11/6/2012 6:56:44 AM |
Rock The VOTE |


Starkville, MS
38, joined May. 2011
Election day peoples!!!!!!!!
Let your voice be heard....get up....get out....and VOTE!!!!!!!
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11/6/2012 3:38:30 PM |
Rock The VOTE |


Clinton, MS
44, joined Apr. 2012
just voted.
11/7/2012 6:45:04 AM |
Rock The VOTE |


Starkville, MS
38, joined May. 2011
America spoke............
Signed Sealed DELIVERED!!!!!!!
Obama/Biden another 4 years.
I'm praying all of the Romney supporters and uhm Republicans....who seem to be cheering on the President's failure, realize that his failures as commander in chief affects not just the ones who voted for him, but the entire nation. With this term lets hope everyone can unite and support the President in his endeavors for a better America and show this man the respect that his position deserves.
Happy Hump Day Peoples!!!! 
11/7/2012 10:37:39 AM |
Rock The VOTE |
Biloxi, MS
33, joined Dec. 2007
How about the President actually TRY to work with the other side, because last term he just kept acting (regardless of what he said) like it was his way or the highway.
11/7/2012 6:01:15 PM |
Rock The VOTE |


Starkville, MS
38, joined May. 2011
How about the "other" side try working WITH the President instead of AGAINST him.
11/7/2012 7:13:00 PM |
Rock The VOTE |

Petal, MS
61, joined Jan. 2008
Penis size was never discussed by either party ?
11/8/2012 4:21:23 AM |
Rock The VOTE |


Starkville, MS
38, joined May. 2011
In the debates no......but Penis size has been discussed amongst my female co-workers and I........and we have determined. That based on the way Rommney walks.....he's packing bite size lunches for hobbits.
11/8/2012 5:17:08 AM |
Rock The VOTE |
Biloxi, MS
33, joined Dec. 2007
Ad hominum attacks are what people with no rational argument use. As for your response to what I said, congratulations on completely ignoring what I said and basically just saying that the President should continue his my way or the highway attitude.
11/8/2012 12:06:47 PM |
Rock The VOTE |


Starkville, MS
38, joined May. 2011
Yeah because your comment boasted such intellect and hard facts.
How about this, since my previous comment wasn't to your liking. I'll appease you for a second. In response to that oh so simple comment his way or the highway, whatever it was.
He had to deal with an UNDERproductive Congress. Who was all to happy to lets say, repeal the same act 33 times. Seriously? Congress who was majority Republican did very little besides blocking the POTUS's agenda. So if he had to bypass Congress and sign his bills into laws then so be it. He is the commander in chief after all...he gets paid to make the tough calls. While Congressional Republicans get paid to do absolutely nothing.
Good grief. The people spoke, Obama was re-elected. The end.
Sulk somewhere else. If you don't like it...theres a boat with other angry citizens leaving the country soon....be on it. 
11/8/2012 3:02:46 PM |
Rock The VOTE |

Brookhaven, MS
50, joined May. 2011
It really would have been nice to see someone run next election that will quit taking bribes from big corporations and actually understand whats happening to america
11/8/2012 3:47:05 PM |
Rock The VOTE |


Starkville, MS
38, joined May. 2011
do you even understand what you're trying to say?
you're speaking of the future in the past tense......the next election has yet to come.
11/8/2012 3:51:42 PM |
Rock The VOTE |

Brookhaven, MS
50, joined May. 2011
Its not about past tense its about quit letting big business control there way of thinking with money every politician does it its called greed those people dont give a darn if we eat bugs and live in cardboarf shacks
11/8/2012 3:55:33 PM |
Rock The VOTE |


Starkville, MS
38, joined May. 2011
Ah....well as long as you're speaking in general....
Theres never gonna be a "perfect" politician. Not as long as their are political parties and personal agendas. Even if those conditions existed, it would still be a long shot. Heres to wishful thinking 
11/8/2012 7:51:06 PM |
Rock The VOTE |

