8/14/2007 1:33:45 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
the point is not that humans have a sin nature or werent made perfect or fell from grace or we are evolving - the point is what as humans do we do about it?
im feeling like........
1. grow a spiritual connection to each other
2. education of the mind body and spirit
3. put a picture on your profile
8/14/2007 3:33:21 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Crystal Lake, IL
age: 48
Ha! Good one. )
Picture-less profiles are a nuisance especially when they want to 'get to know you'.
Yeah sure. The 'invisible man' now that's a good start. :{
8/14/2007 8:08:58 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
We are already spiritually connected its just that nobody knows it. If we were all to realize that, then we might have a chance.
8/14/2007 8:44:13 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Crystal Lake, IL
age: 48
Well, that is true as we all have the same creator which spiritually connects us as brothers and sisters BUT not everyone believes in this creator or cares to follow his precepts.
This creates division amongst us rather than 'diversity with a common ground' if you will, as evidenced by the viciousness of the DH 'religion' forum posts.
Respectful disagreements are ok but the blatant rudeness of some in this website forum is a shame.
Bottom line is, whether anyone agrees with it or not, each one of us truly are children of the one true God and no matter what anyone says, the truth will prevail.
A person will realize that one day, either in their earthly life, hopefully, or after death.
[Edited 8/14/2007 8:47:11 PM]
8/14/2007 8:49:51 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
True there is probably only one god but I do not know him anymore than anyone else knows. Truth is we are all those tiny microbes and we can know as much about the creator as those microbes can know about us. Some think they know more but in truth humans are unable to understand.
8/14/2007 9:07:38 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Crystal Lake, IL
age: 48
That is where faith comes into play.
8/14/2007 9:27:59 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Faith still does not tell you weather something is true or not neither does reading a book and believing everything it says even though it can be proven that much of it has been taken out and translated according to the people translating it.
8/14/2007 9:39:50 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Crystal Lake, IL
age: 48
but it had to be translated from the original languages which was hebrew, greek & aramaic if we are speaking of the Holy Bible.
Those languages are not dead and the original translation has not been disputed even in this time we live in.
Even the dead sea scrolls found within the past 10 yrs contained the same writings as in the Bible and did not conflict with anything therein.
8/15/2007 6:45:04 AM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
hi dee..... the religious forums can get arguable..... but not nearly as much as some of the other forums... ive seen some really nasty stuff written to others....
hi queen - you dont need to prove or know if something is "true" or not with faith.... you just know.....
8/15/2007 7:01:10 AM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
For me,the most beautiful and comforting aspect of Faith,is knowing no matter "what" ,there is Nothing in this world that can take it away from me!!!!! Peace
8/15/2007 7:52:51 AM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
What ever you all want to believe is fine with me just go ahead and keep your heads in the sand. The Jesus story was told thousands of years before christ in the Sumerian religions and in the Egyptian religions, just used different names for each of the 3 characters. But the story is the same. If you don't take the time to find out for yourselves then do whatever you like. No skin off my teeth.
8/15/2007 8:14:51 AM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
No Queen...my head is not in the sand! It comes along w/ me where ever I go.Like out in the "real world" doing things for less fortunate people than myself.The one who have "nothing" and dont ever "blame" it on the government they dont read about in the USAvsUS site and other such ridiculous sites.
Before you started your "research" into those "fairy tales" you were a much kinder and sensitive person. "My" suggestion....go back to reading the bible...It may not be the whole truth,but you dont put it down and then suddenly "be mad at the world" for being,whats do you say we are? Oh yeah...Blind!!!!
8/15/2007 9:24:10 AM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Spring, TX
age: 55
an email i just received.. thought it might fit perfectly in this thread..
A group of alumni, well established in their careers, decided to visit an
esteemed university professor, now elderly and retired.
During their visit conversation evolved into complaints about stress in
their work and lives.
The professor offered his guests coffee. The professor returned from the
kitchen with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups: porcelain,
plastic, glass, and crystal. Some were plain looking and others were
fancy. The professor urged the group to help themselves to the coffee.
When all held a cup of coffee the professor observed, "Notice that all the
nice looking, expensive cups have been used while the plain and cheap ones
remain. While it is understandable for you to want only the best for
yourselves, that demonstrates the source of your problems and stress."
"Be assured," he continued, "that the cup itself adds no quality to the
coffee. In most cases a fancy cup simply is more exclusive and may obscure
what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not a cup. But you
consciously went for the best cups... and then you began eyeing each
other's cups."
"Now consider this: Life is the coffee. Your job, money and position in
society are the cups. They are just tools that hold and contain life. The
type of cup one has does not define, nor change the quality of life a person
lives. Some times, by concentrating primarily on the cup, we fail to enjoy
the coffee God has provided us."
"The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the
best of everything."
God brews the coffee, not the cups... Enjoy your coffee! Live simply. Love
generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Spend time with God over your
8/15/2007 7:57:08 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I only say that when people start trying to tell me they know something when they don't know they just think they know. Faith has no iron clad garentees. Faith is believing something that you cannot see. It is not knowing something that you cannot know. At least I am honest and my belief, if it turns out to be true, does not put anyone in hell forever or even distroy them forever.
I am living life to the best of my abilities and always striving to be the best person I can think to be. What more are you all doing that makes you better off than me.
I am not mad or mean just stating.
[Edited 8/15/2007 8:17:26 PM]
8/15/2007 8:26:45 PM |
The dual nature of humans........ |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
It doesnt matter what you think you know someone else should or shouldnt know.What matters to most who have a strong Faith in God,is that we know, what was, what is, and what shall be, in His Name and we know this from way down within our souls! What it says in books or tv or even your controversial sites makes no matter to us,we know what we know!
[Edited 8/15/2007 8:27:18 PM]