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1/14/2007 8:16:15 AM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Bemidji, MN
age: 22
You said that you were going to address my clams of failed promises of god. Im curious as to how you plain to do this with out using the bible.
LOL, Wolfy, you're not gonna make it easy on me are you 
But if you want me to address the fulfillment of the promises without using the Bible, I am willing to give it a whirl. But um, do I get to use the Bible to take the actual promises from? Or is this one of those "super tricky" assignments 
Mike :o)
[Edited 1/14/2007 8:17:23 AM]
1/14/2007 9:55:45 AM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
LOL, Wolfy, you're not gonna make it easy on me are you? Mike yes you can use the bible to get the promises from. Other wise how would you know what the promises are? lol
[Edited 1/14/2007 9:47:37 PM]
1/15/2007 11:20:58 AM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Appleton, WI
age: 53
So when did god stop healing his own?
God never turned his back on his own ever...It might be a persons time to go and thats why God didnt step in to heal. Terminally ill children know this and still believe in God. I can get on my soapbox on this one..I have seen it and experienced it
1/15/2007 4:51:19 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
So when did god stop healing his own?
God never turned his back on his own ever...It might be a persons time to go and thats why God didnt step in to heal. Terminally ill children know this and still believe in God. I can get on my soapbox on this one..I have seen it and experienced it.
I have seen people ask for healing that were not terminally ill. Then not get healed. The bible says ask and you WILL receive not you MIGHT receive. I have seen people that were terminally ill ask and not get healed either. Again the bible says ask and you WILL receive not MIGHT receive. The bible says if you have the faith as small as a mustard seed you can move mountains. That leaves a lot of room for doubt. The bible never said you can not doubt. So before you try to tell me god didnt heal someone because of what ever reason. Realize that is not what the bible says. I do not believe in any kind of god after many years of believing more than 30. Was raised in a christian home. I have seen to many BELIEVERS doing with out the very basic needs for life like food. The bible says that god will not have his own doing without any needed things. Yet they do! Before you ask. Do I do anything to feed the poor? Yes I do. In fact the nonprofit org. I am a member of dose more than that we help people find training so they can find a job or a better job. All at no cost to them. So we do more than feed them for a day we feed them for a life time.
2/5/2007 8:09:59 AM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
hey you might want to reevaluate some stuff there...the bible is a control mechanism to keep you a sleepy head as to what is really going on...the globalists running the world never wanted you to know who you really are as a spiritual being so they gave you that christian loving the lord stuff to occupy your sleepy head with...the popes robe isn`t white its black and they`re all a bunch of evil demonic gangsters controlling everyone through the churches using the clergy through the use of fear so you never figure out who you actually really are as a spiritual being because if you did you would have all the power!...and you think they care about you...the gangsters have to scare the hell out of everyone and they do it with the drug of choice...the mindsucker TV...the gangster boys running the world can`t have you knowing who you really are as a spiritual being because it would not serve them well if you were not a good little god fearing slave with all the guilt trips they taught everyone...how do you think they break up all the families?...it is by no mistake because they can`t have you having a good time in your life.. geez..they can`t have you getting along with people cooperating with one another because then they could not conrol your sleepy head....and you probably think your gonna get saved from something...big joke...its time to wake up and think for yourself and be your own church and rule yourself and decide what you are to do and think about in your life and not someone else deciding for you that certainly does not have your best interest at heart...sheesh pass the basket...the delusion...the greatest deception of all time...