Petal, MS
61, joined Jan. 2008
In the debates no......but Penis size has been discussed amongst my female co-workers and I........and we have determined. That based on the way Rommney walks.....he's packing bite size lunches for hobbits.
Nobody but you, CC, could have come up with such.
11/12/2012 5:51:30 PM |
Rock The VOTE |
Biloxi, MS
33, joined Dec. 2007
"Good grief. The people spoke, Obama was re-elected. The end. "
Guess what, the people also spoke and re-elected a majority of Republicans to the House, so like it or not Obama wasn't elected Dictator. As for complaints about the Congress, what the hell did they do when the Dems had complete control of the House, as well as a filibuster-proof Senate? NOTHING about getting this country back on it's feet, they passed a Healthcare bill that no one even fully read, let alone understood, and is already becoming an albatross around this country's neck, and a stimulus package of which the vast majority of economists consider to have been ineffective and put us a TRILLION more in debt. Oh yeah, and don't forget, the POTUS's budgets were SO great, that NOT ONE SINGLE MEMBER of congress could bring themselves to vote for it, not even the far left of the left. That man failed to make any attempt at working with the other side, and like it or not, the other side holds the purse strings right now. Deal with it.
As for: "Sulk somewhere else. If you don't like it...theres a boat with other angry citizens leaving the country soon....be on it."
Read the first amendment, and then look up the word "liberal" You apparently know what neither means, and as a veteran I have a hell of a lot more right to stay in this country than you do, moocher.
11/12/2012 8:01:52 PM |
Rock The VOTE |


Starkville, MS
38, joined May. 2011
I read absolutely NONE of that.....too many days to respond, I'm guessing it may have taken just that long to come up with a plausible response. Although from the length of that paragraph...I'd say I struck a nerve. Heres what you can do. Write your congressman...or send a really REALLY angry letter to President Obama. I could honestly care less. What is it with you people? You want to be angry at everyone who doesn't share your point of view, who didn't vote the same as you? Get the hell outta here. You have Obama in office for another 4 years, I suggest you accept defeat.
Are we done here?
[Edited 11/12/2012 8:03:00 PM ]
11/12/2012 9:39:51 PM |
Rock The VOTE |
Biloxi, MS
33, joined Dec. 2007
Wow, and here we have the typical democrat voter: "I'm not actually going to read what you said, I'm just gonna say why I feel you disagreed with me." You're the type of uninformed voter that is ruining this country. As for why it took me so long to post, maybe cause I was out enjoying my weekend rather than wasting my life online? Yeah, we're done here, because obviously you don't have the capacity for rational debate, and are thus a waste of time.
Oh, and try reading this again and actually applying your own words to yourself: "You want to be angry at everyone who doesn't share your point of view, who didn't vote the same as you? Get the hell outta here." Oh wait, you probably haven't even read this far or want to actually think about what you say before it spews forth.
[Edited 11/12/2012 9:40:16 PM ]
11/13/2012 6:53:03 AM |
Rock The VOTE |


Starkville, MS
38, joined May. 2011
Ad hominum attacks are what people with no rational argument use.
You're a silly man, that is for certain. I've pacified you long enough. You continue to talk about arguing rationally....When you're the only person in this conversation spewing the personal attacks. Typical. Well at least up until now. I read your rants and my POV hasn't been swayed in the least. I hope you had an awesome weekend, though your anal personality would suggest otherwise.JMHO. I enjoyed my weekend also, thank you very kindly. As far as my being a moocher. I'm a tax payer...where do you think your paycheck comes from? Seriously whose the moocher now. That ridiculous claim that you have more of a right to be here b/c you're in whatever branch of the military you're in. Is just that, ridiculous. Theres not been a draft in decades, so your enlistment wasn't forced. I normally hold veterans in high regard.....but you're at the bottom of the barrel...and I'm sorry I'm just not impressed. Is that what you were waiting on? For me to concede?
Do you throw tantrums with every person you meet whose views differ from yours? Honest question. If this is normal behavior for you, please remove yourself from civilized society and take up residence in a cave or under a rock. I can guarantee not everyone you meet will feel, act, or think the same as you. Some of us are capable of thinking independently. We don't need a party to tell us how and when to think. However, there are some of us who are capable of respecting the opinions of others.
FYI I'm independent....a vote for Obama does not make everyone democrat. Simple minded savant. Don't forget to write your congressman....he'll empathize with your plight. At this point, I could just honestly care less. Really. Do have a great day though
Keep my thread going....one more "rational" reply, bet you can't do it without attempting....key word attempting to insult. 