3/8/2014 4:14:28 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009

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3/8/2014 4:18:28 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
57, joined Oct. 2008
Catholicism demonizes sex, which is why they invented a doctrine whereby Mary doesn't get any and is a perpetual virgin even after she gives birth to Jesus. Joseph is reckoned to be too old to get it up, and his sons and daughters the progeny of a previous marriage, even though there's no scriptural support for these ideas. 
3/8/2014 4:24:51 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
They did alot of that makin' stuff up.
Sex is sacred, the big dummies, very powerful mojo!!Harder to control folks who are powerful , including the ladies!!
3/8/2014 4:45:53 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Yonkers, NY
62, joined Aug. 2008
Catholicism demonizes sex,
Yes, we know it does...but the question is "Why?"
3/8/2014 7:30:00 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Lisbon, OH
59, joined Oct. 2012
They did alot of that makin' stuff up.
Sex is sacred, the big dummies, very powerful mojo!!Harder to control folks who are powerful , including the ladies!!
Yes ! Sex is a no no word in many beliefs but yet many say God created us with such
desires and then they turn around and label sex as something really bad, that would
be like saying God created us as bad creatures.
Sex is natural for creatures, as all creatures were created that way.
I have always said: sex itself is not bad but who you have it with can be bad.
3/8/2014 7:44:05 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
Well we won't have to worry about me there!!
3/8/2014 7:57:26 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Lisbon, OH
59, joined Oct. 2012
Well we won't have to worry about me there!! 
They always say: a little bit sure does the body good !
3/8/2014 7:58:38 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
Maybe some day.
3/8/2014 8:01:35 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Lisbon, OH
59, joined Oct. 2012
Maybe some day. 
I remember saying some day but i can't say that anymore !
3/8/2014 8:27:16 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
Well good for you Allen!!!  
3/8/2014 8:38:09 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Yonkers, NY
62, joined Aug. 2008
Still no answer to my question.
3/9/2014 7:20:25 AM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
57, joined Oct. 2008
Catholicism demonizes sex
Yes, we know it does...but the question is "Why?"
Vagina and womb envy I expect, Women conceive and bear children, so have this power that men don't, therefore sex, which is the source of this procreative power, is demonized. Men are held up as these pure, spiritual creatures who are defiled by sexual contact with women, like in Revelation 14:4:
These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they remained virgins.
Perhaps the nature of the Original Sin of Adam and Eve (who never existed) is seen as Eve's tempting her pure partner with the fruit of sex. Therefore as Jesus's mum, Mary had to be decontaminated of the contagion before she could assume the role. So a doctrine was created (the Immaculate Conception) whereby Mary was born specially purged of Original Sin so's she couldn't infect Jesus, who is traditionally held to be sinless . The fabricated Virgin birth narratives in Matthew and Luke effectively eliminate any possible Original Sin input from Joseph's genetics. Sex is seen as so sinful that measures were taken to dissociate Mary from the sticky business for life, with the aforementioned unscriptural doctrine that she was a perpetual virgin before during and after the birth of Jesus, with all Jesus's brothers and sisters deriving from a previous marriage of Joseph's.
The chief executives in the Catholic Church, who are invariably celibate men in frocks, pursue a policy that sex between men and women has to be regulated and controlled, taking place purely for procreative purposes and not pleasure. The rules don't state that explicitly but instead place unreasonable conditions on the coital act, such as specifying that birth control methods are a sin. Thus they condemn women in poor countries where the Catholic church commands lots of power into having larger families than they can afford to provide for. There isn't so much of a problem in developed countries because Catholics tend to be moderates born into the religion through no fault of their own (except for lud), who take the mediaeval nonsense with a pinch of salt, ignore unreasonable directives from the hierarchy and do what their individual consciences dictate.
That's my glib appraisal. It probably has even deeper and darker psychological depths, including the sublimation of the sex drives into the ardent sado-masochistic contemplation of the suffering Christ figure, who hangs on his Cross dying for the sins of humanity...forever, like in that Mel Gibson movie. Which is what I imagine those emotionally fragile saintly nuns get up to who have all those visions and that.
[Edited 3/9/2014 7:22:17 AM ]
3/9/2014 7:28:59 AM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Yonkers, NY
62, joined Aug. 2008
Vagina and womb envy I expect, Women conceive and bear children, so have this power that men don't, therefore sex, which is the source of this procreative power, is demonized. Men are held up
Power? Most women would tell you is a curse.
3/9/2014 7:32:06 AM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
Power? Most women would tell you is a curse.
Yes, power, men are very afraid of that power ,and have exibited that in tryin to make us behave.
3/9/2014 7:34:43 AM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Yonkers, NY
62, joined Aug. 2008
Your post is very enlightening...about the ignorance running around thousand of years ago and about the ability of few to use that ignorance for their very own benefit.
3/9/2014 7:50:03 AM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
57, joined Oct. 2008
Your post is very enlightening...about the ignorance running around thousand of years ago and about the ability of few to use that ignorance for their very own benefit.
Well I haven't looked into Catholicism much. It's only the impression I get of the psychology that drives the religion. People are born with this burden of guilt, due to a creative misinterpretation by Christian authors 2,000 years ago of the Hebrew Adam and Eve creation myth, which originated in a completely separate culture 1,000 years earlier. It's kindalike the liberties the Urantia book takes with ancient scriptures. This Hellenized diaspora Jew, the Apostle Paul, took the Adam and Eve story and cleverly fashioned it into a rationale to support his doctrine of Atonement, whereby acceptance of Jesus as one's personal Saviour expiates the inherited sin curse of Adam and Eve and makes humans acceptable to God. There isn't anything in the Hebrew Bible saying that humans aren't acceptable to God without this palaver as far as I'm aware. The Jews developed their own ideas on this when the Second Temple was destroyed and animal sacrifices ended. I think they just pray and ask for forgiveness of their sins.
