7/30/2008 10:41:10 PM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |
Douglassville, TX
64, joined May. 2008
Why is it that we can get our VA disability, but I have filed for SSI disability twice and they refused me?? Anyone got any ideas as to help each other with this. I am 80% service connected but continue to be turned down by SS
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7/31/2008 5:16:11 AM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |


Fort Myers, FL
68, joined Feb. 2007
This is one of the problems with the VA system and the SSI system not recognizing one another's findings.
I'll look into this for you in more detail, and get back to you after I get some sleep, as it's 6AM, and I have been up all night.
I know that there are some regs involved here, and I'll have to do a little research on just which ones are applicable, and what you can do to address this discrepancy.
It might do some good if you were to email me with some particulars on your service-connection status and when it was adjudicated. That may have some bearing on how it all applies to you.
Don't give up, as I will do what I can after some rest.
Semper Fi~

7/31/2008 7:38:45 PM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |
Alamogordo, NM
59, joined Jul. 2008
I'm so sorry for your trouble. I do not know about the military aspect of trying to get on SSD, but I do know from the civilian aspect. Please don't give up, keep pursuing it. If you give up, you will just have to start all over again. My husband was disable from cancer and CHF and it took him 2 1/2 yrs to finally get SSD. You may need to get a lawyer who specializes in Social Security Disability. Alot of times its the only way. I wrote 37 letters to every congressman, every senator and even mayors. Anyone who was anyone got my letter and finally they did something, but not until we lost everything.
Please just DO NOT give up. Its what they want.
If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me.
"A Soldier's Mom"
8/1/2008 12:36:56 AM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |
Douglassville, TX
64, joined May. 2008
thank you for the wonderful reply and I will keep it in mind
8/1/2008 1:32:38 AM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |

Red Bluff, CA
66, joined Mar. 2008
here's the rub. unlike the va which recognizes partial disabilities, to receive ssdi, with exceptions for total blindness or loss of two limbs etc., your disability must prevent you from performing ANY job. additionally, you must be expected to be disabled for at least one year although you will be elligable after a six month exclusion period. ANY job means that although you were say an auto mechanic and a severely injured back prevented you from doing such work, if you were able to sit at a desk and be an office receptionist, then as far as ss is concerned you are not completely dissabled. you likely would qualify for state dissability in such a case because their requirement is that the disability prevents you from doing your normal job that you are trained for. however this usually is good for no more than 12 months. www.ssa.gov should help. go to "definition of disability". good luck.
8/1/2008 2:10:06 AM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |


Evanston, WY
58, joined Apr. 2007
when my back got so bad i couldnt work,i went to the VA first.a rep told me i couldnt use my bennifits becuse i hadnt used them for a certain amount of years.basicly,a catch 22. so i had to file for SSD. 
8/2/2008 1:54:15 AM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |


Fort Myers, FL
68, joined Feb. 2007
This is SOP for the VA, and you should not give up becuase this one "rep" told you that you no longer qualify.
He is just doing what he has been indoctrinated to do, and not taking into consideration any possible service-connection, or possible exacerbation of any service debilities that may have contributed to your condition.
Go to a DAV rep, tell him/her your situation, and get a better explanation of what your rights are. Don't give up, as there are several bills that may give you some chance of getting compensation and treatment, even now.
Semper Fi~

[Edited 8/2/2008 1:55:05 AM ]
8/3/2008 6:55:03 PM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |
Douglassville, TX
64, joined May. 2008
thank ya'll for the replies
8/3/2008 6:56:55 PM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |
Douglassville, TX
64, joined May. 2008
thanks jr
8/3/2008 7:07:13 PM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |

Red Bluff, CA
66, joined Mar. 2008
[Edited 8/3/2008 7:32:20 PM ]
8/3/2008 9:30:45 PM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |
Windber, PA
62, joined Jul. 2008
Can't say that this will absolutely work, however, I'm basically in the same boat that you are in, and am in the process of completing the VA portion, then on to SS. I too, am a disabled vet, with an 80% disability rating overall, but the numbers didn't add up. I have 60% for one, 30% for another 30% for a third, and two with 10% each. Yet, the overall rating is 80%. I was told by a counselor for the American Legion, that I can apply to the VA for UNemployability...even at 80%. Once I am considered unemployable, then I'm told that I can also collect social security. I've taken the physical exams, had all of the paperwork completed, and now I'm waiting for the VA to make their final determination, but every doctor who examined me said that I wouldn't have a problem. If I get the unemployable rating from the VA and get turned down for social security, then I guess it would be time to hire an attorney to help with SS.
Good luck to you.
8/4/2008 3:12:59 AM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |


Fort Myers, FL
68, joined Feb. 2007
Confusing to say the least!
The award you get for VA Disability is a percentage unto itself.
Depending on your service-connection disability benefits, it can only be one percentage.
You seem to have a confusing view of what your rating truly is, and you should have a letter from the Adjudicating Officer on just what this percentage is, and when it was awarded.
The VA and SSA keep concurrent records, and the percentage that you receive from the VA will be the determining factor in what you are eligible for from the SSA.
I would suggest that you seek an expert's opinion, and this site is one of the best, as the gentleman is a former SSI Adjudicator, and is qualified to answer all of your questions.
I wonder at the various different percentages that you propose are relevant here, and it would be wise to get your paperwork in order, scan each one into a file attachment, then send them all to this expert.
I came across a question that an individual had asked elsewhere and the question was: How much can I receive each month if I qualify for social security disability?
Answer - if you have earned the necessary credits to be insured for social security disability (and, if you haven't, you would only be eligible for SSI disability), your monthly disability benefit amount will be based on your work contributions, i.e. what was paid into the system. In other words, there is no set amount for all social disability claimants.
SSI, of course, is entirely different. Everyone receives the same amount if they receive SSI on the basis of being disabled. The only instances in which an individual would not receive the full SSI amount are when:
1. The disability recipient receives concurrent benefits (in other words, the person receives both social security disability and SSI disability benefits).
2. The individual has earned income ---not enough earned income to disqualify them from receiving disability benefits, but enough earned income to reduce their monthly disability check.
Disability Advocates
Help with Claims
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I would suggest that you go to this site Home Page, then read his blog on FAQ's for the information you seek.
Submit your information to him, and you will get an answer on the best outcome for you.
Semper Fi~

8/5/2008 9:18:52 AM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |
Douglassville, TX
64, joined May. 2008
thanks hereagain and eagle U have been a great help.  
8/5/2008 4:47:08 PM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |
Tullahoma, TN
71, joined Jul. 2008
I am 130% disabled from the va... you have to get your VA doctor, the one who gave you the 80%, to state you are unemployable ....I busted my A-- for many yrs to get the va to move the funny thing is I got my SSD before I got the VA disability....you got to fight!!! good luck God bless
8/5/2008 6:41:41 PM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |


South Prairie, WA
64, joined Nov. 2007
From what I've seen SS just turns down everybody. I doubt they even read it, just deny it. It seems lawyers who specilize in it can get it quicker. How many can afford them? Sorry state of affairs!
8/6/2008 10:50:24 AM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |
Edgewater, FL
47, joined Aug. 2008
I would contact the DAV (Disabled American Veterans). Find their post representative and then they'll be able to research it for you more thoroughly. Remember payouts by the VA or SSA is like working against a well organized HMO so they aren't really willing to put out all that money. If you go throught the DAV, they know the back doors and know whom to contact for your situation.
8/7/2008 4:05:55 AM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |


Splendora, TX
63, joined Dec. 2007
Scocial Security Disability must be 100% by their defination, They don't pay on less than 100%. The VA is based on the percentage of disability. VA doctors don't like turning over files to the SS. Good Luck dealing with SS.
8/7/2008 4:15:03 AM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |


Fort Myers, FL
68, joined Feb. 2007
That is incorrect!
The VA and SSA share files.
The VA also shares files with Medicare.
I have that directly from the SSA site, which I have shared with her. As well as the DAV site a few days ago.