I gotta get the kleenex box...sad story...the rabbit hole is deep...sleeping beauty is asleep remember...they can`t have her waking up because if she did all hell would break loose...the bible was twisted from the day it was written through the fraudulent use of language is how they have been able to get over on everyone... you never knew what the hell hit you from the time you were born...of course no one knew until now...you can finally learn some critical things your mommny and daddy were never able to teach you because the lies have been handed down from way back in time...do you know what the theory of cognitive dissonance is? ...it essentially means that if you are unaware of something...then you are unaware!...they have to keep everyone is a state of chaos and confusion walking around in a sea of controversy your whole life so you don`t know if you are coming or going....the picture that has been painted before you your whole life is a lie and the truth is hidden in plain sight...you have to see your life in reverse...but since everyone is taught to be so hyper-focused busy busy busy all the time, fast food society and so concerned about getting their emotional feel goods and all caught up in their vanity...you can`t see the forest for the trees...People were never to find out who they really are as a spiritual being ...the gangsters can`t have you knowing that so they had to intimidate the hell out of everyone to get them to voluntarily consent to something you had no knowledge of what was actually taking place and what you were actually doing and getting involved in because they never gave anyone a choice to know otherwise...until now that is, thanks to the internet you can finally learn somethings...here is some help and only a small part of the picture....peace!
2/5/2007 8:38:21 AM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
And you sound just about as insane as Jordan Maxwell.
Get a grip!
2/5/2007 9:58:08 AM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
why thank you very much neverfear!...I take that as a compliment. Insane = In-sane I am sane!.. well I doubt you have listened to or read at any length Jordans information and a slew of others who are out there trying to help you to be able to know what you are talking about...he is just one of the true heros fighting the war on tryanny trying to wake your sleepy head up from the deception you are involved in with your thinking that what you see in your outerworld is real when infact it could not be further from the truth.
I certainly understand, it is no ones fault of course...everyone has been severly lied to about what you think your life is about. You are decieved by what you see with your eyes. Its a trick to distract you from your true nature of which you were never suppose to find out. That which is unfamiliar to you is difficult to accept because of the programming you have been subjected to your whole life without your knowledge through our society...it makes you feel uncomfortable until you can do your homework and discover who you really are as a spiritual being and find out how your life has been stolen from you inorder to be a god fearing slave for someone else. Remember in school when you were growing up and you said the Pledge of Allegence? One Nation Under God? Well it turns out, 'you' are the 'One Nation' that you were talking about. You were never suppose to know. Most peoples god is their government, the god of this world as you know it with the idea that you better do what they say.
So how are they able to get away with it? They had to scare the hell out of you so you can't sleep at night and digest your food and you better not miss that mortgage payment next month along with keeping you in a state of total confusion and so busy with controversy that you don't know what is really going on with your life. You just don't have enough information to be able to decide for yourself what is real and what is not because everyone was born to be incompetent without their knowledge when your mother signed your birth certificate and that is why you need a 3rd party agency to help you decide and make up your mind about what is and what is not and why everyones life has been made to be clinical always needing someone else to decide for them. You have not figured out that you are actually the King of your own Nation and just exactly how a King of his Nation is suppose to think.. so naturally you're going talk out of the side of your mouth and say dumb stuff...it's ok with me I'm not upset about it and I certainly won't hold you back from speaking your mind and saying anything you like. The more you can open up the more you might begin to understand that the world has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth about what is really going on in your life...peace!
2/5/2007 10:16:05 AM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
...I doubt you have listened to or read at any length Jordans information and a slew of others who are out there trying to help you to be able to know what you are talking about...
he is just one of the true heros fighting the war on tryanny trying to wake your sleepy head up from the deception you are involved in with your thinking that what you see in your outerworld is real when infact it could not be further from the truth.
...everyone has been severly lied to about what you think your life is about.
You are decieved by what you see with your eyes.
Its a trick to distract you from your true nature of which you were never suppose to find out.
Pray tell, have you discovered what it's all about?
That which is unfamiliar to you is difficult to accept because of the programming you have been subjected to your whole life without your knowledge through our society...
Speaking of yourself again eh!?!?
it makes you feel uncomfortable until you can do your homework and discover who you really are as a spiritual being and find out how your life has been stolen from you inorder to be a god fearing slave for someone else.
EXCUSE ME. What do you know of me? You reveal yourself again here pal. You know nothing of me!
Remember in school when you were growing up and you said the Pledge of Allegence? One Nation Under God? Well it turns out, 'you' are the 'One Nation' that you were talking about. You were never suppose to know. Most peoples god is their government, the god of this world as you know it with the idea that you better do what they say.
IDIOT! You wanna talk about dis-information? You're it!
