8/22/2007 12:03:42 PM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Columbia, SC
age: 44
And tell me oh wise man of the threads, what are we missing out on the most power full O we have ever had.....Don't count on that shit......Theres more then just that part the this woman wants and needs......JMO...
8/22/2007 12:07:32 PM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Stockbridge, GA
age: 43
I was reading through the comments Sygnar99 do you think only women with bad judgement get raped or come up pregant are you really that stupid no wonder you are single there is no good reason for a woman to be raped and I think a man that rapes a woman should have his d*ck and balls removed
8/22/2007 12:08:44 PM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Columbia, SC
age: 44
he's and idiot, he will never get it so lets just give him the cookie and sit his ass in the corner....... grab bag.......time...........
8/22/2007 12:11:17 PM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Webster City, IA
age: 34
Syngar, for once it isn't you and I going at it.lol
8/22/2007 12:13:25 PM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Stockbridge, GA
age: 43
you are an idiot you give men a bad name
8/22/2007 12:21:10 PM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Stockbridge, GA
age: 43
dont be a hater I bet you and your hands are real close so tell me the truth which hand are you in love with and which one is the other woman lol
8/22/2007 12:21:56 PM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Columbia, SC
age: 44
waaaaaaaaaaaaa, tissue time......LOL
8/22/2007 12:24:38 PM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 30
synger got some good points...sarhi does as well...you cant turn a blind eye 2 the ol moving screen c*ck blocker!i got a sister and sometimes the c*ckblocker is just saying what the woman you think wants you is 2 scared 2 say...so she uses the c*ckblocker 2 keep men away...its just she happens 2 b the ugly one that really likes you!!b'cuz hell nor high water can keep from a real plumbing session...
8/22/2007 12:27:04 PM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Columbia, SC
age: 44
lol. thats funny.....LOL
8/22/2007 12:39:32 PM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Stockbridge, GA
age: 43
Syngar99 I will stick with my statement you are a idiot and dont be mad because I can handle two women and you have to handle yourself lol
8/22/2007 12:46:32 PM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Columbia, SC
age: 44
see he loves me he really loves me, and to think I so lonely, and you lowered your self to watch Roseanne, he did ya'll Cause he Knows their last name....Oh damn now I'm laughing so f*cking hard now, 99 your the man, Your killing me...... and to think we all lived here in the threads all this time with out you......Waaaaaaaaaa.......tissue time again, tears oh the tears ...lol
8/22/2007 12:51:29 PM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25
rainorshine, are you like this in real life? because i read some of your other posts and you seemed okay, but now i feel like you haver this loud vindictive side thats not very appealing to normal men.
8/22/2007 1:02:30 PM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Columbia, SC
age: 44
Sweet heart, Im bull shitting him, he's and ass, Ive know him before. So say what you will he's a jerk....thats it......Im not here to make you or any man like me......all this is bull shit nay way......I dont need to show you or him the real me......this is all a game....men play it too....so come as you are as you will, like it all the same.....JMO
and I see you shaved off the whiskers, but your still him.....LOL busted.....
hey every body its 99, he made a new profile......oh now he loves me he really loves me.....
Damn Dude you made my day.....Hugs.....LOL
[Edited 8/22/2007 1:12:08 PM]
8/23/2007 8:27:34 AM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 36
The sun has set and risen again...... a new day has begun. But you know, there's still a bunch of C*CK BLOCKERS out there. Beware, for the blockers are getting sophisticated nowadays; for they have back-up plans and call in reinforcements.
8/23/2007 9:31:11 AM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 53
Why does it really matter if a woman tries to "c*ck block" for her friend...you just aren't listening...If the lady you are after is REALLY interested in YOU...there is NO WAY IN HELL that her so-called "c*ck blocker" girlfriend would STOP her from being with you. It's that simple. If she didn't WANT to be "c*ck blocked" she wouldn't be! Do you understand this or are you just trying to be ignorant. It's YOU...the lady you want or are interested in, is just not interested in YOU!!!! So she ALLOWS her friend to be her "c*ck blocker". DUH!!!!! You're just mad because you AIN"T getting the lady you want, so you have to blame somebody else.....so blame her so-called "c*ck blocker" friend...if that helps you sleep better at night. You didn't get HER, cuz she didn't WANT YOU!!!! Waaaahhhh!
[Edited 8/23/2007 9:33:09 AM]