8/7/2008 3:15:53 PM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |
Douglassville, TX
64, joined May. 2008
Thank all of u for every bit of information that u have given to me. I am so sick of trying to fight all of this. I have utilitzed the DAV , but they tell me that they do not help me for the ss it's like I am on my dog gone own with it. Eagle eyes has send me a buch of info and I am trying to sort it all out. Thanks ya'll
8/8/2008 5:15:31 AM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |


Fort Myers, FL
68, joined Feb. 2007
Don't give up~Keep at it lady, and use the site I sent you to get a free evaluation by a real pro who used to work for the SSA as an Adjudicator. He knows what you can do, and I'm sure that he can offer some good advice.
Semper Fi~

8/8/2008 8:57:17 AM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |
Douglassville, TX
64, joined May. 2008
YESSSSS I will for sure
8/9/2008 9:24:47 AM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |

High Shoals, GA
63, joined Jun. 2008
Why is it that we can get our VA disability, but I have filed for SSI disability twice and they refused me?? Anyone got any ideas as to help each other with this. I am 80% service connected but continue to be turned down by SS
Have you tried going through your American Legion or State Veterans Assistance Advisor? In Georgia, if you are 70% you are given SSI, no questions asked! so it must be a "state" thing not a federal decision on SSI.
[Edited 8/9/2008 9:29:26 AM ]
8/10/2008 7:53:50 AM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |

Roanoke, VA
60, joined Aug. 2008
Not sure if you are familiar with this site but a lot of fine folks and help can be found here. With both VA and SS issues.
Here is a specific SS forum.
Good luck to you and thanks for your service!
HadIt -
Leave No One Behind
Not On A Jungle Trail
Not On A Desert Trail
Not On A Paper Trail
[Edited 8/10/2008 7:54:32 AM ]
8/15/2008 4:45:37 PM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |

Scottsboro, AL
53, joined Apr. 2008
I didn't have a chance to read everyone else's reply, but if you are still stumped e-mail me. I use to do the paperwork for my clients to qualify and I can probably figure out what your problem with your paper work is.
Many times it is as simple as your doctor has not done a disability evaluation (which is very thorough). IF you have already done this and are still are not receiving you SSI or SSA, let me know. There are other hoops you must jump through to be excepted. As long as you do qualify you should have no problem.
You will have to have an adequate disability rating to qualify. Tell me what your VA disability rating is and what qualified you. I will check to see what information you need to continue your case. Don't give up, until you have tried all of your options.
[Edited 8/15/2008 4:47:23 PM ]
9/23/2008 5:38:22 PM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |

Reno, NV
75, joined Jul. 2008
I think I said something about this before. Unless your service connected disability you are better off just getting SS when you retire. I don't know if the VA calls it a pension or disability if you ask for it before your retirement age. It is lower then the average SS pension. It's very hard to get SS disability anyway. It's a can of worms how ever you look at it. 
9/27/2008 11:13:45 PM |
Disability from VA but can't get SS disability |
Everett, WA
61, joined Sep. 2008
I got approved for SSDI on my first application. I made sure that all of the doctors forms were filled in correct and sent in. When you get the first set of paperwork, make sure that all of yotur doctors are on the list to get your filesfrom. SSA delegates to the individual states to do the research for each case. The state farms the case out to ist own inspectors who then turns to doctors or specialist to review the case. The state has those doctors and or specialists on retainer. One they finish the review, the info goes back up the chain of command. Lag time can be between 6 months to over a year. remember, its not SSA turning you down, its the state turning you down. All of the bills are paid by SSA, that included SSI and SSDI.