9/26/2008 12:36:51 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Olympia, WA
age: 54
Perhaps you missed my point. There is NO REASON why YOU should be using a DATING SITE to "defend" YOUR point of view about non-DATING pissing contests with other disfunctional angry young men...who both suffer ignorance due to lack of adult experience.
Its as simple as that. Please move on !!
Thank you.
9/27/2008 5:46:14 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Tacoma, WA
age: 43
no one likes to talk to others anymore. seriously ppl run into me and i say "excuse me" and they either ignore me or glare. i had someone who was driveing at me in MY lane glare at me. no f**king joke.
i think TV and teh interwebs make people less likely to talk to people in REAL life. or to help them.
true story: in a semi busy road this guy's truck broke down in the middle of the road. NO ONE would stop and help him and his buddeh. i saw people who are supposed to be responsible adult just drive around them. my frind and i pulled into the parking lot of where we had to go and i see this happening. so we walk over to help. so picture this 2 19year old girls are helping these 30 some guys push their truck into a parking lots up a slight hill. while the people who look down on teenagers just drive by. it's sad.
Don't change, I have been the same way all my life. People are so afraid of other people anymore they seem they are going to catch some disease just by talking to them or looking at them. Everyone want's a better world but no one is willing to help others. It is nice to see that there is some hope left in the world!!
9/27/2008 10:12:16 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Bellingham, WA
age: 28
One day my skirt got caught in my back bike break and no one stopped. no one swerved or even slowed down, they'd speed by inches from me, til I got it unstuck. Drivers dont pay attention at all anymore to anything. Im glad I didnt flip or they probably would've just run me over.
9/27/2008 10:13:17 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Bellingham, WA
age: 28
I think people get this little clique going and never go out of their "zone".
9/28/2008 7:58:17 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Tacoma, WA
age: 23
well i am not a washington girl so, i 'll be your friend.
9/28/2008 9:54:39 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Bellingham, WA
age: 28
10/2/2008 1:47:46 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Federal Way, WA
age: 26
Hey hey hey now.. Washington women are not stand off-ish. They are just a little shy... So we don't go out of our way to talk to someone, call us old fashioned but we like the men to make ALL the effort! 
10/2/2008 3:03:40 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |


Auburn, WA
age: 34
Hey hey hey now.. Washington women are not stand off-ish. They are just a little shy... So we don't go out of our way to talk to someone, call us old fashioned but we like the men to make ALL the effort! 
If that's the case, the effort better be worth our while!
10/2/2008 3:35:52 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

McChord AFB, WA
age: 23
Hey hey hey now.. Washington women are not stand off-ish. They are just a little shy... So we don't go out of our way to talk to someone, call us old fashioned but we like the men to make ALL the effort! 
You and other WA ladies who have that train of thought need to learn to reciprocate when good men cross your paths and gives you proper respect!
Pretty much at least meet us halfway so that there is more oversight and honesty in the early stages of courting...
If not then it IS just wasted effort on our parts (shortchange)...
( ( ( T a l g e e s o n ) ) )
[Edited 10/2/2008 3:45:33 PM PST]
10/2/2008 5:08:53 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Federal Way, WA
age: 26
it normally is worth it 
10/2/2008 5:33:22 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Everett, WA
age: 55
Im from CA, but been here for over 5 years. Im kinda chilled from the weather up here.
Now..back to the topic :
Being in the military doesnt make you either good or bad. It doesnt give you super powers or take away anything except... Most in the military are between 19 and 24. Away from home, away from the girls that they knew. Guys in the military are just as horny as other 19 to 24 year old men. They are all young. There are women looking for fathers for their kids (look at Craigs List) or looking for someone with a head on their sholders to take care of them. There are guys in the military and not in the military that will tell the woman almost anything to get her into bed.
The women need to pay attention and NOT let their hearts rule,its time for the brain to be active.
54, an old former soldier