3/9/2014 9:13:54 AM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Yonkers, NY
62, joined Aug. 2008
People are born with this burden of guilt, due to a creative misinterpretation by Christian authors 2,000 years ago of the Hebrew Adam and Eve creation myth, which originated in a completely separate culture 1,000 years earlier.
One could say "Ignorance is very daring...and a lot more dangerous."
3/9/2014 10:08:28 AM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Yonkers, NY
62, joined Aug. 2008
This video, in its entirety, is a must see...but the first few minutes say enough for a person to reject Catholicism all the way.
3/10/2014 8:32:35 AM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
Dang.....to think with out that mind set, they could have made sweet love!!  
3/10/2014 8:42:34 AM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
I'm sure Tony,........ I don't disrespect your spiritualty, I think you know that.
I just think, sex is sacred ,but we need to have more of it ,and less guilt.(Says one who could qualify for celibate of the decade!!!  
3/10/2014 8:46:09 AM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
That's a tragedy, IMO
3/10/2014 2:29:47 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Yonkers, NY
62, joined Aug. 2008
In the video I posted, the former priest clearly states the church's ability to pass the blame to the victims.
They are repugnant.
3/10/2014 2:45:10 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Lisbon, OH
59, joined Oct. 2012
In the video I posted, the former priest clearly states the church's ability to pass the blame to the victims.
They are repugnant.
Yes they care more about the one who committed the sin, than they do about the
one they sinned against. It's all about self !
3/10/2014 5:47:00 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Lisbon, OH
59, joined Oct. 2012
I don't think they care so much about protecting the priests as they are trying to protect the church from scandal .
They want to keep the reputation of the church unstained.
Yes i agree, for the sake of the good old church.
3/10/2014 7:19:31 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Yonkers, NY
62, joined Aug. 2008
Yes they care more about the one who committed the sin, than they do about the
one they sinned against. It's all about self !
Is an old technique that uses guilt to protect the one on the wrong; very effective when properly applied. A perfect example of this technique is when the defense lawyer questions the rape victim's behavior to justify the actions of his/her defendant.
3/10/2014 7:42:38 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Yonkers, NY
62, joined Aug. 2008
The Catholic Church Is Not a Democracy - March 1, 2013 By Adam Lee
“””…Although liberal and progressive Catholics may be well-intentioned, they’re acting as if they don’t understand what it is they’ve signed up for. The Roman Catholic church is not a democracy. The church hierarchy isn’t elected, doesn’t have any checks or balances, and it doesn’t solicit or care about the opinions of ordinary churchgoers as to how things should be run. On the contrary, the Catholic church is an absolute monarchy! It’s run by a dictator-for-life who’s not accountable to anyone, who can’t be overruled, and who effectively chooses his own successor.
In the U.S., the president is formally chosen not by popular vote, but by a majority of the Electoral College, although the electors are supposed to vote in accordance with the popular vote in their state. But now imagine if the electors didn’t have to pay any attention to the popular vote, and imagine if the president, during his term in office, could handpick the electors who’d choose the next president after him. Now you get some idea of how governance works in the Catholic church.
Because the hierarchy is self-perpetuating, it has no accountability and no need to pay attention to outside criticism. The only influence that ordinary Catholics can exert, the only way they can signal their disapproval, is through the indirect route of no longer attending services or giving money. Anything else, the church can and will take as support for their current political program.
The church was born in an era of empires and monarchies, and it modeled its leadership on the societies of the time. But while all those empires have fallen and those monarchies have become democracies, the church has stayed mired in the past, clinging to the medieval model of one absolute ruler who makes the decisions for everyone. If ordinary Catholics are surprised or dismayed to realize this, it’s only because they made the mistaken assumption that moral progress within the church has kept pace with moral progress in the wider world.”””
3/10/2014 9:30:37 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
Infallibilty of the Pope, Church.
That is a rather new invention that one, as I understand.
3/10/2014 9:34:32 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Yonkers, NY
62, joined Aug. 2008
Infallibilty of the Pope, Church.
That is a rather new invention that one, as I understand.
Sure...new from the medieval times. LOL
3/10/2014 9:42:16 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
Your right , the notion was around since medieval times. It became defined as doctrine in 1869-70.
[Edited 3/10/2014 9:42:40 PM ]
3/11/2014 8:04:21 AM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Yonkers, NY
62, joined Aug. 2008
Your right , the notion was around since medieval times. It became defined as doctrine in 1869-70.
The "pomp & circumstance" they live with, their addressing e/o as "Your Eminence, Your Grace, Your Excellence..." make their empire mentality more than evident.
3/11/2014 8:22:01 AM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
You're right about that too. That is idolatry ,IMO
3/11/2014 3:57:48 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Yonkers, NY
62, joined Aug. 2008
You're right about that too. That is idolatry ,IMO
They live in a bubble...soon to burst
3/11/2014 6:19:52 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Saint Petersburg, FL
67, joined Apr. 2010
They live in a bubble...soon to burst
That burst could trigger a religious war in this country. So what steps should be taken to prevent it from happening?
3/11/2014 6:28:16 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Yonkers, NY
62, joined Aug. 2008
You're right about that too. That is idolatry ,IMO
They live in a bubble...soon to burst
3/11/2014 8:26:23 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


