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The day that almost was
by momcat3 at 5/17/2015 9:48:51 AM

Today was supposed to be my wedding day but the engagement was broken a while ago. I think it was for the best even though it wasn't my idea.
Then I meet this very nice man on here that I thought I could have had a future with. Things were heating up for both of us. That too has gotten cool. I don't understand this but then again maybe I am not supposed to. This other gentleman had posted a blog on here a while ago and received negative comments from 2 ladies on here. I am not sure what was said but I do believe he got unfair responses from them. He deleted his blog before I got to see it so I don't know what he said, all I know is the negative responses from these ladies and what he told me of the blog. He was honest about what he remembered he wrote and what these ladies said.
It is so hard to find the one for you. I am not so sure if I should continue to try. Everytime I give my heart, or think of it, it gets broken. I am very sad and frustrated. I did ask the gentleman to come to see me today but now the distance is a problem. We live 1 hour away from each other. I remember years ago, I dated a man who was 2 hours away from me. I was working at the time so I went to him more than the other way around. I promised myself never to date someone more than 1 hour away anymore. This last gentleman fits that bill.
I just don't know what to do anymore. Spring is here and I love Spring but don't really feel like doing anything today. The weather is gorgeous but I am feeling too down to go out.
I am also fostering a kitten and I fear that my adult cats might hurt the little guy. Tristan is such a sweet little guy but the rescue I work for and I believe he was abused and fears everything. His little nose appears to be broken in whatever he went through before. Both Tristan and I have trust issues now. Ugh!