So how are they able to get away with it? They had to scare the hell out of you so you can't sleep at night and digest your food and you better not miss that mortgage payment next month along with keeping you in a state of total confusion and so busy with controversy that you don't know what is really going on with your life. You just don't have enough information to be able to decide for yourself what is real and what is not because everyone was born to be incompetent without their knowledge when your mother signed your birth certificate and that is why you need a 3rd party agency to help you decide and make up your mind about what is and what is not and why everyones life has been made to be clinical always needing someone else to decide for them. You have not figured out that you are actually the King of your own Nation and just exactly how a King of his Nation is suppose to think.. so naturally you're going talk out of the side of your mouth and say dumb stuff...it's ok with me I'm not upset about it and I certainly won't hold you back from speaking your mind and saying anything you like. The more you can open up the more you might begin to understand that the world has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth about what is really going on in your life...peace!
Rant rant rant. You have been programmed well MORON! Problem is, you don't even know by whom!
Like I said, get a grip!
2/5/2007 11:44:49 AM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
Well you sound upset and bent out of shape neverfear ....you sound like you are jumping up and down like a school yard bully that didn't get his way...is this how you act in your relationships with people?....Not uncommon like most people you sabotage yourself at every turn of the corner in your life and shoot yourself in the foot before you ever get started...using all those capital letters shouting from the roof tops....you contradict yourself quite abit in that sorry excuse for a reply and it is a perfect example of what I mentioned about your life being full of controversy that you have created for yourself ...evidently you are taking something personal and not actually reading...you want to shoot the messenger instead of knowing the message. .yes I have discovered alot of what is going on in our world...not all and probably never will though it doesn't matter...I will be so bold as to say I have found a few secrets to life..and while you have been spending your time in comedy clubs looking for an emotional feel good I have been seriously researching what the hell has been going on with this crazy world. A very complicated thing that has to be made simple inorder for your small mindedness to be able to wrap your mind around why you act the way you do. In order for you to know some critical things about life your mommy and daddy were never able to tell you I would have to train you full time for 6 months just so you would be able to understand what it was I was about to tell you.
You have failed to tell or say anything of what you think and feel only instead you are the one doing the ranting with your no-information. You are mixed up and talking out of the side of your mouth (or keyboard) whichever and consequently out of your mind because you can't think straight and have an intelligent conversation. If you dissagree with so much what have you to say otherwise besides trying to tell me to get a grip. You have not offered anything except your one liners. If you know so much about what Jordan Maxwell is talking about it obviously did not affect you.
To put the icing on the cake for you, I do know you...how is that possible? you are probably screaming inside...well neverfear I happen to have been doing my homework with myself for a very long time and since I know myself somewhat so I know you and I know why you are the way you are...I realize its not what you want to hear but if you were right with yourself you would know what I'm talking about and not have an issue with it. You might have to turn off that mindsucker TV and do some reading and catching up with your spiritual self you have been avoiding your whole life in one form of a preoccupation or another...there is no reason to call me names just because you are confused or don't understand something when you don't offer anything more than a 5th grader which might be alittle high at that.
2/5/2007 12:10:27 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
Jordan Maxwell is a dis-information agent. Jordan Maxwell is a Liar. You believe and profess lies. I hate liars. I won't put up with it any more.
Now stand still and listen to words of truth.
The false witness which is banned by the ninth commandment includes a false witness concerning God. In Deuteronomy 18:9-22, we have, not only a prophecy of Christ's coming but also a test of false prophets. The law begins by banning certain forms of idolatry which are "unlawful means of communication with the unseen world." No trick of magic, nor any kind of ritual, can coerce God. God does not reveal Himself in answer to ritual or rite, nor does He prosper men in response to gifts and bribes. Instead of turning to these "abominations" which only brought judgment on the Canaanites (Deut. 18:12,14), "Thou shalt be perfect (or upright) with the LORD thy God" (Deut.18:13).
"Thou shalt walk with Him in sincerity, and wait for Him. And thou shalt not pry into the future. But whatsoever cometh upon thee, take it with simplicity, and then thou shalt be with Him, and be his portion."
