12/30/2006 8:52:34 AM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 44
I get it I do study.. I go around thinking that I don't understand how many people just don't care. but lets be nice. its not a contest of who knows what. If you want to teach some one. then teach them . if you want to (braudcast. (your probably the only one who knows how to find that in the bible). braodcast seed. . Be carful. like that one message from whom ever it was. You know. if some one thinks that. having God in there life is going to mess up there life there gonna say why would I want that. they don't know how good things can be. its your job to plant the seed. its Gods job to make it grow.
12/30/2006 2:03:09 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
contrary to the OP. The bible saids that god will not have his followers doing with out any needed thing like food. So is that why so many christians will starve to death to day? It also saids to let the little children come unto him. So again is that why over 800.000 children will starve to death today? Therefore the bible can be provin wroung. I have studyed the bible for 20yrs or more, Im even a licensed minister. I got over the bible and god by seeing the truth in ever day life. Your god dose not keep any of the promises made in the bible. Open your eyes and you will see it too. So if your god is real he is the biggest absentee (aka slum) land lord there is. Now do not come back and preach at or to me. It will NOT work. religion was made up by government to get people to give 10% of all they have to the government. Easier than collecting taxes. It also explains or answers the age old question. How did I get here?
12/31/2006 6:03:28 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Whittier, CA
age: 55
Wow Kenny.... A 10% religion tax?????
Call me crazy, but God is a capitalist too?
12/31/2006 8:28:37 PM |
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Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
>>"I am uncovertable...try and you will verify it."<<
If you already have your mind made up to go to Hell then why in the World would anyone want to try and change your mind?
>>"contrary to the OP. The bible saids that god will not have his followers doing with out any needed thing like food. So is that why so many christians will starve to death to day? It also saids to let the little children come unto him. So again is that why over 800.000 children will starve to death today? Therefore the bible can be provin wroung. I have studyed the bible for 20yrs or more, Im even a licensed minister. I got over the bible and god by seeing the truth in ever day life. Your god dose not keep any of the promises made in the bible. Open your eyes and you will see it too. So if your god is real he is the biggest absentee (aka slum) land lord there is. Now do not come back and preach at or to me. It will NOT work. religion was made up by government to get people to give 10% of all they have to the government. Easier than collecting taxes. It also explains or answers the age old question. How did I get here?
Read Ez. ch 14
If you already have your mind made up Yahweh will make sure it stays that way.
Not only arte you a Moron, you're a complete Idiot too!
[Edited 12/31/2006 8:29:05 PM]
1/1/2007 7:58:43 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Crystal Lake, IL
age: 48
Whew Wolfy...
Your letter was so off the mark and so blasphemous that I had to respond.
You blame GOD for the woes of this land??? You call him a liar??? He gave us free will from the beginning and WE screwed it up!!! Man in his greed, self centeredness and lack of charity for others created the problems and continue to do so!
Someone has clearly decieved you and clouded your thinking for it could never have been the God of Abraham and of all creation... satan is the liar and the father of lies because there is no truth in him... Did you miss this THAT part of your scripture study???
Some thoughts to ask yourself...
Have I done anything to help the situation personally? As a minister, did I donate $$$ to help house or feed the poor or the children? Was I there for their emotional needs? Did you house and feed the poor in your church?
As a carpenter, have I done pro-bono work for the less fortunate? Lent myself out
to rebuilding after local disasters? Have I considered taking some vacation time to go to an impoverished country and help renovate or help rebuild a small home?
As a person, have I given any money to the various charities to help feed the poor children and starving of this world or to get the medical help that may be needed?
It would take a multitude of people, money and government intervention to fix the earths woes but at least I can start with the person I see staring back at me in the mirror.
Also, I dont get it... how can a proclaimed "licensed minister" clearly not understand where the collections go? Since when does 10% go to the government... maybe your 'church or whatever you were a minister of' was a 'for profit' organization??? Then you would pay taxes and rightfully so.
But then again, these days, anyone can start his/her own ministry. There are many self proclaimed preachers out there that add to the discord, negative, false confusion which only comes from the evil one.
My apologies for this seemingly harsh answer which is out of character for me but I cannot let our Lord be blasphemed as you have done here. There has to be another reason you so bitter, what has hardened your heart to such a degree?
Enough said. Will only be online a little bit this week so replys will be delayed.
I will pray that the truth be known to you and your heart softens to the one who loves you beyond measure which IS the one true God.
1/1/2007 8:30:29 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Covington, LA
age: 72
religion was made up by government to get people to give 10% of all they have to the government
Since when is the government only happy with 10%? I can't agree with you on your post Kenny. The money people give to my church doesn't go to the government. Among the things that are done with it though, is to operate a free store where needy people can come in and get groceries and other needed household items, no matter if they are Christian or not. Also, I see the results of this money used to help Katrina victims rebuild their homes and lives. Sorry man, I'm not preaching to you, just pointing out that maybe you don't know what you are talking about in some cases.
[Edited 1/1/2007 8:31:27 PM]
1/1/2007 10:20:34 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Lowry City, MO
age: 47
Meybe Kenny was raised in half million dollar towns where they build 20 million dollar churches. I know of such places. Meybe the numbers aint correct, but just the same. Big collection plates. What do they do for the needy? Pray for their poor souls. Oh and ask em to come to their church and give in the collection plate.
We gots this one church that locks its doors for service. yeah its in the east side of town. The ruff neighborhood. Yeah, inna town of 750 period. Not thousand. You have to be invited to get there.
