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8/30/2007 8:49:52 PM Atheist Professor Challenged his Students  

Ebensburg, PA
age: 43

Great Post Munky G,

There are many misconceptions about Christianity (and probably every religion)from believers and non-believers alike. One that I think should be exposed here is the common idea that once you accept the free gift of salvation that Jesus paid for (you get saved or born-again) you immediately become a "good" person and an all knowing Christian. Not true. You will still sin often. The Holy Spirit must work you toward perfection every day but you probably will not become perfect this side of Heaven. Even the Apostle Paul talked about his innability to do the right thing all the time or to stop doing wrong.

I think Munky Girl is closer to perfection than most Christians I know...Love is the golden thread that runs through the entire Bible and will last for eternity. Look who Jesus hung out with while here on earth: prostitutes, adulteresses, fishermen, tax collectors (known back then for being very corrupt) sick, doctors, everyone with need...He often chastised the religious types who portrayed themselves as pious. When they attacked Him for this He said something to the well people need a doctor? of course not, sick people do.

Regarding why our soldiers are dying in Iraq...Many of them know they are doing the right thing. I've received sitreps and e-mails every week since this started, our military wants to finish the job...our LW news media .. the same jerks who caused us to pulll out of Viet Nam and caused the subsequent massacre of many South Vietnamesse...want us to lose. It cannot be ignorance of history since they covered it and made it. I view them as worse than Al Queida...traitors! ...but I digressed...

There is no greater love than this, that a man lays down his life for a friend - Jesus.

A Marine Cpl recently refused medivac until he could re-enlist...his leg was destroyed by an IED...does that sound like someone being forced to do something he doesn't believe in? I've heard many similar stories...but of course not on the Communist News Network (CNN). God knows many of these heros have a much better place awaiting them after they die. As Billy Joel mocked, "only the good die young" may have some truth to it...the rest of us may have to stay here until we get it right.

8/30/2007 10:29:25 PM Atheist Professor Challenged his Students  

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48

Thanks Death,very nice post!

What saddens me when I hear things like this is yes,so many of them want to finish and just come "home".But when they get back here,"home" can you imagine the slaps in the face they are going to feel every time they turn on the tv,read a paper or go on-line.

I know I live in a little fantasy world,but,what if they....REALLY think that WE are All rooting for THEM over HERE???? What if that American Spirit gets that soldier through that next day or night?

I hope at least some State,citie,suberb,town,out of the way bar...someplace, throws them a WELCOME HOME CELEBRATION...or is it just going to be too dangerous,because by then it probably is going to be olitically Incorrect:! Peace

PS.I just realized Im in Religion,but I dont think I started it did I? Too late!GOD BLESS

PPS. Syn Id give you a smartass remark but,you seem to be having a better day today,and I dont want to spoil it! Plus...did I hear you say you liked Bill Maher?? Hes one of my favorites!!!!

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