10/2/2008 5:39:32 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Tacoma, WA
age: 56
aqua i couldnt have said it better myself......being a 20 year vet of the navy ....i have been in washington since 86.....i can tell you they are not all scared......i have met alot of women that are not scared....believe me....
10/2/2008 9:52:17 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Mount Vernon, WA
age: 53
it's about your attitude & how you approach people. how that person perceives you & the vibes you give out. maybe it's not them, maybe it's you!
10/2/2008 10:25:35 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Marysville, WA
age: 34
I feel your pain. I have lived here for 12yrs. I wish I could say it has changed, but nope! Much luck to ya. Hey if you figure it out, let me know..
10/2/2008 10:33:16 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Wenatchee, WA
age: 24
I'm going to give my honest opinion. Maybe us WA women are a little scared/nervous but I don't think its because we are cold or standoffish. Men don't understand what it is really like to be a woman. I went out to Applebees the other night with a girlfriend for a drink after work. We are sitting in our booth minding our own business when these guys come over and ask to buy us drinks. We politely decline, she is engaged and I had just had a horrible day at work, I just wanted to b*tch to my friend! We were very nice but these guys would not quit, let's just say they didn't like being turned down and were not polite about it. One called us snotty b*tches as he left.
Now let's go back a few weeks. I went to a karaoke bar with a couple friends. Literally as we are walking in some drunk idiot grabs my ass.
I'm certainly not saying this is how all men behave but things like that happen a lot. I would say for every one nice email I get on this site I get 5 asking if I want to hook up/will send dirty pics. haha nothing in my profile says I'm looking for casual sex and I'm fully clothed in all of my pics, most are cheesy and not at all suggestive. It makes us very wary, a lot of men are very good at hiding their intentions. Don't be too hard on us its hard being female!!!:
10/3/2008 8:29:50 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |


Auburn, WA
age: 34
I'm going to give my honest opinion. Maybe us WA women are a little scared/nervous but I don't think its because we are cold or standoffish. Men don't understand what it is really like to be a woman. I went out to Applebees the other night with a girlfriend for a drink after work. We are sitting in our booth minding our own business when these guys come over and ask to buy us drinks. We politely decline, she is engaged and I had just had a horrible day at work, I just wanted to b*tch to my friend! We were very nice but these guys would not quit, let's just say they didn't like being turned down and were not polite about it. One called us snotty b*tches as he left.
Now let's go back a few weeks. I went to a karaoke bar with a couple friends. Literally as we are walking in some drunk idiot grabs my ass.
I'm certainly not saying this is how all men behave but things like that happen a lot. I would say for every one nice email I get on this site I get 5 asking if I want to hook up/will send dirty pics. haha nothing in my profile says I'm looking for casual sex and I'm fully clothed in all of my pics, most are cheesy and not at all suggestive. It makes us very wary, a lot of men are very good at hiding their intentions. Don't be too hard on us its hard being female!!!: 
That kind of behavior is hardly exclusive to Washington. And I don't know how you can go to bars and not expect to have deal with someone who's had a few too many sometimes. It goes with the territory. If it's that bad, stay away from bars.
10/3/2008 9:04:21 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |


Auburn, WA
age: 34
[Edited 10/3/2008 9:04:33 AM PST]
10/3/2008 12:41:14 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Wenatchee, WA
age: 24
I know this behavior is not exclusive to WA men. So because I went to a bar I deserved to get my a** grabbed? that is pretty ridiculous. I was there with friends minding my own business. I wasn't out looking for men I just wanted to sing karaoke with my girlfriends. nice to know that if you go to a bar you are fair game....
10/3/2008 12:49:36 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |


Auburn, WA
age: 34
I know this behavior is not exclusive to WA men. So because I went to a bar I deserved to get my a** grabbed? that is pretty ridiculous. I was there with friends minding my own business. I wasn't out looking for men I just wanted to sing karaoke with my girlfriends. nice to know that if you go to a bar you are fair game....
I'm not saying you deserved it, but that stuff happens at bars. It's a place where people are consuming large quantities of alcohol and they do stuff they probably normally wouldn't do. It's like venturing into a neighborhood that you know is a high-crime area and then being surprised and shocked that someone robbed you or mugged you or something. Obviously you didn't deserve it, but if you weren't prepared for the possibility that something like that could happen, maybe you should stay away.
10/3/2008 7:17:51 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Wenatchee, WA
age: 24
Ok so what about the creepy guys at Applebees? Should I be wary of restaurants at 7:00 on a Wednesday night? Is that also just asking for it?!?
10/3/2008 8:17:19 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |


