8/16/2007 1:46:31 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Queen..actually most of those things do not bother me in the least.What future generations??? Lets face it there will be no tomorrow on earth much longer thanks to all the friggin lunatics not Illuminati in the world!
Ive looked into your information site(cant find USAvsUS.org anywhere)and although some of it was educational,most of it is too controversial for me too commit to aid.To be honest,the stinkin Ninjas scare the hell out of me and even though I wouldnt mind Al Gore nibbling on my neck,what if he takes a bite and starts drinking "my" blood?UGH!
The only time im sitting on my ass is when I have free time to visit this site for the pure or not so pure entertainment!Otherwise I can be found doing what I can to help less fortunate "brainwashed" Americans who are grateful for whatever the government gives them.
But if they do come after me...I so hope they call first,Id like to maybe bake them an apple pie,order in a baseball game on tv,chew on a few hot dogs and then we could take a nice long drive along this beautiful countryside in my Chevrolet! Peace
8/16/2007 5:36:50 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
So what I am not trying to say anything except the truth. I did not say I was not trying to change minds. If I could fight the good fight alone I would but that would not work.
SWCW I do not care if you want to stay in your little blind world and throw you hands up in the air but I want my descendants to have a half way decent place to live in after I am gone, then it will be up to them to hang on to it. We are only helpless if we believe we are helpless.
As far as the constitution, it was supposed to take 2/3 of the states to vote to change it. The last 14 amendments have been added without the votes of 2/3 of the states and we have just let them get away with it because not enough people stood up and said NO.
You all can keep your head up your butts if you want or let yourselves be led around by your nose ring but this old lady is not gonna take it quietly.
I can be killed or I can be imprisoned but no one can take my mind from me unless I let them.
8/16/2007 7:40:40 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Queen...what you are doing is what you need to do now,for yourself,for today and perhaps future tomorrows.You are standing tall and proud trying to get others to see what you are seeing,for the first time(maybe/maybe not)in this light.It is very commendable because the good intentions are there.The facts you have been reading and hearing about are very alarming and had caused me to take a better look at how I see or percieve things.The one thing that helped me to better understand was to step back,clear my head,and go back and read or listen again.
There are so many pieces to this puzzle,so many players in the game,just too much too soon ,for me.It was consuming not only my time but my energy,both of which are better for me served here, in my home,in my church and in my community.I wasnt trying to tell you in past posts that there isnt a problem,what I was asking what??? what can we do? I think you actually gave one answer about all banning together...when that time comes give me a holler.
For me...yes im concerned,yes if I am sent in the right direction i will help in a way that works for me and will benifit others,but until then I need to let it go.Also....you had mentioned if It wasnt welcomed by me to stay out of it cause it could benifit someone else(along those lines).Take a look at whos listening,out of his last 10 threads containing something pertaining to brainwashing or trances or cognitive disorders and such things Jewelz isnt getting much attention except from you and I and his back slapping friends..I mean no direspect to his friend!!!!ANY of You!!!!
Maybe theres a good reason why some of us are getting frustrated and disagreeing more than usual.Maybe you and Jewelz are just in the "wrong forum at the right time for you".
8/17/2007 8:29:08 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Crystal Lake, IL
age: 48
Queen is correct when she brings up the Illuminati.
For the non-believers, ever hear of Adam Weishaupt, Lucis Trust?(originally named Lucifer Trust?, Alice Bailey, Madame Blavatsky?
Do a little investigating on them.
...and let me add Freemasonry to the list as well.
The reason it is hard to find information on them is that they are 'secret' societies. Only the higher degrees know the true secret of the organization.
Bottom line is... they are occultic in nature with hidden agendas to rule the world in a completely secular, totalitarian way. A society without God. The New world order, one world government, the list goes on and on. Check out the Bilderbergs and their secret world power meetings... so secret that not even the press get's hold of what goes on there.
As for the Federal Reserve Bank, most people do not know that the Federal Reserve Bank is not a federally or government owned or managed bank at all.
