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8/20/2007 2:04:17 PM |
Age of Revealing |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
In this age of “Solution-Think” we will be given the chance to dispel the ideological lies and fallacies by which we have been mentally and spiritually enslaved. As the Maya prophecies inform us, we have been, since the year 1999, in the so-called “Age of Revealing.” This is a time of literal “Apocalypse” when the masks of the false begin to come down. This period of catabolic action, and collective catharsis, will be deeply threatening to those morally unhygienic souls who have long profited from the ruin of their fellows, and to those consummate narcissists who have advanced at the expense of others around them. The approaching end-game is especially threatening to those connoisseurs of power whose insatiable penchant for destruction and deception has contaminated the world. The voices of their innumerable victims cry out from the deep places, but will soon be quieted and appeased by Lady Justice.
The value from exposing the corruption and intrigue of the cruel inhuman leviathans of religion and politics cannot be understated or under-estimated. However, given today's apathy we might question what actual good will ultimately be derived from our efforts. Tragically, it appears that the human race has managed to arrive at a place where it is so jaded and sense-infatuated that it really could not care anymore whether Jesus ever existed or not. We can go so far as to say that it is not Jesus himself and his history or authenticity that interests most church-going Christians; it is what Jesus as a healing icon can do for them emotionally and physically which matters most. The average "believer" is not truly concerned with God’s nature, or with God’s mysteries. He is merely concerned with what God can do for him, and how God might make his sad, mediocre life less insipid. The average believer is not concerned about the emotions his Christ may have felt when he was betrayed with a kiss by a man he was ready to give his own life and even soul for.
No, the average believer wants Jesus to do something for him. He wants Jesus to act on his behalf and to provide various physical, emotional, and spiritual comforts and securities. Yes, what a great pleasure a mentally and emotionally destitute (“meek”) man finds knowing that for the nominal fee of blind obedience his jealous god will fulfill his needs and also dispense hell and damnation to his enemies. Who could pass up such a platinum deal? The day that Jesus and god fail to cut it then the guru gimmick-merchant on the block will do just as well. Christian moralists may reflect upon the manner in which their own grandiloquent religious espousals have fostered the same pernicious disaffection in society that they vehemently attribute to atheism and materialism. Yes, religion is the little more than a narcissist’s Materialism.
Truth can perish, and the world can come to ruin, but as long as the ego and the persona, and the illusion of salvation at the hands of others remains constant, we believe.
8/20/2007 3:37:22 PM |
Age of Revealing |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
Jewelz...I "know" your sending me "love messages" in codes in these posts!Im feeling under the weather today so not much into chat,but you really dont have to try so hard,cause....yes I will have your little unhygienic baby!!!!! Peace
8/23/2007 4:22:16 PM |
Age of Revealing |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
The world is controlled by powerful secret societies and fraternal orders, whose agendas and schemes have little to do with the best interests of humankind. Though these particular orders do not necessarily conceal their identities, they do endeavor to conceal whatever goes on behind the doors of their various lodges and establishments. Exclusive occult orders do not wish their strange practices, rites, and agendas to be openly disclosed and they excel in the manufacture of many a guileful strategy and device designed to ensure secrecy.
As one Freemasonic member and author reveals:
Freemasonry is labyrinthine. It is full of puzzles, conundrums, misspellings, corruptions, cryptic clues, and simple salutes, childish codes, contrivances, circular paths, roads that sometimes lead nowhere, walls appearing to be ten feet thick yet giving way easily to the lightest touch in the right spot, riddles to be solved, numerous passwords, an allegorical, highly symbolical, double-entendre storyline worthy of the best latter-day spy writers, protected by secret signs and symbols and a myriad of enigmas to be confronted. In the labyrinth that is Freemasonry there is a center where rests its holy grail. Many have tried to find it only to reach dead ends - Leon Davin (The Ritual: The Greatest Story Never Told)
8/23/2007 4:25:54 PM |
Age of Revealing |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
Behind the division of humanity stand those Enlightened Ones whose right and privilege it is to watch over human evolution and to guide the destinies of men…This they do through the implanting of ideas in the minds of the world thinkers, so that these ideas in due time receive recognition and eventually become controlling factors in human life. They train the members of the New Group of World Servers in the task of changing these ideas into ideals. These in turn become the desired objectives of the thinkers and are then taught to the powerful middle class and worked up into world forms of governments or religion, thus forming the basis of the new world order - Alice A. Bailey (Fabian, Occultist, Author. Head of the Lucis Trust)
8/23/2007 4:43:40 PM |
Age of Revealing |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
Truly, it is not hyperbole to say that we are, during the years of this New Millennium, going to experience the greatest of revelations concerning the most relevant of human mysteries. We can expect many a layer of deception to be peeled away and jettisoned.
Some of us may be glad and grateful for the coming of the light of revelation. Others among us may be startled by the proximity of such knowledge and many will be deeply threatened by its presence. Many will not wish to see in themselves, the dirt that this light will surely reveal.
For these types there are always the churches and the priests. There will always be those confessors in black to hide one’s dire interior behind and who, with their words and incense, can appease the profound inner angst of egos which are fast approaching the end of their cycle of existence.
8/24/2007 8:19:15 PM |
Age of Revealing |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I am ready to have the light shined on my way. I would prefer it be revealed.