More important, however, is the fact that the purpose of these unlawful rites is prediction, the desire to know the future and to predict it In a very central sense, the believer must walk by faith, not by sight. Precise and personal prediction and preview of the future is closed to him.
In another sense, however, the law itself is given as the God-ordained means of prediction for a nation. The central purpose of Deuteronomy 27-31 is to provide the people of God with a true means of prediction, and that means of prediction is the law. If men disobey the law, certain curses ensue; if they obey the law, blessings result. Because the law is concerned with prediction, the people of God will avoid all lawless claims to prediction. The one principle of prediction is the sovereign power and decree of God; the other principle of prediction is the demonic power which seeks to establish an independent and revolutionary concept of power and control.
The law was given through Moses, but the means whereby the law was given was terrifying to Israel and brought them close to the presence of judgment. God will therefore raise up another Prophet, another Moses or law-giver, "and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him" (Deut. 18:18). The Great Prophet is thus given in terms of the original law, and as the law-giver. The key to the relationship of the Prophet to Moses is the law.
False prophets shall arise representing another god or power, and therefore another law. Their falsity will be revealed by their false predictions. Because the principle of true prediction is the law-word of God, all the prophets, culminating in Jesus Christ, spoke, inspired of God, in terms of that law. Jeremiah, in prophesying the captivity, echoed the law-prediction of Deuteronomy 27-31; because he also spoke by God's inspiration, he could also declare that the captivity would last seventy years (Jer. 25:11).
The key to the matter is the law. Where there is no law, there is no true prophecy, neither a true speaking for God nor true prediction. Whenever and wherever Christians have become neglectful of the law, they have been easily and readily misled by charlatans.
There are many claimants to special revelations and a fresh word of prophecy. "Jesus Walked into my Room and Talked With Me in Jerusalem." Can anyone imagine St. Paul conducting such a "campaign"?
However, those who fail to teach the whole word of God are no less guilty of being false prophets. They who neglect the law have no gospel, for they have denied the righteousness of God which is basic to the gospel.
Those who deliberately teach a revolutionary law-order are traitors to the existing law-order. Those who preach by cupidity, greed, or antinomian tendencies a defective view of Scripture are also traitors, although not in the same sense or to the same degree.
No society can escape penalizing those who vary from its fundamental faith.
2/5/2007 12:11:12 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
Satan tempted Jesus to become a false prophet. In the culminating temptation, we are told, Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shall thou serve (Matt. 4:8-10).
The meaning of this temptation is of central importance. Satan, in approaching Jesus in this final attempt to make Him a false prophet, had, among other things, two basic ideas in mind.
First, Satan asked Jesus to admit the Tightness of his rebellion, to affirm that the creature had a legitimate right to independence from the Creator. Had Jesus in the slightest degree offered any excuse for man's sin, conceded to the environmental excuse, or felt that some independence from God on man's part is justifiable, He would have conceded to Satan a moral justification. This Jesus refused to do: "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve."
Second, Satan claimed a world power that was not his to claim or to give. A fundamental premise of the law-word is that "The earth is the LORD'S" (Ex. 9:29; Deut. 10:14; Ps. 24:1; I Cor. 10:26). Satan neither rules it nor holds title to it, nor can he give it to anyone.
Now very clearly Scripture affirms the fact of conspiracies; Psalm 2 is a classic statement of their reality. This same psalm, however, strongly underscores their futility; God laughs at the conspiracies of the ungodly nations and summons His people to share in His laughter.
Conspiracies prosper only when moral order declines. In every society, there are criminals, thieves, and murderers. Only as a society goes into a moral decline and collapse do these elements gain any ascendancy.
But those who bear false witness, who ascribe to Satan powers which belong only to God, are not content to recognize that conspiracies exist. They go much further.
First, they ascribe to conspiracies a moral order and a discipline which is an impossibility. Satan cannot construct or create; he is merely a destroyer, a murderer, and he has power only to the extent that we forsake the true power of God.