Auburn, WA
age: 34
Ok so what about the creepy guys at Applebees? Should I be wary of restaurants at 7:00 on a Wednesday night? Is that also just asking for it?!? 
If it bothers you that much that a guy would want to buy you a drink, maybe you should. I'm not excusing bad behavior. I'm just saying that women everywhere have to deal with that kind of stuff. Do you think that stuff doesn't go on in the South where men are even more brazen? Yet the women, and the people in general there, are known for being friendly and outgoing.
[Edited 10/3/2008 8:17:40 PM PST]
10/5/2008 1:40:36 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Everett, WA
age: 55
Hey ... labellavita1985.
The way you were treated both times was wrong. They guys offering to buy drinks couldnt take hints. The guy that grabbed you was out of line. Its a shame you didnt ask him if he did that to his sister when he is drunk.
I dont know if the guys that had offered to buy you drinks were in the military, youd know because most guys in keep their hair really really short. Another way is to check their neckline and see if you see a small chain. That would be the dogtag chain.
I tried tosend you a decent email, to my suprise Im restricted because Im old enough to be your mothers oldest brother.
[Edited 10/5/2008 1:54:05 AM PST]
10/5/2008 1:54:34 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Wenatchee, WA
age: 24
haha what does the military have to do with it? They seem to get a bad rap on this site but I have lots of friends and family in the military and they are great guys. I have never had a bad experience with a military guy. They were just regular jerks I guess!
10/5/2008 2:23:04 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Everett, WA
age: 55
The posts earlier (few days ago) were talking trash about guys in the military. I dont see the guys in the military as being bad. I understand where they are coming from and the attitude because I have been there. There are no reasons that you should have been treated the way you were. Some guys need to be taught manners. Maury
10/9/2008 3:28:10 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Kent, WA
age: 53
I think want it all good looks money and power, Men at 50+ are not the washboard guys you see on the magazines. At this point in life friendship with a little cuddling are more the norm. I being a fairly large guy have met up with women that still thinks there 25 and wants a spineless man that would be dominated by a over baring strong willed women that should relize maybe that is the reason that your not married
10/9/2008 3:52:16 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Onalaska, WA
age: 34
let's see. maybe they're just tired of the games guys throw at em.lol. or maybe, like me...they're just observing the person first, to see if that they have something else besides being hot that is worth getting to know. Who knows...i'm not stand-offish, but I do take a minute approuching a guy, if i'm intersted. Try meeting women at the bar scene...they're usually too buzzed to be thier inpolite selfs.lol...I think from a women's point of few...women are scared of being hurt. Maybe theyve been hurt in the past, and too tired to go through that same thing again.
10/9/2008 5:34:11 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Powell, WY
age: 53
wish I knew. BUt have u seen the profile photos of MOST of the women over 40? Scared, grumpy, plain, severe. Few of them smile. Now I like to think I'm just a normal average guy, but when a simple hello freezes them solid, it's a bit disconcerting. i'm on a few chat/dating sites and i have yet to have any women respond to me. makes me wonder if there is something wrong with me
10/9/2008 6:09:32 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Kent, WA
age: 45
Spenser6, I have to disagree. I see so many beautiful woman on this site over the age of 40. I'm impressed! And, I think all my pics on my profile have a smile. By the way, where's your smile in your pics? Just teasing! -- Keep up the search! Your time will come! Sherri
10/10/2008 2:42:08 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

McChord AFB, WA
age: 23
Spenser6, I have to disagree. I see so many beautiful woman on this site over the age of 40. I'm impressed! And, I think all my pics on my profile have a smile. By the way, where's your smile in your pics? Just teasing!  -- Keep up the search! Your time will come! Sherri
Spencer6 and you obviously need to count up 40 somthing year olds on this site you meet and compare..
Better yet introduce, introduce, introduce!
Alright but I gotta agree with Spencer though, various women here can become deathly disenchanted by a simple hello in a random place in a random setting.
I mean I seen one guy recently try to approach a woman in the Tacoma Mall where I work, with a small and respectful greeting...
She winded up taking off and left dust trails larger than World Record Olympic Medalist Usain Bolt.
I almost felt kinda bad for him.
T a l g e e s e
[Edited 10/10/2008 2:43:05 PM PST]
10/27/2008 8:28:02 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Upper Darby, PA
age: 20
Man, is it that f--ked up in WA with women?
10/27/2008 9:37:42 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

McChord AFB, WA
age: 23
Man, is it that f--ked up in WA with women?
You bet your a** dude..
- T a l g e e s t o
10/27/2008 9:52:07 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Olympia, WA
age: 48
Oh boo hoo on you we aint scared...MEOW...
10/27/2008 10:38:40 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |


Auburn, WA
age: 34
WA women in general have always struck me as being kind off pissed off all the time.
10/27/2008 10:50:24 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Lakewood, WA
age: 45
Not all of us are! Perhaps some let all the gray weather get to them. And some probably approach new men with a filter of their past experiences with not so nice men. Not an excuse, but perhaps they need to be gently reminded that you are not any of the jerks they've dealt with before.
Keep looking, the good, happy, fun-loving, positive women are out there.
10/28/2008 5:40:05 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

McChord AFB, WA
age: 23
I noticed that the older women are more approachable and free sprited than these younger girls who are my age....
Im actually not suprised that this state has the one of the most "cougars" in America.
- T a l g e e s e
[Edited 10/28/2008 5:45:35 PM PST]
10/28/2008 5:44:21 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

McChord AFB, WA
age: 23
Oh boo hoo on you we aint scared...MEOW...
You're more irrevant than John McCain, you're in a relationship.
/ /T a l g e e s a n/ /
[Edited 10/28/2008 5:44:42 PM PST]
10/29/2008 9:36:40 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Ocean Shores, WA
age: 47
I have to disagree with WA women not being friendly. They seem to really be taking a bashing here. I am not from here but from MO. I am leaving in 3wks to go back to MO. Since I have been here, I have been treated with nothing but lots of fun and respect from people EVERYWHERE I go/went. The hardest time I had was of course where I was working which was to be expected and now they don't want me to leave. People in the grocery stores, department stores just start talking to me while we are waiting in line. I have been to 3 Birthday parties here and met other women at the party. Each one of them I had a one on one conversation with that ended with us laughing our AO. It was absolutely awesome to get to know people in this area. I can't wait to come back. As for the men here, they also were very much a gentleman if I went on a date (or at least 90% of them were). I was treated with respect by both sexes. I don't think this has anything to do with WA women. Maybe it's a persons attitude and how you approach the actual date itself.
10/29/2008 10:05:33 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |


Auburn, WA
age: 34
I have to disagree with WA women not being friendly. They seem to really be taking a bashing here. I am not from here but from MO. I am leaving in 3wks to go back to MO. Since I have been here, I have been treated with nothing but lots of fun and respect from people EVERYWHERE I go/went. The hardest time I had was of course where I was working which was to be expected and now they don't want me to leave. People in the grocery stores, department stores just start talking to me while we are waiting in line. I have been to 3 Birthday parties here and met other women at the party. Each one of them I had a one on one conversation with that ended with us laughing our AO. It was absolutely awesome to get to know people in this area. I can't wait to come back. As for the men here, they also were very much a gentleman if I went on a date (or at least 90% of them were). I was treated with respect by both sexes. I don't think this has anything to do with WA women. Maybe it's a persons attitude and how you approach the actual date itself.
That's good to hear. I'm glad you like it here, but
1. You're not a guy.
2. You don't date women....I assume.
That makes a big difference.
10/29/2008 10:47:16 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Ocean Shores, WA
age: 47
Did you not read the very last sentence on my previous comment. It may have to do with the ATTITUDE in how you aproach the date in general. And no I didn't date any women while there. It's positive attitude and how you carry yourself so to speak. If you think it is going to bomb then guess what? It will bomb. If you go in with the attitude that I am going to show this chick the best time she has ever had. You will more than likely have a blast!
Good luck to everyone!
Treat everyone with respect.
10/29/2008 6:32:18 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |


Auburn, WA
age: 34
Did you not read the very last sentence on my previous comment. It may have to do with the ATTITUDE in how you aproach the date in general. And no I didn't date any women while there. It's positive attitude and how you carry yourself so to speak. If you think it is going to bomb then guess what? It will bomb. If you go in with the attitude that I am going to show this chick the best time she has ever had. You will more than likely have a blast!
Good luck to everyone!
Treat everyone with respect. 