York, PA
53, joined Jun. 2009
We would'nt recognize a demon if it walked up and slapped our face . We will demonize everyone around us for having the liberty of personal choice , and free will , that everybody has , while we bow to the power of the currency that we willingly allow to dictate our every choice .
We give free reign to those who pillage and poison the earth , for the poisonous scraps of personal benefit , comfort , and convenience , but we lash out at anyone who makes a personal choice that effects nothing but themselves .
Real demons dont make choices , they control choices .
3/13/2014 8:33:46 AM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Yonkers, NY
62, joined Aug. 2008
We would'nt recognize a demon if it walked up and slapped our face .
Ja....it seems you never met my former mother in law.  
3/13/2014 8:36:04 AM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
We would'nt recognize a demon if it walked up and slapped our face . We will demonize everyone around us for having the liberty of personal choice , and free will , that everybody has , while we bow to the power of the currency that we willingly allow to dictate our every choice .
We give free reign to those who pillage and poison the earth , for the poisonous scraps of personal benefit , comfort , and convenience , but we lash out at anyone who makes a personal choice that effects nothing but themselves .
Real demons dont make choices , they control choices .
Discernment is key, to identifying demons,IMO
3/13/2014 9:02:42 AM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Yonkers, NY
62, joined Aug. 2008
Discernment is key, to identifying demons,IMO
Lest say demons existed and we could recognize them...that would render them harmless because we would be able to "pacify" them.
3/13/2014 9:13:04 AM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
3/13/2014 7:39:25 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Yonkers, NY
62, joined Aug. 2008
That demons BS is so ridiculous not even the somewhat normal believers think of them. LOL
3/13/2014 7:56:45 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
Well ain't no demons bother me.
3/14/2014 7:54:31 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |

68, joined Oct. 2011
Indeedy. Repellent religiosity mitigated by the saving grace of good musical taste.
3/14/2014 8:20:19 PM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |

68, joined Oct. 2011
Has anybody ever seen the movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame with Charles Lawton as Quasimoto.
I thought of that when I read the OP. It gives you a good insight into why this male celebate clergy would demonize women. The interaction between the Cardinal and Esmarelda is great. He views her as a demon because she is the object of his lust.
I wonder if the book deals with that. I can't remember the author's name. He's the same guy who wrote Les Miserable. I think.
Anyway here is a clip I found. It's in French but you can get the drift.
3/15/2014 3:50:50 AM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Saint Petersburg, FL
67, joined Apr. 2010
Has anybody ever seen the movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame with Charles Lawton as Quasimoto.
I thought of that when I read the OP. It gives you a good insight into why this male celebate clergy would demonize women. The interaction between the Cardinal and Esmarelda is great. He views her as a demon because she is the object of his lust.
Great movie and a very good example!
3/15/2014 7:26:27 AM |
Demonizing women; Catholic church |


Yonkers, NY
62, joined Aug. 2008
Great movie and a very good example!
Yes; it shows the great skill the church has to divert blame...
Somebody once said "The one who started all this celibate business in the church was a guy who blame women for not being able to get an erection." Gee, Pfizer was late for business.