Second, the power of evil is weak and limited; it is under God's control and is His scourge of the nations. The weakness of evil conspiracies means that they can normally only occupy a vacuum.
Third, the key to overcoming evil conspiracies is not a concentration on evil but godly reconstruction. One of the sins Jesus Christ condemned in some members of the church at Thyatira was their concern with studying "the depths of Satan," which can be translated as "exploring the deep or hidden things of Satan" (Rev. 2:24). The non-Christian conservative movements are radically given to studying or exploring the deep things of Satan, as though this were the key to the future.
Fourth, implicit in all this is the belief, as noted, in satanic determination, which makes of these conservatives staunch Satanists. To deny the sovereign power of conspiracies is one of the surest ways of antagonizing many of the people, who will then argue with religious passion for the sovereign, predestinating power of Satan. They will insist that every national and international act is a carefully planned and manipulated conspiracy, all governed by a master plan or plot, and a secret master council. That the plotters and plans exist, and are many, can be granted, but the Christian must hold to their futility. They rage in vain; they "imagine a vain thing" when they plot together against the Lord and His anointed (Ps. 2:1,2).
2/5/2007 12:11:39 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
To blame the world's evils, and to ascribe the world's government, to hidden satanic conspiracies is to be guilty of false witness against God. It is comparable to resorting to magic, witchcraft, or human sacrifice. It denies that God only is the source of prediction and ascribes power and prediction to Satan instead.
The Biblical position involves not only an affirmation of man's essential responsibility, but it also declares that God alone is the almighty one, and He alone predestines and governs all things. To ascribe to conspiracies a power, discipline, and government of the past, present, and future which is not theirs is another form of affirming witchcraft and like "abominations." It is to become a false prophet, and to make a false witness.
It means also incurring God's judgment. To affirm another power is to deny God and His law. Not surprisingly, an antinomian age has readily subscribed to such beliefs. But God will no more respect the antinomianism of the church members than He will the lawlessness of the ungodly. At this point, men face the only effective "conspiracy": God's "conspiracy" against all who deny or forsake Him.
The commandment, "Thou shall not bear false witness," means that we must bear true witness concerning all things. We must not bear false witness concerning God or man, and we are not to bear false witness concerning Satan by ascribing to him power that belongs only to God. The true witness of the apostles was not a testimony about the powers of Satan but of the triumphant Christ. The world they faced, as a very small handful, was far more entrenched in its evil than our own, but the apostles did not spend their time documenting the depravity, perversity, and power of Nero. Instead, St. Paul, who was aware of the approach of persecution, still wrote confidently to the Christians in Rome: "And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly" (Rom. 16:20). The confidence of St. John is similar: "this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith" (I John 5:4).
Today, however, many so-called Christian conservatives not only spend their time studying the work of Satan but become angry if you question the omnipotence of Satan. They insist that every step of our world history is now in the hands of satanic manipulators who use men as puppets. To deny this is to be classed as some kind of heretic; the practical meaning of this position is Satan worship. But St. John tells us that, at the supreme moment of Satan's conspiracy, when Christ's death was decreed, the secret purpose of God was being most fulfilled (John 11:47-53). It is always God who reigns, never Satan. Any other faith is a false witness and an especially evil one.
2/5/2007 12:33:53 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Loves Park, IL
age: 50
Amen sacredwarrior!!! It is hard to follow God's teaching when one places their wants and desires above His. It is truly sad to watch so many being lost in this world. God bless you for your bold stand for what is moral and holy!
2/5/2007 12:39:30 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Loves Park, IL
age: 50
Amen neverfear, but remember jsut because someone claims to be a Christian, doesn't mean it is true. And for those who don't believe in Jesus. It is even sadder, because even the devil knows Christ is real. You are playing rightinto his hands and the devil is loving every minute of it. That is why Athiest day is on, April 1st. Aprils fools day.
2/5/2007 12:42:10 PM |
All The Relationship Issues Have Been Covered. |

Loves Park, IL
age: 50
sorry krass I find nothing funny about those subjects. They are down right disgusting to joke about, or discuss in a public forum.