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by letitridegirl at 6/8/2015 1:32:25 AM

My eyes fill with tears,
And I could hardly see.
This cancer is stealing my mother,
Slowly away from me.
I can't stand to see her suffer,
I pray her pain would go away.
Her light inside her fades a little more
With every passing day.
Please give her the courage
To fight a little longer
I feel so helpless now
What can I do to help make her stronger?
I can see it in her eyes
It's like she wants to give in
Cancer CAN be fought
But you have to WANNA win
Can't she see that we need her
Shouldn't that be enough
She has to think positive
I know my mom is tough.
I sit and think and think
Until my head wants to explode
Always the same question: why her? buut the answer is still untold.
I wish by some miracle
Her cancer would just disapper back
And there would be no more fear
God can you hear me?
I never ask for much
Would it be so wrong for me to ask
That you give my Mom your special touch?
I'm not asking for money
Or diamonds or even a pearl
I'm simply asking you to help her fight
Signed: momma`s little girl!