
Durham, NC
age: 51
Here is another thing ladies..HOW do you know this guy is on the up and up and
she really did stink? Possibly he is just another jerk that got rejected by this
woman or women and he starts this rumor to destroy her reputation, prevent her
from getting dates or is just being downright mean. I think until you actually
meet this girl and take a whiff for yourself give her a break. No, I don't
suggest you go down on her but if she smells as bad as he suggests you just being
close to her would tell the true story. Guys can be spiteful for a variety of
reasons. I don't see a thread here from a woman telling the story of how a guy
was disgusting. I suppose I have a BIGGER HEART than some of you. I would rather
defend than attack. Lets ALL TRY TO BE A LITTLE KINDER. 
The guy who started this thread is one rude, crude, mean dude. Enough said.

Nacogdoches, TX
age: 62
E xspirence has tought me to not rush. when using a finger to stimulate the lady I smell it first,then I get that just right smell I may lick my finger and put it in my mouth. she will get the Idea of what might be coming next.Part of the forplay and will build her passion.use of all the senses touch smell taste Eye contact