8/3/2008 6:54:16 AM |
????? Urantia ! |

Morgan, VT
age: 66

it's too bad there is no interest in this book here 
My other post got ZERO responce 
the Christian forums definatly don't want to talk about it!!!
but this book embraces all ....
whatever way one would wish to follow after, 
their concept of a Higher Source... 
the book was not writen by mortals....
it claims to be the 5th revelation to the Humane Race... 
definatly worth looking into....   
it,s Grad School for the planet!
8/3/2008 12:19:11 PM |
????? Urantia ! |

Lake Havasu City, AZ
age: 61
"I can cast my light upon the darkness, but I cannot compel the darkness to comprehend it" mk 
There are many that do not understand, but as we cast the light onto their darkness we are planting the seed of love, the seed that only they can grow. 
[Edited 8/3/2008 12:20:45 PM]
8/3/2008 8:34:43 PM |
????? Urantia ! |

Brattleboro, VT
age: 58
I have heard about it but haven't looked into it, but I think I will check it out....I like learning things..even at my age!
8/5/2008 2:53:25 PM |
????? Urantia ! |

Morgan, VT
age: 66

it's like a cosmic encyclopedia
ask it a question
8/8/2008 5:23:59 PM |
????? Urantia ! |

Cohoes, NY
age: 51
Definatly Different,yet similarities,,kinda like all differnt translations of the Bible..
8/9/2008 6:35:05 AM |
????? Urantia ! |
Magna, UT
age: 25

it's too bad there is no interest in this book here
My other post got ZERO responce 
the Christian forums definatly don't want to talk about it!!!
but this book embraces all  ....
whatever way one would wish to follow after,
their concept of a Higher Source...
the book was not writen by mortals....
it claims to be the 5th revelation to the Humane Race...
definatly worth looking into....  
it,s Grad School for the planet! 
Anytime I hear the words:
the book was not writen by mortals
The book/idea/concept instantly gets thrown out as a joke. Of course it was written by mortals how else does it exist in the physical world? Are the publishers of the book, claiming that an immortal being physically delivered the book to them? I just have a hard time putting stock in any of these small cult following pop culture kind of fads.
8/9/2008 8:46:15 AM |
????? Urantia ! |

Atascadero, CA
age: 35
I have heard about it but haven't looked into it, but I think I will check it out....I like learning things..even at my age! 
One should never stop learning. It's the best way to grow.
8/9/2008 12:06:53 PM |
????? Urantia ! |

Morgan, VT
age: 66
this is a good place to find out what the heck this book is about.
if it was writen by humans,
it must have been a pack of the smartest bastards i ever new!
no offence 
8/10/2008 4:55:03 AM |
????? Urantia ! |

Brightwaters, NY
age: 60
I have never heard of that book but I do have a question 4ev - if you have read the whole book. This is what I struggle with. Why do we humans have to take the lives of other creatures to sustain our own???? I am horrified at the slaughter houses - and the way animals are treated during their short, terrible lives - for us! Is there an explantion for this anywhere????
8/10/2008 4:25:24 PM |
????? Urantia ! |

Morgan, VT
age: 66
I have never heard of that book but I do have a question 4ev - if you have read the whole book. This is what I struggle with. Why do we humans have to take the lives of other creatures to sustain our own???? I am horrified at the slaughter houses - and the way animals are treated during their short, terrible lives - for us! Is there an explantion for this anywhere????
hi Toots
just my thoughts...we are evolving in our humanity which had its origins in 'the animal'
early in time we are meat eaters,it comes from the survival of the fittist.
as our awareness,morals or religious revilations strive to evolve our concept of rite/wrong,God,or Love. we as a society grow in the 'group morality'.
someday the majority of us will leave these primative concepts [survivel,fear,abusing the creation] behind.
[Christianity refers to us as stewards of the earth and all within it...ie.animals].
and today there are vegiterins throughout the world.
TUB does say that in the Mansion worlds[christian heaven]our food will be much different than here on the material world of the 'mortal relm'.
you could always join 'Peta'
but tonight i'm cookin chicken
8/10/2008 7:50:37 PM |
????? Urantia ! |

Brightwaters, NY
age: 60
thanks 4evr - interesting for sure. Actually....I had turkey for dinner. Oh Lord...that's terrible! - can't wait to become evolved!
8/11/2008 11:28:27 AM |
????? Urantia ! |

