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2/5/2007 12:45:29 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Loves Park, IL
age: 50
God bless you Dee! Nice to see there is another sister in Christ on here.
2/5/2007 1:33:06 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Whittier, CA
age: 55
Excuse me proverbs????????
Are you talking to me?????
If so, referring to what???
2/5/2007 4:02:49 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Loves Park, IL
age: 50
Sorry krazz, I was refering to the the topics sacred warrior mentioned. I am too much a lady to repeat. You said it was all done for fun.
2/6/2007 4:51:53 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
Neverfear you keep quoting your bible to prove your god. If I dont believe in your god, why would I believe your bible? Oh I get it because it is your gods word. LMFAO
PS after the first quote I lost any interest in reading any more.
2/6/2007 6:53:20 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
Here are Five Laws of Stupidity
First Law:
We always underestimate the number of stupid people. This is not as obvious as it sounds, because: people we had thought to be rational and intelligent suddenly turn out to be unquestionably stupid; and, day after day we are hampered in whatever we do by stupid people who invariably turn up in the least appropriate places. It is impossible to set a percentage, because any number we choose will be too small.
Second Law:
The probability of a person being stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person. If you study the frequency of stupidity in the people who come to clean up classrooms after hours, you find that it is much higher than you expected. You assume that this is related to their lower level of education, or to the fact that non-stupid people have better chances of obtaining good jobs. But when you analyze students or University professors, the distribution is exactly the same. Militant feminists may be incensed, but the stupidity factor is the same in both genders (or as many genders, or sexes, as you may choose to consider). No difference in the sigma factor, can be found by race, color, ethnic heritage, education, etcetera.
Third (and Golden) Law:
A stupid person is someone who causes damage to another person, or a group of people, without any advantage accruing to himself (or herself) -- or even with some resultant self-damage. (We shall come back to this, because it is the pivotal concept.)
Fourth Law:
Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid people. They constantly forget that at any moment, and in any circumstance, associating with stupid people invariably constitutes an expensive mistake. That (I would say) suggests that non-stupid people are a bit stupid -- but I shall get back to this point at the end.
Fifth Law:
A stupid person is the most dangerous person in existence. This is probably the most widely understood of the Laws, if only because it is common knowledge that intelligent people, hostile as they might be, are predictable, while stupid people are not. Moreover, its basic corollary: A stupid person is more dangerous than a bandit.
There are four types of people, depending on their behavior in a transaction:
Someone whose actions tend to generate self-damage, but also to create advantage for someone else.
Someone whose actions tend to generate self-advantage, as well as advantage for others.
Someone whose actions tend to generate self-advantage while causing damage to others.
We already have this definition in the Third Law.
[ Three Corollaries Listed Below ]
In a world populated exclusively by "perfect bandits," the system as a whole would be balanced; damage and advantage would cancel each other out. The same effect would occur in a world populated by "perfectly hapless" people. Of course intelligent people make the biggest contribution to society as a whole. But, nasty as it may sound, intelligent bandits also contribute to an improvement in the balance of society by causing more advantage than harm overall.
"Hapless-intelligent" people, though they lose individually, can also have socially positive effects. However, when stupidity gets into the act, the damage is enormously greater than the benefit to anyone. This proves the original point: the single most dangerous factor in any human society is stupidity.
Intelligent people generally know they are, bandits are well aware of their attitude, and even hapless people have a sneaking suspicion that all is not right. But stupid people don't know they are stupid, and that is one more reason why they are extremely dangerous.
Which of course leads me back to my original, agonizing question: am I stupid?
2/6/2007 6:53:33 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
I have passed several IQ tests with good marks. Unfortunately, I know how these tests work and that they don't prove anything. Several people have told me I am intelligent. But that doesn't prove anything, either. They may simply be too kind to tell me the truth. Conversely, they could be attempting to use my stupidity for their own advantage. Or they could be just as stupid as I am. I am left with one little glimpse of hope: quite often, I am intensely aware of how stupid I am (or have been). And this indicates that I am not completely stupid.
First Corollary:
In each of us there is a factor of stupidity, which is always larger than we suppose (I explained that in my original "stupidity" paper).
Second Corollary:
When the stupidity of one person combines with the stupidity of others, the impact grows geometrically -- i.e. by multiplication, not addition, of the individual stupidity factors. It seems to be a generally accepted concept that "the sum of a network increases as the square of the number of members" and it seems quite obvious that the same criterion applies to the combination of stupidity factors in individual people. This can help to explain the well-known fact that crowds as a whole are much more stupid than any individual person in the crowd.
Third corollary:
The combination of intelligence in different people has less impact than the combination of stupidity, because "non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid people"
Stupidity is brainless -- it doesn't need to think, get organized or plan ahead to generate a combined effect. The transfer and combination of intelligence is a much more complex process.
Stupid people can combine instantly into a super-stupid group or mass, while intelligent people are effective as a group only when they know each other well and are experienced in working together. The creation of well-tuned groups of people sharing intelligence can generate fairly powerful anti-stupidity forces, but (unlike stupidity bundling) they need organized planning and upkeep; and can lose a large part of their effectiveness by the infiltration of stupid people or unexpected bursts of stupidity in otherwise intelligent people.
Another dangerous element in the equation is that the machinery of power tends to place "intelligent bandits" (sometimes even "stupid bandits") at the top of the pyramid; and they, in turn, tend to favor and protect stupidity and keep true intelligence out of their way as much as they can.
