from each other. I remember years ago, I dated a man who was 2 hours away from me. I was working at the time so I went to him more than the other way around. I promised myself never to date someone more than 1 hour away anymore. This last gentleman fits that bill.

I just don't know what to do anymore. Spring is here and I love Spring but don't really feel like doing anything today. The weather is gorgeous but I am feeling too down to go out.

I am also fostering a kitten and I fear that my adult cats might hurt the little guy. Tristan is such a sweet little guy but the rescue I work for and I believe he was abused and fears everything. His little nose appears to be broken in whatever he went through before. Both Tristan and I have trust issues now. Ugh!


5/17/2015 9:53:46 AM

Sounds like a tough day for sure.... only the passage of time will lessen the hurt. Go out there and be yourself... do what you like to do, if he is out there he will cross your path no matter how hard you look.

5/17/2015 9:56:27 AM

I think you rush to fast slow down How much time did you ever spend with anyone daily weekends together Go slow ok

online now!
5/17/2015 9:58:00 AM

As far as the distance an hour is still reasonable.however have him drive to you during the first few dates.he should be able to pick you up.perhaps the kitten could use some toys.the kitten will learn to defend himself.cheer up and get some air..

5/17/2015 10:00:44 AM

@Charli, yes it's a tough day for sure. Right now, I am focusing on the kitten. @patriot, I actually was taking things VERY slow. The gentleman and I had been phone buddies for months before we actually met. Go slow? A turtle goes faster than I do. Haha

5/17/2015 10:04:30 AM

@snatch, he has been doing the driving so far. He does know where I live. The kitten has all my cats toys to play with. The problem is not him, it's MY cats that are. He walks away from them and ignores them. He ignores only 5 pounds and my Kiki is 12. Not a fair fight if they got into one. So far no but I give that one to Tristan because he is so calm with them.

5/17/2015 10:06:08 AM

Btw, Snatch, I agree with you, 1 hour away is a REASONABLE distance but it seems like you and I are the only ones who think so.

5/17/2015 11:05:30 AM

Keep the kitten away from the other cats until he is older. In your bedroom for instance with cat box food and water. Introduce each older cat one at a time to see how it goes. I have taken in many cat's and kttten's in my life. That seems to work the best. Good luck.

5/17/2015 11:31:47 AM

Momcat your white cat looks just like mine except mine has blue eyes

5/17/2015 11:34:11 AM

Hi Phyllis... everything happens for a reason... actually might be best for us without even knowing it at the time... Just remembered about a guy that came over yrs. ago. He was big and strong... had the lks but was deathly afraid of my cat... He spilled his wine and everything... Mr. Macho man was scared of cats... the whole evening went downhill... he called a few more times but wasn't worth the drama, I like peace!!

5/17/2015 12:59:03 PM

@Happy, actually the kitten doesn't like confinement anymore. I used to keep him apart but no more. He is becoming more comfortable with his environment and my cats seem to be accepting him more now. My white cat actually just walks blast him now. My Tortie and the black one just give him 1 hiss and stop. The black one is getting better than the Tortie but the Tortie knows she is the queen of the house and doesn't want to share the throne. Haha.

5/17/2015 1:00:42 PM

Daniel I need to post more pics of my happy little family. I wish DH would allow us to change screen names. I would be MomCat4 as I don't think the kitten is going anywhere. My boss at the rescue calls me the Cat Whisperer. Haha

5/17/2015 1:00:43 PM

I suggest joining some local clubs that feature activities that you enjoy. This way you might meet a local guy, that has a common interest with you. Even if you don't meet such a guy, you will be enjoying an activity that you like. Either way, you will be happier.

5/17/2015 1:03:58 PM

Ez, I can't believe that York friend was afraid of your cat. He would have a heart attack in mine with 4 cats in my house. Haha. I actually do think that the engagement should have been broken. It was 6 years in the waiting. As far as the 1 hour guy, he got cold feet and used distance as a reason to break it off. Sadly, he and I felt the same way about each other but he expressed it and I froze.

5/17/2015 1:06:16 PM

Jim....that is exactly that and have been thinking I have plans to go back to the gym. No pun intended Jim. Haha.

5/17/2015 4:28:56 PM

5/17/2015 4:35:21 PM

@momcat ---4 When you the least expect he will find you sorry you're having a bad day.

5/17/2015 4:41:11 PM

Thanks Yets....I am sure it will get better. I just joined a gym again just to work out some of my depression. Hopefully, I will feel better soon. They say working out the stress exercising is the best thing. It doesn't hurt if one looks like a fox and the ex sees and realizes what he gave up! Haha. Although, they are not the reasons I am doing this. Its all for myself.

5/17/2015 4:45:46 PM

cat..that is good to know. Tortie's are very loyal and protective. It sounds like all is working out for the your new cat..

5/17/2015 4:55:41 PM


5/17/2015 5:52:47 PM

My new cat was supposed to be a foster only but I am doing so well with socializing him that I decided to keep him. He is becoming the lap cat is have been wanting. My Tortie,Kiki, used to be that cat but then decided that my apt was more fun. If any of my cats get into trouble, it's her. She is so entertaining. My late Torties were more lap cat than anything else. Not Kiki, she is the queen of the house and doesn't want to share her throne. Haha. I love that cat!!!! Then there is little Tristan who crawled into my heart slowly but surely for as much as I fought it. He was all of 3 pounds when I got him. He is now 5 pounds. Kiki is a whopping 12.5 pounds! Well compared to him she's whopping. I have had 20 pound cats in the past so 12.5 is no biggie to me. Haha.

5/17/2015 5:53:43 PM

Yets...thank you.

5/17/2015 6:08:49 PM

win some ,loose some

5/17/2015 7:11:32 PM

Phyllis, I'm learning to go with the flow.. I'm not pushing a relationship with anyone. I'm not settling for less than I deserve. Its not the end of the world if I end up alone. Yet, taking things day by day. If things happen it will, if not oh well... Life goes on anyway.

5/17/2015 7:56:33 PM

Ed.....that's the truth!

5/17/2015 8:00:15 PM

Jill...the thing is, I hadn't been pushing each relationship. My engagement was 6 years in the making. The last gentleman was months in the works. I haven't been pushing anything. I have decided that my life is meant to be alone. I am going to focus on my cats and my family and friends. If God wants a man in my life then HE will provide him. In the meanwhile, I just rejoined my gym and going to focus on stress relief. Life goes on.

5/18/2015 5:58:03 AM

I agree with patriot and yetski. Just take your time and take things slow. Live your life and make a decision to be happy with or without a man and you will find the one you're mean to be with in no time

5/18/2015 10:49:18 AM

Ambrosia if I take things slower, I will be going backwards. My engagement was 6 years long. The next man and I didn't meet for months after we started chatting daily on the phone. Can't go slower than that except to stop, which,right about now, sounds like a good idea.