Again, you don't date women and you haven't lived here very long. We're not even talking about going out on a date, we're talking about the attitude of WA women in general and how there is a big difference between the women here and the women in other parts of the country. Even getting to the 'let's go out on a date' stage is difficult when most of the women here think you're some kind of stalker or have some kind of ulterior motive if you even try to talk to them.
10/29/2008 7:23:12 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |


Bonney Lake, WA
age: 60
I noticed that the older women are more approachable and free sprited than these younger girls who are my age....
Im actually not suprised that this state has the one of the most "cougars" in America.
- T a l g e e s e
Wow Talgeese you're right!! and there is nothing wrong with being a "cougar" I'm one and I'm enjoying it. It may be a first but I'm really happy. I have never been rude or stuck up with any man and I have never known any of my friends ( and they are younger) to be that way. I don't get where you guys are coming from? Could it be the way you talk to ladies? I go out of my way to smile or say hello to everyone I meet on the street or in a store, or even in a parking lot. It never hurts to have a smile on your face!! I think you just need to keep a smile going and I bet you get more ladies smiling back at you.
Good luck to all you gents that think WA. women are stuck up!! We really aren't!!
10/30/2008 11:09:38 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Ocean Shores, WA
age: 47
Last attempt and last advice I have. APPROACH is the key word here. It's all about approach. You and a friend can go anywhere. Mall is good. But you have to do this to every single female that walks by and not just select few. You say hello, how are you today? And with a smile (sincere) This means grandmothers, moms with babies, skinny girls, obeses girls, pretty girls, ugly girls. Yeah, you are definitely going to get the looks today but this is all about breaking your barriors and building your self confidence of getting shot down and not feeling bummed out about being shot down because just around the corner is another one. I know you think this sounds stupid but this is the last that I can offer you. It's your approach, your reaction after the aproach and how well you can maintain your composure after being shot down or if not getting shot down then be prepared for that next step. This also builds self confidence more than anything and you will see that. You don't know how many times that it made my day when I was having a bad day and a guy would say hello somewhere like that or just hold the door for me and just say something small and polite. It really puts a smile on your face.
Again good luck and what do you have to lose but try. I really do wish all you men and women well.
10/31/2008 12:46:44 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

McChord AFB, WA
age: 23
Last attempt and last advice I have. APPROACH is the key word here. It's all about approach. You and a friend can go anywhere. Mall is good. But you have to do this to every single female that walks by and not just select few. You say hello, how are you today? And with a smile (sincere) This means grandmothers, moms with babies, skinny girls, obeses girls, pretty girls, ugly girls. Yeah, you are definitely going to get the looks today but this is all about breaking your barriors and building your self confidence of getting shot down and not feeling bummed out about being shot down because just around the corner is another one. I know you think this sounds stupid but this is the last that I can offer you. It's your approach, your reaction after the aproach and how well you can maintain your composure after being shot down or if not getting shot down then be prepared for that next step. This also builds self confidence more than anything and you will see that. You don't know how many times that it made my day when I was having a bad day and a guy would say hello somewhere like that or just hold the door for me and just say something small and polite. It really puts a smile on your face.
Again good luck and what do you have to lose but try. I really do wish all you men and women well. 
I respect and I take you opinion into great consideration...
I am a highly social guy and I make my rounds pretty well among people.
But trust me, alot of guys in this thread im sure have tried a GREAT approach game towards females here....
But have had an abnormally low success rate.
This situation being here feels like one massive reality glitch.
- T a l g e e s t o
11/7/2008 3:15:30 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Tacoma, WA
age: 34
I just moved here from Kansas last March. I had gone out many times but never really had any man approach me to talk at the clubs. I thought at first that I was over confident and just not at attractive or approachable as I had thought. It was a real blow to my ego for about a minute. Then I realized that it seemed in (Tacoma at least) that people were just not comfortable leaving their "safe zones" and talking to new people or making new friends. Most people seemed to prefer to hang out and talk to the group of people who they have been friends with since their school days. I found that I had to make the effort to go introduce myself first. I haven't found a new friend or boyfriend yet but at least I had people to talk to that night. Sometimes we have to put ourselves out there so others can feel comfortable. Nobody wants to feel rejection. Maybe not helpful but it's just my point of view
11/7/2008 4:01:28 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

McChord AFB, WA
age: 23
This is what is called the "Seattle Freeze".
People around here are friendly to out of towners..
But when it comes to joining up with other cliques or groups.
Or meeting new people, people around here frown upon that and shun you.
Tacoma = Midgar
- T a l g e e s e s a n
[Edited 11/7/2008 4:03:24 PM PST]
11/7/2008 7:15:22 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Spokane, WA
age: 23
Interesting..I think women can be catious in general. It seems more so out west for some reason...
I myself just am, myself..Lack of better words there lol I think you gotta just go with the flow and maybe the women who are cold or standoffish to you, you'd be better off not going forward with!
11/8/2008 1:27:21 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

