8/27/2007 6:51:19 AM |
isn't the Bible a wee bit out of date |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
I'm not saying God is out of date by anymeans, but the bible may well be a primitave reach for the revelation of God for those times.
I say primative,with licience.Still far ahead of the god of fire and thunder, worship of plants,trees and animals....far ahead of ghost cults and ancestor worship...beleif in fetishes and magic...shamanism,mysticism,etc...
the bible does point mankind to the trinity,and and the great I AM. but the religion of Jesus...has been made the religion about Jesus....i don't think he came here for that.
If you want to find out the reason our Creator came down to this earth and the hiarchy of the Dietys, one should read the Urantia papers.
8/27/2007 7:00:15 AM |
isn't the Bible a wee bit out of date |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
it is not and it never will be out of date
8/27/2007 7:11:24 AM |
isn't the Bible a wee bit out of date |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
what are the Urantia papers? I'm always willing to learn something new.
8/27/2007 7:13:34 AM |
isn't the Bible a wee bit out of date |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
me neither but i think it is something i would not want anything to do with they probably pertain to a cult of some kind
8/27/2007 7:40:30 AM |
isn't the Bible a wee bit out of date |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
of course wern't the early followers of our Lord sort of a cult.
but the Urantia papers [The Urantia Book]are a modern revelation given to mankind around 1934...you can google them ...even the audio version...
they comprise about 196 papers from every thing from the hiarchy of Diety to the creation of the planet Urantia [earth]; the last quarter of the book contains about 600+ pages on the life and teachings of Jesus.
you should spend the first week just reading the table of contents...it's broken down well...and will be the easiest reading in the whole book. [2097 pages]
[Edited 8/27/2007 7:42:45 AM]
8/27/2007 7:41:26 AM |
isn't the Bible a wee bit out of date |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
no they were not
8/27/2007 7:48:07 AM |
isn't the Bible a wee bit out of date |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
someone said once...the old testiment is preliminary...the new testiment is like high school...and the Urantia papers are like geting your PHD.
8/27/2007 7:57:53 AM |
isn't the Bible a wee bit out of date |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
i think that was many people like jewelz,wolfy ,queen
8/27/2007 8:05:29 AM |
isn't the Bible a wee bit out of date |

Gilbert, AZ
age: 25
Bass-me neither but i think it is something i would not want anything to do with they probably pertain to a cult of some kind
All organized religions are cults christians,satanism,jews,mormon,muslims,budist,wiccian,
all of them are designed to keep all are asses in check
8/27/2007 8:12:46 AM |
isn't the Bible a wee bit out of date |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
if one is confortable with the Bible only....then so be it....just remember the Words in Red are suposidly from our Lord....his message, other than that of seeking the Father, was to love your brother and sister.
8/27/2007 10:18:30 AM |
isn't the Bible a wee bit out of date |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
I've always found that people who cover their eyes, find it hard to see, people that cover their ears find it hard to hear.....unfortunately these same people never seem to cover their mouths?
8/28/2007 7:41:37 PM |
isn't the Bible a wee bit out of date |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
take a circle of people and start by telling a story to the one on the right. then that person repeats it to the person on his right and so on and so on....when it comes back to the begining is the story the same?....most likley not.
...well its the same posibility with the bible....
though the basic tenants are probably ok there has been created much room for misinterpretation, and division... its that that people stumble over.
but God won't leave us hangin there un or misinformed.
new revilations will keep humanity [those that care]on track towards him.
9/2/2007 5:05:34 PM |
isn't the Bible a wee bit out of date |

Ukiah, CA
age: 54
Well, I guess it depends on the way you look at it. Way too much to detail here, but you have, in the book of John, Jesus saying that it was better that he was leaving this planet as a human being, because then He could send us his Holy Spirit, so that, potentially, his power and reality could be personally available to all of us till the end of time. And unless loving one another is now passé, he gave us that as a new commandment. He told us men, that by even looking at a woman to lust after her with our eyes, we are already committing adultery with her in our minds. He taught that a wealthy man cannot enter the kingdom of heaven, and the Bible goes on to teach that the love of money is the root of much sin. And concerning prophecy, when I read about the last days, and Armageddon in particular, having part of its focus being on countries bent on the destruction of Israel, and in that geographic location; when I read that in the last days there will be no buying or selling without the mark of the beast, and we now have the technology in the World Wide Web to indeed allow the complete control over who buys and sells; when I see that in our dependence on technology and the electricity which drives it, a stoppage of which would cause worldwide chaos leading to carnage (and could easily cause the collapse of the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world [Babylon a.k.a. United States]) without a shot ever being fired, or a missile launched, it is not hard for me to imagine the eminent prophecies discussed in the book of Revelation being absolutely pertinent, in fact only in the last half of the last century positively applicable to right now, today.
9/2/2007 6:26:02 PM |
isn't the Bible a wee bit out of date |

Ebensburg, PA
age: 43
I think the Bible is as relevant today as ever and that's one of the amazing things about the Bible, still relevant thousands of years after it was written. Shakespeare is still popular but by no means as commonly read today as the bible.
As for the theory of mis-interpretation as it was handed down. I think that actually reinforces that the Bible is the result of divine inspiration and control by God not mere men. The Bible written hundreds of years AD is very close to the dead sea scrolls written and lost thousands of years BC. Coincidence??? I think not!
also...Jesus did not say it was impossible for the rich to enter heaven...just harder than getting a camel through the "eye of a needle" which seems impossible. However other historical references show that one of the gates in to Jerusalem was referred to in the vernacular as "the eye of a needle". It was intended for pedestrian traffic but to get a camel through that gate the camel had to get down on it's knees. Perhaps a analogy to what many rich people must do before entering heaven...cease being so pompous and find some humility. No-one gets to heaven on their own power or good works...only by the Grace of God...if you believe Christ.....every knee shall bow...
Babylon (modern day Iraq) was one of the most powerful nations in biblical times and the babylonians sacked Isreal about 60 or 80 AD. They completely destroyed and desecrated Solomon's temple, the Dome of the Rock now stands in it's place. With the growing ignorance and defyance of God within the USA and the growing muslim population world-wide, I think it's very likely that that region (Iraq, Iran) will soon be a superpower greater than the USA. Nuke weapons in Iran within a decade.
History shows most superpowers last only a couple hundred years before being toppled. I suspect the USA will likely fall in the coming century. The warning signs of the end, that appear at the end of every great nation, are now here in the USA.
9/2/2007 6:59:59 PM |
isn't the Bible a wee bit out of date |

Spring, TX
age: 55
deathwish,,, i have to agree with your last statement. America seems to be more concerned with not hurting anyone's feeling that concerned for the majority.