I'm sure God has a good laugh with that. lol
1/1/2007 10:32:58 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
Neverfear just because I dont believe in your god dose not make me a moron or an idiot it dose make you one. You act just like someone with nothing to say. So you try to insult me thats a christen thing to do. Just shows how shallow your mind is. Dee did I say that the 10% gos to the government today? No I did not. I said when religion was FIRST STARTED. Who started the Roman Catholic Church? Come on tell me........................It was started by Caesers right hand man. Thus a government. And the church asked for a 10% tithe. Do some research on it. You will find that Im right. And yes I have gave MORE than 10% of my time and money to feed the poor and still do! Do YOU? And the church I am a minister in is NOT for PROFIT. You need to read what i wrote and NOT WHAT YOUR THINKING. Looks as if all of you did not understand what I was saying I DID NOT SAY THAT THE GOVERNMENT GETS THE MONEY TODAY. Do some research you will find that governments did start the biggest churches. Just because the government is not the church head today. Dose not mean they NEVER were.
[Edited 1/1/2007 10:40:10 PM]
1/2/2007 6:26:02 AM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Covington, LA
age: 72
Oh, now I understand why the Romans burned the Christians at the stake or fed them to the lions......they weren't paying their 10%........just pulling your chain Kenny. 
1/2/2007 10:27:09 AM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Reading, MI
age: 42
sorry to but in on the forum, but something needs to be cleared up.
The 10% you give to god is his to do what he wants. but as it says in his word
you give the 10% to the one who is teaching you. Weather it be a pastor or a friend
it is payment for doing gods work.
If you need the verses that talk about it let me know i will post them.
1/2/2007 3:46:36 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
Sky the romans burned christians before the roman catholic church was started. Go to your public library and check out the history of the catholic church. It will clearly tell you who started the church, and why. For the rest of you here is some reading for you. Ezra 6:7-9 says to give to the elders of the church all that they have need of and to do so everyday. I have seen priests, ministers. reverends on welfare. Ps 34:19 says the lord will deliver you out of ALL your afflictions. Maybe thats why so many christians/jews suffer with things like blindness,depression,and countless other things. Ps 37:25 says the righteous will not be forsaken or begging for bread. Is that why so many christians/jews are homeless and have to beg to eat on a daily basis. Ps 55:22 says cast your burdens to the lord and he will sustain you. that the righteous will never suffer. So is that why so many christians/jews do? Ps 91:10 say no evil befall you. neither will any plague. So again is that why so many christian/jews suffer from depression, blindness, and more evil things. If you dont think that depression is evil then you are a fool. And 70% of the time medication dose not work. And today there will be suicides of believers of god. Due to depression. Is 41:17 says that the lord will not forsake the poor. Yet so many chrildren will go to bed hungry tonight. Mt. 6:25-34 is the promise of god to take care of his own. Yet he dose not. mt. 7:7-11 says ask and you WILL RECEIVE not you might RECEIVE. Even says that EVERONE that ask WILL receive. Says that god is better than man and can give greater gifts than man. Lu. 9:11 says that god WILL heal them that have need of it. Yet so many people that ask for a healing do not get it. So when did god stop healing his own? Jn. 6:35 says that whoever believe in god will never hunger or thirst. We have cover this already. So if any of you need more scriptures to prove my point let me know I will be glad to give them to you. And just FYI I am a member of the Church of Spirtual Humanism and we do not believe in YOUR god.
[Edited 1/2/2007 3:49:11 PM]
1/2/2007 6:24:03 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Covington, LA
age: 72
Whatever blows your hair back Kenny. I told you I was "pulling your chain". 
1/2/2007 6:34:31 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Whittier, CA
age: 55
and a damn good chain it was! LOL!
1/13/2007 2:40:45 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Bemidji, MN
age: 22
Because if I dont believe in your god. Why would I believe his/her/its bible? (from Wolfy in Christian Thread).
Wolfy, when we look at logic, this is something that doesn't make sense.
Many people did not believe Democritus, when he first starting talking about matter being made up of smaller items (atoms). He wrote it down, and but there was no physical evidence at the time.
It all goes down to the physical proof. You tell me God cannot exist because there is no physical proof; by that statment, Atoms did not exist until Rutherford came along with his Cloud Chamber to prove their existance.
The fact is this, if you do not believe in something, and you think it is wrong, wouldn't it be wiser to read the literature and try to disprove it. And if you are NOT able to disprove it, is it not worth considering and keeping an open mind to? Just seems logical to me.
After all, whether we believe something is true or not, doesn't change the facts.
But I will address your comments about the failed promises/ so called failures that shows God cannot be real. Again, personally I find this to be failed logic, but will address it just the same.
Take care, have a great day, and God Bless,
Mike :o)
1/13/2007 6:22:54 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
Mike you are running in circles. You said atoms were not proven, until they were. So what is your point? Atoms are real and have been proven. I have read the bible so many times I lost count even studied it so dont say I need to read it. I used the bible to make my point because people like you (christians/believers) believe it. So give me the consideration of not saying I need to read it to prove your god. In the other thread I was not bashing Christians. You had said that no one had proven your god was not real. Or something to that effect. All I was doing was to give you directions to this thread for proof. You said that you were going to address my clams of failed promises of god. Im curious as to how you plain to do this with out using the bible. If you can and do you will be the first. To me to believe in something you cant prove is failed logic. Einstein tried to prove god was real, and had done so. Or so many people thought he did. Until a 7th grader from Chicago showed him where his logic failed. His response was "I was wondering when someone would catch that." In other words he knew he was wrong. But good luck on trying.
[Edited 1/13/2007 9:53:16 PM]