8/15/2007 8:35:29 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
the www.USAvsUS.org is not controversial it is about the constitution.
8/15/2007 8:36:50 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
The fact is that you've been brainwashed by your family, your teachers, and the media, and a college "education" is a ghastly waste of time and money. That's for suckers. The beauty of brainwashing is that the washee (you) doesn't know it happened.
8/15/2007 8:50:12 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
But my eyes are not closed,and I do know what others have done that was not in the best interest of all,and how broke we are,and that there is an Illuminati...SO What????????
8/15/2007 9:11:22 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
The problem is that like so many your eyes are open but you cannot see...if you investigated what 'others' have done to you and your family which has not been in your best interest, you will clearly see why everyone is broke.
Most everyone's being is a fractured being...it is not a whole being...everyone is divided inside themselves...Them knowing that, they need for you to follow their idea of a God in order for you to feel whole and have a false sense of security because they are money changers and they need everyone to be a slave to their goods and services otherwise their whole machine stops in its tracks.
People give up their right to rulership of themselves and give up their own authority voluntarily by consenting to do something of which they know nothing about and as a consequence they loose everytime and then they scratch their heads wondering why. You must know who you are and not what you think they want you to be or do.
Everyone has been intentionally trained away from selfhood, everyone is caught in egohood, right where they want you.
[Edited 8/15/2007 9:27:45 PM]
8/16/2007 5:11:44 AM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
I do see, hear, and know,all the things you seem to feel so strongly about, that you need to be hurtful and condescending to others ,while getting "your" take on it, out there.My question to you is...so what?
I know who I am,where I've been and where I want to end up! Although I dont have all the answers,and along the way I may experience,fear,anger,sorrow,guilt or regret,I feel pretty confident that the end result will be Eternal Happiness and Peace.
If thats just me living in a fairy tale,then...so be it!I dont have much,but what I do have,I worked hard for in one way or another,and no one can take that from me.Most importantly I have a Loving God in my life,Who has always provide for me ,exactly what He felt I needed!The "crap"in life that I cant do anything about is put on the "crap shelf"and there it will stay unless God wants me to do otherwise.
A couple of weeks ago you suggested to us to go out there and see for ourselves,the "truth"and how this is all a lie and we just see what "they"want us to see.Well,I did just that,and have found that,there are people who care nothing for "us"and have only "their" best interests in mind.So what????
So...whos right,whos wrong,whos good,whos bad,who rich,whos poor,whos,happy,whos sad....doesnt really matter,what matters is how "we"as individuals live our lives,and what "we" as a whole can or will do to make a positive difference.
I dont have a problem w/people feeling the need to tell everyone "theres a problem".My problem is that they usually dont have the "commen sense" or "human decency" to offer up a "reasonable answer" to fix it!
8/16/2007 9:33:44 AM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
There is way more than a problem. Bush has already stated that if we have another 'terrorist' attack close to the elections he will suspend " because the system would be too unstable to change hands in a crisis". That would give him more time and more 'reasons' to suspend more of our rights.
You want to know what the answer is? One or ten or a hundred or even 1 million people alone cannot change things it takes a lot more to see that there are problems and to stand together to do anything about it.
That is why people are sounding an alarm.
8/16/2007 10:03:21 AM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Who exactly are sounding an alarm that Im not hearing or seeing? And its not from lack of "not looking" because I have been.
8/16/2007 10:12:53 AM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Try watching a video called Zeitgeist [google it]. Or the other one I have mentioned USAvsUS.org [not .com but .org] it tells you how the constitution is being eroded.
I for one am sounding the alarm and so is Jewelz. We go at it differently but we care about what is happening and about other people otherwise why would we bother and be willing to keep on getting attacked if we did not think there was danger?
We are saying our America, the one we hope to pass on down to our children, is being eroded at such an alarming rate that it will not be the same America if we do not stand up and do something as WE THE PEOPLE.
Instead of just dismissing everything [I admit I did till I couldn't decieve myself anymore] check some of these things out.
[Edited 8/16/2007 10:13:28 AM]
8/16/2007 10:25:08 AM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Queen...my,who exactly is sounding the alarms, was a retorical, sarcastic remark!And that exactly was my point...You and Jewelz,thats who!
8/16/2007 10:26:01 AM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
The right to assemble {more than 30 people] new bill signed. Bush has just signed a bill that gives him the right to call for marshall law whenever he deems it necessary.
That was supposed to be a states right, that is why FEMA could not go into the Katrina flood area because the Feds could not without state governors asking them to. You might think this is good, and in that situation it may have helped since N.O. and LA had an incompitant governor and mayor.
That also means if a president doesn't like something being done in a state, he can call for marshal law and use the military against American citizens whenever he wants. That is against the constitution.
This is just some examples.
The government can borrow all the money it wants to without any of the people paying it back all their, their childrens, grandchildrens and so on lives, having anything to say about it. Find out what this war is costing each minute, look it up it is on web.
Find out how many billions of dollars Haliburton [Chaney's old CO.] has made so far in Iraq. That is on the Web too.
8/16/2007 10:31:49 AM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Queen...I already know all of those statistics and practices.What I have been pretty much almost begging you and Jewelz is....So What????????????? What???????
8/16/2007 10:32:59 AM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Sorry to tell you this SWCW but on the internet there are millions of people all over the world who are waking up to what the illuminati are doing [that is not what we call them that is what they call themselves cause it means enligtened ones].
8/16/2007 11:57:57 AM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
And it doesn't bother you all that our government is torturing humans in our name? That we will be working for generations to come to pay off the debts to finance a war that most of us are not even for? If it does not then I am not talking to you but maybe some one who does care will be reading this.
So what. Well first off we find all the people that agree with us and when we get enough we start protesting these illigal laws and demand that our president uphold the constitution that swore to uphold when he took office.
So how do I know but if we sit on our collective a**es and do nothing then it is garenteed that it will keep on going like it is till America is no longer. Each person has to make a choice.
Some of the sites we are giving you will tell you what others are doing and how to get in touch.
Or we can do nothing and march to the ovens and gas chambers like the Jews and others did in Germany. The choice is yours. The Illiminati have no use for sick, disabled, poor or any other people that cannot make money for them.
Think about it when they go after someone else sit still and someday they will be coming for you.
8/16/2007 12:00:05 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Syn you say you like to learn why not check out the history of banking. Or the history of the Federal Reserve or even google Illuminati? What have you got to lose?
[Edited 8/16/2007 8:09:34 PM]
8/16/2007 12:54:28 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Oh I see you have free speach but I do not. If you are not interested pass my post by.
[Edited 8/16/2007 8:10:07 PM]