McChord AFB, WA
age: 23
I think GENERAL strats and bait that men use normally to get the woman just dont work out here.
Anywhere else but here.
- T a l g e e s i n
11/8/2008 9:17:06 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |


Auburn, WA
age: 34
Interesting..I think women can be catious in general. It seems more so out west for some reason...
I myself just am, myself..Lack of better words there lol I think you gotta just go with the flow and maybe the women who are cold or standoffish to you, you'd be better off not going forward with!
It wouldn't surprise me if E. Washington is different. My dad lives in Chelan and he tells me how different the culture is over there. It's a more conservative culture and people are a lot friendlier there. He's become more friendly with people he doesn't know I've noticed since he moved over there. E. Washington and W. Washington are almost like two different states.
true4me- You can perfect your approach all you want, people just keep you at arms-length around here. That's just the way it is, especially the women. It makes it very hard to meet women. I don't need self-confidence lessons.
1/7/2009 12:47:54 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

McChord AFB, WA
age: 23
This is offically a Legendary thread.
((( T a l g e e s e )))
1/8/2009 6:21:57 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Auburn, WA
age: 19
Hey wait a second. I dont think all women from washington are like that, I know that im not.
and the weather does probably have something to do with some women being standoffish its gloomy and wet here year round, but please do not put us all in the same category
1/8/2009 7:10:26 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Enumclaw, WA
age: 40
I think GENERAL strats and bait that men use normally to get the woman just dont work out here.
Anywhere else but here.
- T a l g e e s i n
if you need to bait woman to get them
close to you.could be your approach then
maybe the woman here our just to smart for that
inmature approach.trying being yourselfe woman in general
our not targets or trophies for you to capture.
i really dont understand your comment there.
strats or bait just doesnt sound like your serious
about meeting anybody of what most of us here our looking for.......
might want to re-think your priorities
1/22/2009 6:35:00 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Bellingham, WA
age: 23
I've lived in Washington my whole life... even how short it has been... I am a mother of two mind you and I am not shy to say hi or go out on dates... but I'm not here as a personal on call girl... Guys are not the center of my attention... I think you must be looking in all the wrong places... Either that or I'm just not seeing it...
2/8/2009 9:54:02 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Tacoma, WA
age: 39
Guys, as most of you are aware, and maybe not; women anywhere have had painful relationships. The same is true for us too. Nobody is perfect. Be friends with women first. Show women who you really are. If the chemistry is there and the trust is there, your relationship has a better chance of going where you want.
2/8/2009 10:00:54 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Tacoma, WA
age: 39
Stop trying to get into their pants! Women are people too; they are no more of a possession than men are.
2/8/2009 10:19:30 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Beaverton, OR
age: 59
I depends on what the woman is looking for. For me it is a companionship that may turn into passion that just might turn into love and a long term relationship - no promises, just maybe. This is if the guy is at a place where that is what he'd like to. What I hear is Friends with benefits and not ready to think in longer terms. Okay, let me tellthe guys if they haven't got it yet. You want to use us until your bored and then move on. It may not be what you mean, but it is what you are saying

2/11/2009 5:59:43 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Grandview, MO
age: 49
A couple of names that come to mind are Ted Bundy and Gary Ridgway. I actually expect women to be a bit extra cautious.
2/12/2009 8:01:52 PM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Puyallup, WA
age: 35
I'm originally from Milwaukee, WI and I moved to Washington and I would have to say that is something that I found to be typically across the dang board with even the guys out here. Seeming to be the unapproachable types. It's not just the chicks... You almost have to find a out of state transplant in order to find normalacy. LOL... I call this state the manic depressed state. It sure may be beautiful, but the docs around here need to hand out the prozac's like candy Anyway have a good night...
Hey look a Prozac dispenser! 
2/13/2009 12:14:25 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

Enumclaw, WA
age: 40
hello ladies i'm aproachable me yea i'm right here 
2/13/2009 12:51:57 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |
Lacey, WA
age: 46
lol Wind...you have to come out with us once in awhile so we can approach you  
2/14/2009 12:10:12 AM |
Why are Washington women so scared? |

University Place, WA
age: 30
hey Talgeese,
Im from California too and i noticed the same thing you have man. I am from the So-cal and i noticed that women up here are a lot different from the pacific southwest. A simple hello will get you no-where up here for some reason. I have been here for 3 months and im still trying to figure out how they work up here.