Benton, IL
age: 71
Happy Fathers Day to all the guys on here. 
What would we do without the greatest men in our lives?
My "DAD" has been gone for several years--but I have
many wonderful memories of him. He was a gardener, carpenter,and jack of all trades.
I never saw anything he could not do, if he set his mind to it.
I recall him at 70 years old; squatting in the strawberry patch,
picking his special berries that he 'cross bred' for size and sweetness.
His garden was always something for the neighbors to envy-onions, lettuce,radishes,
potatoes, sweet potatoes,tomatoes by the rows, cabbage, turnips. Veggies of all kinds
and the extras to can for the winter for 6 kids. Plenty to give to the neighbors
and friends too. WHAT Memories! 
I might add this was back in the depression area when times were VERY hard.
** **
do you have any favorite memories to share?
Farmington, IL
age: 47
Thank you, Shirley! Today is also my sons 18th birthday!

Warren, MI
age: 48
Well happy father's day Mike...., my eldest son called me, I told him to call his dad... he said I've already done that....
I wish all you fathers here on dh a wonderful fathers day.