Morgan, VT
age: 66
thanks 4evr - interesting for sure. Actually....I had turkey for dinner. Oh Lord...that's terrible! - can't wait to become evolved!
this is an exerpt from the study of the Mansion Worlds [TUB]
[where we go after death,becoming more spiritual and less phisical
as we progress toward God.]
"Though you have morontia[spiritual type] bodies, you continue, through all seven of these worlds, to eat, drink, and rest. You partake of the morontia order of food, a kingdom of living energy unknown on the material worlds. Both food and water are fully utilized in the morontia body; there is no residual waste. Pause to consider: Mansonia number one is a very material sphere, presenting the early beginnings of the morontia regime. You are still a near human and not far removed from the limited viewpoints of mortal life, but each world discloses definite progress. From sphere to sphere you grow less material, more intellectual, and slightly more spiritual. The spiritual progress is greatest on the last three of these seven progressive worlds. "

[Edited 8/11/2008 11:30:14 AM]
8/11/2008 11:55:57 AM |
????? Urantia ! |

Brightwaters, NY
age: 60
Thanks again 4evr - Hope for me yet? lol
Can you tell me if this book says anything about the animals...why they have to suffer?...if they too continue to move on? Are they sentinel creatures (I'm sure they feel pain) but are they aware on a level we don't fully understand yet? I have a beautiful c*cker spaniel who - due to spontaneous glaucoma - lost both eyes about 4 years ago....now I found out that this gentle, sweet, loving dog has inoperable tumors all through his system - spine - all the organs are involved and he won't live much longer. What a hard life this poor guy has had...it breaks my heart....does the book consider these creatures and their fate?
8/11/2008 3:19:45 PM |
????? Urantia ! |

Morgan, VT
age: 66
Thanks again 4evr - Hope for me yet? lol
Can you tell me if this book says anything about the animals...why they have to suffer?...if they too continue to move on? Are they sentinel creatures (I'm sure they feel pain) but are they aware on a level we don't fully understand yet? I have a beautiful c*cker spaniel who - due to spontaneous glaucoma - lost both eyes about 4 years ago....now I found out that this gentle, sweet, loving dog has inoperable tumors all through his system - spine - all the organs are involved and he won't live much longer. What a hard life this poor guy has had...it breaks my heart....does the book consider these creatures and their fate?
i hade more on this but lost it...
hope this helps.
p1431:3 130:2.8 That afternoon Jesus and Ganid had both enjoyed playing with a very intelligent shepherd dog, and Ganid wanted to know whether the dog had a soul, whether it had a will, and in response to his questions Jesus said: "The dog has a mind which can know material man, his master, but cannot know God, who is spirit; therefore the dog does not possess a spiritual nature and cannot enjoy a spiritual experience. The dog may have a will derived from nature and augmented by training, but such a power of mind is not a spiritual force, neither is it comparable to the human will, inasmuch as it is not reflective—it is not the result of discriminating higher and moral meanings or choosing spiritual and eternal values. It is the possession of such powers of spiritual discrimination and truth choosing that makes mortal man a moral being, a creature endowed with the attributes of spiritual responsibility and the potential of eternal survival." Jesus went on to explain that it is the absence of such mental powers in the animal which makes it forever impossible for the animal world to develop language in time or to experience anything equivalent to personality survival in eternity. As a result of this day's instruction Ganid never again entertained belief in the transmigration of the souls of men into the bodies of animals.
[Edited 8/11/2008 3:23:21 PM]
8/13/2008 2:29:15 PM |
????? Urantia ! |

Frisco, TX
age: 55
Ah yes that is what Jesus told Ganid in the Urantia book, but when asked about animals of God in Conversations with God, Neal Donald Walsh asks God if animals have souls and God say that no one who has ever looked into the eyes of an animal needs ask that Question. I do not doubt the truth of the Urantia book , but also know God is infinite and so is the knowledge of God. I have read and do believe the Urantia book to be truth. As far as transmigration into an animals body, why would you choose that if you desire further growth. I can see only one reason for that choice and that is if you were evolved enough to only want to rest for a lifetime.
[Edited 8/13/2008 2:35:27 PM]