8/20/2007 7:28:11 AM |
The Law is the Law |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
For those who are here in "this" Religion forum to chat about Religion..
Now you are showing your ignorance for thinking you know religion. The law is religion...The law came from religion. The law is the bible is reverse...That is why there is the devil, they had to make something up to scare the hell out of you to keep your fear going in order to get you to do their dumb shit. You're in deep denial.
ps. you are NEVER going to get the verifiable proof you are looking for to prove anything until you are able to make up your own mind. Otherwise, you will refuse to believe it. That is just the way you and everyone else have been trained.
[Edited 8/20/2007 7:36:50 AM]
8/20/2007 7:29:20 AM |
The Law is the Law |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
jewelz if anyone here is showing ingorance to anything it is you
8/20/2007 7:41:03 AM |
The Law is the Law |

El Reno, OK
age: 40
I don't post in this normally because i don't wish to by a hyprocrite but, Jewelz...To Swear when your talking religon...smooth move >.>
8/20/2007 7:49:24 AM |
The Law is the Law |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
you are confusing smooth with pshycobabble
[Edited 8/20/2007 7:49:48 AM]
8/20/2007 8:33:03 AM |
The Law is the Law |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
Jewelz...It hurt my feelings when you felt you needed to point out my ignorance in "knowing" Religion.I was speaking to(Ill try to be more specific next time)people who come into the Religion forum to "CHAT" about it.I will never "know" completely about Religions but I enjoy "learning" about them! Peace
8/20/2007 8:53:08 AM |
The Law is the Law |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
So you are saying one thing and meaning another when you say CHAT?.. because I come here to chat about it but no one will chat with me and my feelings are hurt too;o(( The definition of ignorance is, choosing to ignore...not necessarily a bad thing to be taken personal so sorry I might have hurt your feelings I thought we were just chatting having a good ole time.
8/20/2007 9:22:38 AM |
The Law is the Law |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
I can only speak for myself and the reason I get angry at you when you chat is because you call me names and you make everything seem like its so cut and dry and that what you state is the fact.And although a lot of what you chat about does make sense and is in fact a "fact" ,I know I would get more out of it if it was presented a little differently than you have been..
Dont get me wrong,I have nothing against "ball busting" or friendly "name calling"(Ive written some top 10s myself on the subject)I would be more comfortable if they didnt seem quite so attacking.I dont have a friend in this world that doesnt know me enough to know that honesty is what I respect most from people and the last thing they need to do is "candy coat"anything for me and some of the phrases that come to mind our....
.Get to the point,mary
.shut up ,mary
.go away,mary
.w/out telling me your life story,mary
.shut the F up and get to the friggin point without telling me your whole damn life story,mary PLEASE?
So please Jewelz know,that I really do enjoying learning from you and hope and look forward to you continuing chatting in any forum..."Your my "freshy" Hero" ! Peace
8/20/2007 12:30:49 PM |
The Law is the Law |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
You must remember this is a public forum where I will not be having a personal or private chat...so keep in mind that what 'seems' to be the case, is not always the case. There is more going on in the background of life than you might be able to understand. For example take into consideration there are many things happening similtaniously beyond our ability to see or hear or know because we are limited to this 3rd dimension along with being divided inside and we are not operating to the optimum potential of our ability to comprehend a multilevel of various complexities happening within our worlds.
So what you think you know is only a very small fraction of what is really going on. And all of what you think you know just so happens to be a total lie. They had to make sure they mixed your ass up so bad that you would just fall apart at the drop of a hat. Laboratory science is in place to keep you from knowing other worldly things. They need to keep you glued in your mind, to a piece of paper providing you with scientific proof of something that gives the sheeple a general consenses to agree upon. That is not what is going on. Science like Religion like the mainstream news, cannot tell you the truth, they only report the news. You only get 'half truths' and will never get the whole story, until, you put it together in your very own mind. You don't need anyone to tell you how or what to think, that is for you to determine. Not big daddy and company.
8/20/2007 3:54:22 PM |
The Law is the Law |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
So I am wondering how some folks get empirical truths that brook no questioning from the exact same infomation that I have? I suppose I may simply have a curious nature, question everything, and accept nothing for face value without looking beneath the surface. This is just an observation and not said to start an arguement. Please don't bother quoting your favorite passages to me......I am thoroughly familiar with the bible and other religious works as well.
8/20/2007 4:28:46 PM |
The Law is the Law |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
Krupa i wish I had an answer for you,but as you know probably,im sick today so,going to bed.Just wanted you to know I really want to figure out what you just posted,tomorrow I hope!!! peace
8/20/2007 5:26:13 PM |
The Law is the Law |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
So sorry to hear you feel bad Honey. I hope you sleep deeply and your faith blesses you. Peace and smiles lil Mama.
8/21/2007 5:08:43 AM |
The Law is the Law |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
Krupa,you asked...So I am wondering how some folks get empirical truths that brook no questioning from the exact same infomation that I have?
I can speak for me when I say...I tolerate and welcome any and all questions and opinions a person may have on any subject.I have noticed it becomes a "battle" of whos right or wrong when one side thinks that their question or opinion is seen as foolish(if i may)or not as important as the others side.
In other threads you have made comments and gave your opinion how you feel about God, and some were pretty negative and graphic.Your feelings are "valid" because their "yours".If you noticed the Christians that responded to your post didnt "attack" you for saying what you did,because you said it without "attacking" their(our,mine)beliefs.Many Christians have experienced the same feelings you have and "understand"fully,what you feel.
Not "all" Christians believe the same things, there are so many who "dont" judge you for what "you believe" and accept and even welcome different opinions,and like you....dont want their opinions and beliefs to made looked at as "less important than"anyone elses. Peace
8/21/2007 5:46:38 AM |
The Law is the Law |

Appleton, WI
age: 53
BRAVO Knight a standing ovation..I AGREE