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by mom_cat2 at 6/15/2015 9:50:01 AM

Karma has a way to bite one in the butt!
As it turns out, since our break up, I had been trying to help my ex fiance get into a better housing situation than he is in. I had been trying to help him get some food stamps, etc. Financially, he is struggling and I feel very bad for him. He does have a special needs son living with him and food is of an issue for them. I tried to help him! He recently contacted the P.D. and claimed that I was harassing him. I did ask him for some of my property to be returned only to have him put my rice cooker and some food on my car! The rice cooker was returned DIRTY! He refused to return some other items I let him borrow. Thanks to the P.D. I did get my property back. I found out today that his brother is losing his job of 20+ years. His brother was instrumental in our break up. His brother has made it clear that he hates me. I have always believed in Karma and when Karma rears it's ugly head then WATCH OUT!!! His brother is learning that lesson right now. I can't say I feel bad for the guy because he used my ex fiance to destroy my life. Now it's time for my ex fiance to get his also. I am positive it will come. Revenge is sweet when served COLD and better when I had nothing to do with it!