4/26/2007 11:08:14 AM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Fayetteville, NC
age: 39
Ahh contrare, God does keep his promises, your eyes are closed to see. I too was once in your shoes. It is so easy to blame God for all of the problems of you, me, us. But what about the wonderous miracles that happen every day. You have free will, you can choose to believe in satan, lies, deception or you can believe to believe in God and all of his wonderous miracles and blessings. It is easy to be a christian, but true FAITH, that is not always easy in todays society, but that is exactly how you achieve your blessings. I am living proof that with faith, GOD can and will bless you, especially when it is his will you are trying to follow and not your own. When you try to seek wisdom and not answers, then you are truly on your way to true faith. When you truly leave it in Gods hands, he will see you through. We as humans tend to get impatient and want our life to turn out our way instead of Gods way. Sometimes God will leave us in that valley until we see that the only way out is through HIM. If I have to believe in anything, I would rather believe in God and know that I am saved, I would rather believe that there is a Heaven than believe there is nothing at all and that our only purpose was this world.
4/27/2007 10:43:14 AM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
Cass I don't blame your god about anything can't blame anything on something that don't exist. LMAO
4/27/2007 11:13:22 AM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Kissimmee, FL
age: 43
MR. WORRIOR. this is something i know that you can understand...i will have to look it up be remember it says that only the heart that is willing to except he will open to hear the real meaning of the bible so...take it from there..you cant get upset or keep betting a dead horse...but i can say just like the bible says before its over EVERYONE will know who the father is and will see the results from free will or free will not!remember sodom and gomera yeah...they might not listen now but soon i mean real soon they WONT have a choice...it will be too late.
4/27/2007 3:53:14 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Bronx, NY
age: 38
You guys are going to get offended........so read on and get seriously upset
Stupid One and Stupid Two.....
Stupid Two: "So anyway, this guy goes on to say that all relationship issues have been covered in the Bible. I was on it like butter, went to the B&N to pick up a copy."
Stupid One: "Your grandmother has one in her bedroom with all the baby pictures, dead flowers, and prayer cards from all those people in your family that died. It's a big one too, nice....."
Stupid Two: "someone wrote something about somebody's version, so I wanted to get the latest edition"
Stupid One: "That book ain't going to tell you anything about anything"
Stupid Two: "It's Gods words, his Bible"
Stupid One: "Didn't God have words before this book became bestseller?"
Stupid Two: "See, that's where you're wrong. It's a megamix of old and new. The apostles wrote some serious lyrics, they lived the experience, real life"
Stupid One: "Twleve men to corroborate a story. Wow, these are some of the same guys that denied Jesus, abadoned him, but lived to write his memoirs huh?"
Stupid Two: "It's like a collection of greatest hits, not all of classics make it to the album.............."
Stupid One: "So, you gonna buy this book, follow all of the instructions and seek all of your answers in it? You gonna carry that thing around wit you everywhere, your manual, can't live without it?"
Stupid Two: "What if I take that book away, then what?"
Stupid One: "You're an evil person, you're going to hell"
Stupid Two: "Duh, evil came from pure love stupid. Satan, was an angel and most beloved by God. So, The Fallen Angel was into some deep underground techno sis"
Stupid One: "Shut up!!! You don't understand, you don't want to understand!!"
Stupid Two: "The book is a big Frat party. All guys, Moses, Noah, prophets, yadda, yadda, yadda. Wars, mano versus mano, incest, slavery, betrayel, it's all guys, no women allowed......"
Stupid One: "Read the book, but live your life. God was with ya, before you were willing to spend your Metrocard money. No illustrations hon."
Stupid Two: "No illustrations huh, not even the sample cologne"
Stupid One: "No babe, you dropped your rosary. Did it break? Yeah, that's really hard plastic. I'll support ya on this if you want. Let's go to your nana's house and turn the page on her bible, it's been Psalms for 15 years and she still can't carry a tune........"
4/28/2007 3:56:08 AM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Ardmore, OK
age: 32
So what your saying is that since women aren't praised in the Bible like oh say Ruth or More then one Mary or Esther then the Bible can't be a true depiction of the real God? And Christians are stupid because they belive in the Bible and that it is God's word? I would get some of your facts straight first though since you are putting it all over the place here. The Gospel according to Mary was written by a man hundreds of years after Mary was dead, same with the gospel of Judas, that is why they are not incloded in the Bible. Why if these 12 men denied God did they die in his name and in belief that he was God. yes one did deny him 3 times before the rooster crowed twice as fortold by Jesus to him, but the same man dies a martyr for this man that he denied. Thomas doubted that the resurected Jesus was really him, but he did not deny Jesus. There is no real evidence that Judas denied Jesus, even though he did betray him. This is just a few of the points you brought up as reasons to not belive the Bible, but I am sorry that you have such a grudge against God that you have to make up resons to denounce him.
4/28/2007 7:25:25 AM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Kissimmee, FL
age: 43
i was going to post some intelligence response here...but stupid did what stupid does and that is made a real stupid anal out of stupid self...oh bye the way none taken....)this two shall past...if you need attention that bad...perhaps you should find a topic that fits your stupid thoughts...or start a stupid topic..oh great open mouth to insert stupid foot....
4/28/2007 12:52:28 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
This thread is funny as hell. You people keep shouting the bible like that will make some one believe. If I don't believe in your god. Why would I believe in your bible? ROFLMFAO If you all had read all my posts and not just the one you are crying about you would know that I have a doctorate in divinity. Yes I have studied your bible long anuff to have that. Lived a christian life for over 35 yrs. Then I seen the TRUTH read my posts from this forum (religion) you just might learn something if you open up your mind. Could be I'm just wasting my time with you as your minds are so brain washed that you can't see the truth. I know you are going to say. "Are you blaming god for all the wrong in the world?" No I am not as I have already said you can't blame something that dose not exist. I blame man for all the wrong in this world. Why do I post in this forum if I don't believe? Well this is a open forum to ALL not just believers.
And FYI even not believeing is a form of religion.
[Edited 4/28/2007 5:07:02 PM]