8/22/2007 8:07:52 AM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 53
I've never been in a group. Have been with a friend or two. Never had that problem, they can usually take care of themselves.
My questions: Johnnybeads...why do you ask the question, if you don't want to hear the answers? Just because you don't LIKE the answers, doesn't mean they are less valid than what YOU think the answers should be. And, just why is it that they are "haters"???
I sincerely want to know. Do you think ALL women are "haters"? Please be nice, cuz I really want to know.
8/22/2007 8:07:58 AM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Webster City, IA
age: 34
That's a good pt. I didn't go out to babysit the whole bar, though. I guess I would trust that my friends would be resposible enough and have good enough judgement to think for herself. If she doesn't she doesn't need to drink and hang out at the bar. JMO
8/22/2007 8:14:57 AM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Webster City, IA
age: 34
I think I have syngar.
8/22/2007 8:18:12 AM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Webster City, IA
age: 34
Not rape. Rape has nothing to do with the girl no matter what decision a girl makes. Rape is a violent crime doing with control and anger, not anything a girl does or doesn't do.
8/22/2007 8:26:13 AM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Bronx, NY
age: 38
Ok, your opinion is your own. But to be fair, the women here have posted from their own experiences their view of c*ck blocking. How can you comment from the female perspective and conclude how our perceptions are wrong as a man? You can't talk about being an apple when you're an orange. And, to jump from c*ck blocking to rape, teenage pregancy etc is confusing?
8/22/2007 8:32:28 AM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Newell, SD
age: 42
And when guys do it, what are they? LOL My brothers and their friends used to do that to eachother non-stop when we were all partying together.
8/22/2007 8:32:41 AM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Bronx, NY
age: 38
I would value your opinion more if you provided something more to substantiate your comments. Your personal commentaries don't suffice.
8/22/2007 8:35:26 AM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 36
Okay 53Lady you ask for a response and I shall assist. Sure, this usually encompasses scenarios involving a bar/ night club establishment, in which I am having an actual conversation with a fine, young lady, and we are imbibing in spirits. Then out of the blue, comes the c*ck-block move. We haven't started smooching or anything like that, but the 'HATER' friend gets jealous or some other sinister motive and lines up defenses that are referred to as C*CK BLOCKING!
8/22/2007 8:46:22 AM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Appleton, WI
age: 53
JOhnny, Maybe the little time she spent with you she realized that your a woman hater..)(sorry but you have said that too many times on here)..and she gave a signal to her friends to rescue her
8/22/2007 8:47:45 AM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Appleton, WI
age: 53
8/22/2007 8:48:15 AM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Webster City, IA
age: 34
Just because the went to a frat party and got drunk doesn't make them a bad person. One of my best friends was a total party animal that drank alot of beer and slept with alot of men. That was her choice and not my business to judge her. She now is a successful surgean making shit loads of money and married to a great guy with two kids. We all make mistakes and learn from them.
It sad. I started out agreeing with some of the mens pts on here to find myself pissed and thinking I would c*ck block you and I don't normally do that.
[Edited 8/22/2007 8:50:14 AM]
8/22/2007 8:51:25 AM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Webster City, IA
age: 34
Syngar because she drank beer doesn't give any prick the right to rape her. GET OFF THAT SHIT RIGHT NOW. Start preaching morals to your fellow men before you start preaching to women.
8/22/2007 8:54:31 AM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Durham, NC
age: 39
Girls woman c*ck block because If they are not getting any play nobody is talking to them or paying them any attention then they will c*ck block or start hating but to make things fair men c*ck block as well
8/22/2007 8:54:37 AM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Appleton, WI
age: 53
Well put syn...
I totally agree..men do it too
[Edited 8/22/2007 8:55:36 AM]
8/22/2007 8:58:42 AM |
Why do gals C*CK BLOCK? |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 36
EASY FOLKS EASY...... It's all in good fun.
And yes it does go both ways! Guys can block with the best of 'em.