It was formed around 1900 by the biggest money people in the US and abroad which makes it privately owned by them. Some names you may recognize are the Rothchilds and the Rockafellers, JP Morgan. Through the bank, they granted loans to many federal, state and companies. These loans naturally gave them control and this control was and still is a great source of power. So much control and so much power, which was their objective, that they now dictate the state and health of our entire nation!
In case you are wondering, this is not a conspiracy theory but fact that is easily assessible when you research the Federal Reserve history.
Scary situation.
[Edited 8/17/2007 8:34:22 PM]
8/18/2007 5:55:42 AM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Thanks Genuinedee...I did more research on this matter after your post.You presented the matter in an easy to understand and informative manner.And I especially like the fact that you didnt feel the necessity to make me feel like Im an idiot if I dont take action to your words. This is how I see it...... Just me!
"The Bilderbergers"
Their is a group of very wealth and powerful people who meet once or twice a yr.and have been doing this since around 1954. It is very secretive and nobody gets in unless your on their list.There is news media present,however,they do not file reports.What they do there is speculative,but there have been times when word has gotten out.
There was only one thing that caught my eye that I was a little curious about,and that was that they withhold cancer information that would help many.But I dont see proof. There was actually one more thing in all the articles I read that stood out...Conspiracy Theorists say....wouldnt that mean,speculation? Hmmm
I feel that it is no different than...Wilma and Betty not being allowed at Fred and Barneys "Loyal Order of the Water Buffalow Lodge" Or....Archie Bunkers "lodge",I do think Edith went once,but got in trouble for it.
And I even belong to a group called "The Hunters" 10 woman go away 1 weekend a yr.and whats said and done on "Hunters Weekend" stays locked away w/ us and we share no information what so ever w/ anyone! It is also like the Bilderbergers....By invitation ONLY!!!
The only Difference is the $$$$$$$$ factor.Its all not that complicated to figure out that, they All are very rich and spend there time together when they meet figuring out ways to make more $$$$$!!! The reason for all the Security is... "Members Only" means nothing to the few who will go out of their way to let you know that Its a Free Country and Anyone can join or be there and even though you Tell them No they still insist on invading your Privacy!
Sooooo.....I still do not see the "Problem"! Peace
[Edited 8/18/2007 5:59:01 AM]
8/18/2007 12:04:38 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
You are right, you do not see the problem. There are many more pieces of the puzzle you would need to assemble to be able to see the problem. You are not going to understand it in one sitting or in a few 15 minute conversations. The answer is alot of complicated things that have to be made simple in order for you to be able to see what the problem really is.
That is not meant to be a putdown in any way. It is truly the case. You have a few good bits and pieces you have gathered for a few weeks and have a good begining. You are curious and are asking questions. That is what it takes. If you are not asking the questions then you would happen to know everything. You certainly cannot learn a few secrets to life if you feel you know everything. Knowledge is one thing, though having the understanding is entirely different.
I have done some major homework for you, no problem, you can thank me later when you recognize it. The government operates in a very compartmentalized manner. No one ever gets to know the whole story. So they keep your mind swimming around in a sea of chaos and confusion, and in a sea of controversy so you cannot think straight about the decisions you make in your life, or to have the presense of mind to pull so many pieces of the puzzle together to even make a whole picture beause they know you are too busy doing what they trained you to do. To behave properly, to be obedient slaves.
They know since you have so many distractions going on in your life you could not possibly sit still long enough to ever figure anything out anyway. So they really don't care what you only think you know...They will keep telling you shit as long as you can take it, until you are able to decide for yourself what is black and what is white, because they know you will never put it all together.
They even tell you what they're doing to your face, but have cloked and disguised it with a sugar coating to make it palatable for you. Everything is hidden in plain sight, right in front of your nose... nothing is hidden...you just can't see it because you are blinded by the light of the carnival they got you to believe in, when you walk out your door.
