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8/18/2007 12:20:18 PM |
The Law is the Law |

Spring, TX
age: 55
an email i just received..
So if the US government determines that it is against the law for the
words "under God" to be on our money, then, so be it.
And if that same government decides that the "Ten Commandments" are not
to be used in or on a government installation, then, so be it.
I say, "so be it," because I would like to be a law abiding US citizen.
I say, "so be it," because I would like to think that smarter people
than I are in positions to make good decisions
I would like to think that those people have the American public's best
interests at heart.
Since we can't pray to God, can't Trust in God and cannot post His
Commandments in Government buildings, I don't believe the Government and
its employees should participate in the Easter and Christmas
celebrations which honor the God that our government is eliminating from
many facets of American life.
I'd like my mail delivered on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving &
Easter. After all, it's just another day.
I'd like the " US Supreme Court to be in session on Christmas, Good
Friday, Thanksgiving & Easter as well as Sundays." After all, it's just
another day.
I'd like the Senate and the House of Representatives to not have to
worry about getting home for the "Easter Break," "Thanksgiving Break,"
and "Christmas Break." After all it's just another day.
I'm thinking that a lot of my taxpayer dollars could be saved, if all
government offices & services would work on Christmas, Good Friday &
Easter. It shouldn't cost any overtime since those would be just like
any other day of the week to a government that is trying to be
"politically correct."
In fact...
I think that our government should work on Sundays (initially set aside
for worshiping God...) because, after all, our government says that it
should be just another day....
What do you all think????
If this idea gets to enough people, maybe our elected officials will
stop giving in to the "minority opinions" and begin, once again, to
represent the "majority" of ALL of the American people.
SO BE IT...........
Please Dear Lord,
Give us the help needed to keep you in our country!
'Amen' and 'Amen'
These are definitely things I never thought about but from now on, I
will be sure to question those in government who support these changes.
8/18/2007 12:58:51 PM |
The Law is the Law |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
Wow Knight! This is great. Is it permissable to copy this and send it by email to some friends? That is also supposing I could figure out how to copy and paste. lol
8/18/2007 1:13:18 PM |
The Law is the Law |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Thanks Knight!!! You tell me where,when,and how to get there,this is definatly arguable,wowweee! Wonder if all the "bible bashers" will want to sign up and convert NOW!!!!!!!!!! This is like Evangalism or something! Peace
8/18/2007 1:14:58 PM |
The Law is the Law |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Ks51 I can show you how to copy and paste.My 12 yr old taught me 3 days ago.I love it!
8/18/2007 2:23:56 PM |
The Law is the Law |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
Incredibly well said! Kudos! What a great perspective that had never occurred to me! I concur completely!
8/18/2007 3:38:40 PM |
The Law is the Law |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Only one problem it is the supreme court and not the politicians that are insisting on taking god out of everything. Otherwise I agree. But then if you have ever watched C-Span, they are never at work anyway. They even vote by remote control. One is at the podium giving the passionate speech and the gallery is empty when the scan it.
[Edited 8/18/2007 3:41:15 PM]
8/18/2007 4:12:18 PM |
The Law is the Law |

Diamond Bar, CA
age: 56
Absolutely! going to forward to everyone in my Address Book.
8/18/2007 4:32:36 PM |
The Law is the Law |

