9/2/2008 2:46:02 PM |
is a "Rainbow Christian" a parodox? (impossibility) |
Largo, FL
age: 50
CAPPY ITS A ABOMINATION TO THE LORD...HE MADE MAN AND WOMAN NOT man and man .or woman or woman!!!!!he hates the sin!
loves the person!...and no way was anyone born with that...
its a spirit of perversion
that attaches on people with past sin historl its call generational curses,,,and the curse is up to 4 generations....sbecause that the sin ...has never been repented and the curse has never been broken
so it continues....to the next generation
9/2/2008 2:50:08 PM |
is a "Rainbow Christian" a parodox? (impossibility) |
Largo, FL
age: 50
im sorry capt ..i just saw ur post now after i posted this ...ok...sorry i misunderstood
9/2/2008 3:33:12 PM |
is a "Rainbow Christian" a parodox? (impossibility) |

Jamestown, KY
age: 43
I don't know why people like to focus on certain sins like homosexuality (is it because maybe they think they are above this sin).But a sin is a sin, it all separates you from God.
9/2/2008 3:45:39 PM |
is a "Rainbow Christian" a parodox? (impossibility) |
Largo, FL
age: 50
BECAUSE MANY DONT believe its a sin and its ok...ur right a sin is a sin!...no matter how u cut it
and no one is greater then the other to the LORD!
9/5/2008 6:27:43 AM |
is a "Rainbow Christian" a parodox? (impossibility) |

Saltillo, MS
age: 39
Basicly many people just want to do what they want to do and if they have to overlook scripture and even facts that show homosexuality is wrong, them that's what they will do.
9/5/2008 7:21:04 AM |
is a "Rainbow Christian" a parodox? (impossibility) |

Ogden, UT
age: 50
The bottom line is "We don't like the sin they are doing. But we do love the sinner" If you show them love and teach them the Word correctly, with patience and love. The Word will convict them by itself. The key is not to come down on them so hard that you end up chasing them away from God.
9/7/2008 6:49:46 PM |
is a "Rainbow Christian" a parodox? (impossibility) |

Saltillo, MS
age: 39
The bottom line is "We don't like the sin they are doing. But we do love the sinner" If you show them love and teach them the Word correctly, with patience and love. The Word will convict them by itself. The key is not to come down on them so hard that you end up chasing them away from God.
I agree. I do my best to show it more than I say it.
9/7/2008 11:59:08 PM |
is a "Rainbow Christian" a parodox? (impossibility) |

Cohoes, NY
age: 51 online now!
The bottom line is "We don't like the sin they are doing. But we do love the sinner" If you show them love and teach them the Word correctly, with patience and love. The Word will convict them by itself. The key is not to come down on them so hard that you end up chasing them away from God.
yes sir indeed...I have told homosexuals that I believe this is not Gods Plan..
I have told this to male and female homosexuals..I do believe that you must tell them why its against nature of things...and then you must offer them verses...then they must decide...but you must plant seeds...not stomp all over the ground you planted the seed
in...give it room and light,and water to grow...
9/8/2008 7:18:50 PM |
is a "Rainbow Christian" a parodox? (impossibility) |

Porterdale, GA
age: 23
The bottom line is "We don't like the sin they are doing. But we do love the sinner" If you show them love and teach them the Word correctly, with patience and love. The Word will convict them by itself. The key is not to come down on them so hard that you end up chasing them away from God.
yes sir indeed...I have told homosexuals that I believe this is not Gods Plan..
I have told this to male and female homosexuals..I do believe that you must tell them why its against nature of things...and then you must offer them verses...then they must decide...but you must plant seeds...not stomp all over the ground you planted the seed
in...give it room and light,and water to grow...
This applys to any sin as well. We can't force a sinner to stop sinning, it drives them away. You must give them advice and hope it will work it into their hearts.
9/12/2008 11:56:31 AM |
is a "Rainbow Christian" a parodox? (impossibility) |
Largo, FL
age: 50
no u cant force,them.... ,,but if they continue,,,they are up for judgement...