[Edited 8/18/2007 12:05:32 PM]
8/18/2007 1:03:20 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Thanks for the info and effort it must have taken to be nice,I do respond better when approached that way. I do not know what the whole story is,not sure i want to invest any more time into it quite frankly. I certainly have never been referred to by anyone as a "straight thinker" Im more what they call a"way out there"kind of girl,so I dont see the chaos and confusion the same way others do(like you).
The issues of the government,politicians,big corporations and such,do not effect me personally so I dont have the need to what to change anything.I understand and can appreciate that as a whole nation we are probably being taken advantage of,but as I told Queen...unless you tell me specifically what you think I should do or can do...Im not going to be bothered by the speculation of something. Peace
8/18/2007 1:04:43 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
Might I suggest everyone read 'The Law is the Law'thread that Knight has begun? It is on topic.
Iron: Are you getting on the pic-in-a profile bandwagon, now that you've posted yours?lol
8/20/2007 5:57:42 AM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
ks51 - hi..... no im not in the pic-in-a profile band wagon - i dont think..... maybe i am - i dont know. getting to know people for who they are is more important to me..... lol i wont ask for a picture of you though..... he he lol...... peace
8/20/2007 6:15:26 AM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Morning "you"...to add to your list...
Im feeling like.....
1.Act patiently as He wants me to
2.Do what I can where I can to get His message out there
3.Take some medicine for the "flu" im battling
8/24/2007 8:22:05 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
This too shall pass.
8/24/2007 9:17:56 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Spring, TX
age: 55
i might stir the pot a bit more by stating that those same politicians that you support, Democrats and Republicans with hands out accepting bribes.. oops.. campaign donations in the name of getting elected suppose those who PAY THE MOST.
In another thread I posted recently referring to the only contacts the politicians in DC have are their friends back home who tell them not of the local subjects that need addressing, but those that benefit only them.
You can scream all you want about this war that the majority does not want. Mind you that CONGRESS supported it when it started. Election time is near, and they need something to b*tch about, now they craw fish (back petal) and say they are against it. What funky survey are you subscribing to when you say the majority of us do not support the war?
Reading what someone writes does not make it real. Hell, if you believe what you hear on the news, you must still believe in Santa and the Tooth Fairy. Grow up People.
They make up crap that you want to hear. Ratings is what the news is all about. Truth? Not 1/3 of what you hear is truth. It's some reporter trying to 'up' the other media and make a name for themselves. Freedom of speech certainly should be curtailed in that arena for sure. Not only when they print corrections about a story they told wrong, but they should be held liable for defamation of character. Seriously, this is a huge problem. The media is out of control using the 'freedom of speech' amendment as their tool. Sure, a few cases they uncover hidden agenda's, and that is news worthy. But playing words to appear something is what it isn't?
You can find conspiracy behind everything and anything. All it seems to me that any of you do is shoot opinions and argue here. Instead, let me offer a suggestion. Call your frigging congressman. Might take calling them 100 times before you get noticed, but know what? You'll get noticed. Start showing up at his/her campaign rallies and handing out flyer's of just how he/she voted on what issues, how many votes he/she missed. Folks, I promise you, you'll be noticed and change will take place.
This is the same tactics that every liberal organization uses for each and every bill they want passed. Is it too much trouble for the ordinary citizens to raise their hands to be heard?
Seems like we are a bunch of blinded sheep following a blind shepherd over the cliff.
8/25/2007 8:38:40 AM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
knight - all political parties go on legislative campains like mass letter writing and calling in. i watch bbc if i really want to know what is going on in the world - not us news. i liked your comments.
8/25/2007 4:27:48 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
the dual nature of humans...the material and the spiritual...the primative and the evolving...the spirit of worship and the spirit of wisdom...the main seperation from our animal ancestors is the religious impulse.... " Worship is the badge of spiritual-ascention candidacy. and the spirit of wisdom...the inherent tendency of all moral creaturs towards orderly and progressive evolutionary advancement.Wisdom is the goal of a purely mental and moral existence."
but yet on this plain we still have our background in material and in animal....
the cosmic rumble begins...