Tacoma, WA
age: 50
queen - I agree - the politicians (specically the House of Representatives) have abdicated their responsibility of policing the supreme court. Court members are supposed to decide whether a law is constitutional - as the Cosntituiton is written, not on what they believe the constitution should say.
God is merely a name for an omnipotent being. If the country does not want this then propose an amendment and get it passed to include 3/4ths of the states. And it should never happen again.
Otherwise - the justices that want to eliminate "god" should be impeached for subverting the American Constitution.
8/18/2007 6:01:43 PM |
The Law is the Law |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Say what you will about Religions or Spiritual Organizations,but they seem to be the only groups of people teaching somewhat healthy lifestyles.They are far from perfect(who or what isnt?)but their main objectives are Respect and Love!
As a child I was never taught healty social skills or the importance of an education.Throught my life I have always struggled w/...managing money,being independent,feeling confident,having a backbone,cooking,cleaning,etc... I also never could figure why anyone would want to waste their time learning,what was that all about?
My parents didnt teach me those things because they were never taught to them(History repeating itself).But they did love us and made us go to church.
I have 5 brothers and sister,who struggled throughout their lives w/ a lot of the same issues I have had. I am proud to say that each one of us are now leading happy productive lives all w/children, 20 of them,under the age of 18.I have one older 28.
My point is.....Because we were taught Love and Respect all our young lives,we were attracted to mostly kind loving people, who were able to help us with our struggles and helped us learn the 'social skills" we lacked. We often wonder what other achievements we might have gained if we were "taught" from the beginning,what we are teaching our children now.
For the people who dont believe in Spiritual organizations or God and say that its their choice what they teach their kids...yes I do believe if you are making an educated decision based on what you have learned, that you will.
But when your teaching your kids right from wrong,good from bad,and especially,Love and Respect,could you please look at your neighbors kids and see if their being taught that at home,and if not,could invite them in,so they can "learn" it from you??????
Cause they aint learning it in school either!!!!!! Peace+Love
[Edited 8/19/2007 1:17:27 AM]
8/18/2007 7:23:32 PM |
The Law is the Law |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
So if the US government determines that it is against the law for the
words "under God" to be on our money, then, so be it.
"In God We Trust" was placed on the money years back for a distraction to stear peoples minds away from the alien agenda, because they knew that if the people found out what was really going on about the alien agenda, it would scare the hell out of everyone and the whole economy and all the social money systems they so dilligently put into place to take the substance out of your life, would take a dive since they conned everyone into living a lie. They could not afford to let people know what was really going on in their lives and in their they placed the words, 'In God We Trust' on the very thing that people hold very near and dear to them...your everyone is made to think 'In God We Trust' while there is a whole other story taking place in the background of life that you were never meant to know.
'Gods' refered to in the bible are your makers, they created you through alien visitation and genetic manipulation. They were called 'Gods' because they were alien homonoid giants, we had to look up to them and they had some sophisticated off world technology so they were revered as 'Gods'. That is why they are refered to as the The Fallen Angels, because they fell from the sky, they came from above, they were not good guy angels by a long shot. Their bloodline is still here controllinig our world today. So In God We Trust, because you don't have a snowballs chance in hell if you found out what was really going on, otherwise you would freak the hell out of your skin over being terribly deceived about your life.
As a result of their pernicious transgenic experiments, homo sapiens inherited a divided biology and divided psyche. These illegal and immoral invasions into the biological sovereignty of our ancient ancestors caused man to be perpetually at war with himself. His schizophrenic nature has given rise to schizogenic societies infested with injustice, crime, delinquency and perversity.
8/18/2007 8:03:38 PM |
The Law is the Law |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
I say, "so be it," because I would like to be a law abiding US citizen.
Good luck trying, though sorry it won't get you any brownie points. Welcome to the New World Order Nazi Gestapo Police State where you are now quilty and detained indefinately, before proven innocent.
I say, "so be it," because I would like to think that smarter people than I are in positions to make good decisions
Maybe smarter maybe not, though they certainly do not make decisions based on doing anything good for you.
I would like to think that those people have the American public's best interests at heart.
Keep thinking what you would like, or you could just go ahead and take the blue pill and go into dreamland and have a nice nap, or, there is the other alternative, where you could just take a leathal injection and get it over with.
8/18/2007 8:42:22 PM |
The Law is the Law |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
Dude.......are you burning foilies or rails?
8/18/2007 9:24:58 PM |
The Law is the Law |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
I say, "so be it," because I would like to be a law abiding US citizen.
By claiming yourself to be a 'US citizen' and/or if you are a government employee, being both obligates you to pay taxes under Title 26 USC 6331A. You volunteered freely to contribute to pay....when there is no law that says you actually have to as an 'American Citizen'
If, We The People of the Continental United States of America were obligated to pay our income tax, why would we not be filing our taxes with the External Revenue Bureau, when Internal, is for government employees and US citizens?
8/19/2007 7:28:34 AM |
The Law is the Law |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I do not understand SWCW why you keep saying Christian is the only thing that teaches love and peace, Christians as a group are supporting the war and have supported every war. Christians were involved in the crusades, you can say it was wrong now, but Christians were for it at the time.
Christians were on both sides in the WWII, Italians, French etc. were all Christians and on the opposite side USA and UK.
The is absolutely no evidence that atheists are any less peaceful than anyone else, or pagans either for that matter. If you make a blanket statement like that you should have some evidence.
And as far as other behavior most of you rap artists claim to be christian so do most of the movie stars even the ones undressing in public. I bet if you asked them you would find that most prostitutes and killers would say they too are christian since 90% of the people in America claim to be christian.
I am not trying to pick on christians just think you should be fair in your statements.
[Edited 8/19/2007 9:54:28 AM]
8/19/2007 8:20:07 AM |
The Law is the Law |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Queen...thanks for the post i can now officially add you to my SSU list(Shit Stirrer Upper)! Not one person in this thread even mentioned the word Christians! I think that when Knightnite2 stared this thread he was trying to make a point on how the government is attempting to take God from anything affilliated w/ the government.
My post was an "attempt" to show educated,respectful,loving Americans,how the elimination of prayer and God in our schools,may have negative reprecussions down the road for all man.
My post was also a "plea" to ask educated,respectful,loving Americans,to reach out to those children in their neighborhood, who are not being taught love and respect at home or who are living in spiritually unhealthy emvironments,and invite them into their homes so that they can show by example some other ways of living to some of these children.
As far as the rap artist(im assuming you mean rap?)and movie stars who take off their clothes who claim to be Christians...they are no different than anyone else except for(fame& $$$)some good some not.My Sunday School kids have turned me on to some very "positive" rap music and some of those naked Christian movie stars are the nicest people I know of .
Full knowing of the all too many SSU's,It was my mistake to not put at the beginning of my post......
"This IS only My Opinion,It is Only A Suggestion To Respectful,Loving People,It is NoT"Fool Proof",And In No Shape Way Or Form Will It Eliminate ALL Disrespecting and UNKIND PEOPLE"!
[Edited 8/19/2007 8:21:15 AM]