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6/15/2014 10:06:16 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Bellaire, OH
52, joined Apr. 2008
hunter12gauge:YOUR reply was borderline .... retarded. re read my previous post,with comprehesion this time,and get back to me. 
And your statement isn't worth the topic of this thread, did your family went thru slavery here in this country? My was.. Were your family was killed during the leadership of this country? My was... was your lands taken from you by force? My was... was natural resources taken from you? My was..... my family as well as my self work hard from the bottom up and am soon to own my own business by 2015 and will continue to do my jobs of two and will continue to be successful. ...
... tell me something interesting where your family situation is any where close to where my family have gone thru...  To answer your stupid questions,what difference does it make? My people came to this country with NOTHING. WORKED for titans of industry for a pultery sum of money,fled several areas for economic freedom. NOT much different than your people.Yes there were several in my family that didn't survive,thanks to our leadership. Wether it be war or disease.The land we acquired had no resources,and the land that did was already reserved,so that is like being taken from.My grand father startedour family business in the 1930's and it is still a thriving business to this day. I operate it and work as a free lance consultant and accountant. YOU see tha ONLY difference between YOU and ME,is that YOU are a greedy motherf**ker,and expect to reap the harvest from unsuspecting hard working taxpayers because YOUR family fell on hardtimes. boo the f**kin hoo. YOU should be a shamed of yourself. FACE IT, EVERY nationality has been discriminated against at one time or another. YOUR particular group is NOTHING special. Get over your self already.
[Edited 6/15/2014 10:08:00 PM ]
Meet singles at, we're 100% free! Join now!

6/15/2014 10:10:32 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Indianapolis, IN
33, joined Nov. 2013
Give them 1 acre and a Mule then call it even.
6/15/2014 11:26:23 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Chicago, IL
32, joined Apr. 2008
Reparations will never happen. The idea never had widespread support and is even less popular with the new millenial voters.
6/15/2014 11:51:35 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Baton Rouge, LA
32, joined May. 2013
what the f**k wrong with this mix mutation depigmentation negro???
this negro don't no his mix mutation place of standing his standard of a ground ...
what the f**k wrong with this brainwash depigmentation melanin of a original pigment of becoming accurse leprous mix with albinos to mutate his black caucasian mix mutation of non pigment color negro???
caucasian mean relating to white and white mean,,accurse leprous depigmentation???
6/15/2014 11:57:33 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Baton Rouge, LA
32, joined May. 2013
Who Conspiracy emotional feeling because of the first amendment act of god/Yahweh justification by justifying a judgments of action while defining his laws in his articles of sectional of sins ????
Who conspiracy bearing eternal unjust pain of childbirth and hard labor of unjust toiling responsibility by being the providers of wishful thoughts of thinking or longing for the definition meaning of the word desire with a brainwashing manipulation to being blind guild from birth????
Who conspiracy god divine nature law of sex is marrying your '''just'' master/husband as a scepter ruler over his unjust responsibilities of toiling the field for the lust of a job,, for the lust of money of being the provide for everything her chosen participate in god divine nature of sex is marrying her husband/master as a ruler over her????
Who conspiracy eternal life for a equal opportunity of being provided for a desire?????
Genesis 3:16-19 New International Version (NIV) 16 To the(( woman)) he said,
“I will make your ((pains in childbearing)) very severe; with
(((( painful labor )))
you will give birth to children. (((Your desire))))
DictionaryThesaurusWord DynamoQuotesReferenceTranslatorSpanishLog In Sign Up Premium
de·sire [dih-zahyuhr] Show IPA verb (used with object), de·sired, de·sir·ing. 1. to wish or long for; crave; want. 2. to express a wish to obtain; ask for; request: The mayor desires your presence at the next meeting. noun 3. a longing or craving, as for something that brings satisfaction or enjoyment: a desire for fame. 4. an expressed wish; request. 5. something desired.
will be for(((( your husband/master))))and ,,he will rule over you...
7 To Adam he said,,,
“(((Cursed))) is the((( ground))) because of((( you))); ((( through))) (((painful))) (((toil)))
toil1 [toil] Show IPA noun 1. hard and continuous work; exhausting labor or effort. 2. a laborious task. 3. Archaic. battle; strife; struggle. verb (used without object) 4. to engage))) in (((hard and continuous work; ((labor arduously)): to((( toil in the fields))). 5.
you will ((eat food)) (((from it all the days of your life))). 18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. 19 By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken;who conspriacy Yahweh first amendment act of defining laws 1 Peter 2:18-25 New International Version (NIV)
18 Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. 19 For it is commendable if someone
((( bears up ((under the (((pain)))) of
((((unjust suffering ))))
because they are conscious of God. 20 But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it?
But if you
(((suffer for doing good)))
and you endure it, this is commendable before God. 21 To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.
22 and no deceit was found in his mouth.” [a]
6/16/2014 12:56:21 AM |
Reparations for slavery |


Marina del Rey, CA
31, joined Aug. 2011
Give them 1 acre and a Mule then call it even.
WHO TO? You wanna give something of value to all blacks? You're guaranteed to be rewarding some whose ancestors sold their brothers into slavery or bought them here in America.
Once you go down that road - you admit you owe them, whether its legit or not, you've ocmmitted yourself and they will keep coming back for more when they've had their chances and what they need to do is get a damn job.
Black people do not have a corner on the market for getting used and abused.
They've had more than enough help, time to stop whining and move on.
Are you willing to geneology studies to determine how black someone is. If they are a quarter black you gonna give them a quarter of a mule?
And the bottom line is whether your ancestors were or were not slaves (did you ever think about the PAYERS who have never had a slave nor did their ancestors - are you gonna give them reparations someday for ripping them off) THERE have been all kinds of black this and black that and funds for blacks and black black black.
Time to pull your pants up and move on.
Blackmailers always come back for more, there is no amount sufficient to shake them once you start.
6/16/2014 1:50:16 AM |
Reparations for slavery |

Phoenix, AZ
49, joined Aug. 2008
want reparations ? My family did not come to the US until 1915, but I will do my part I'll kick in for a one way ticket back to africa and we will call it even.
6/16/2014 2:33:41 AM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
For all of you feeling guilty, if you owe nothing then why are you complaining ?

6/16/2014 2:40:43 AM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
Reparation is a principle of law that has existed for centuries, referring to the obligation of a wrongdoing party to redress the damage caused to the injured party. Under international law, "reparation must, as far as possible, wipe out all the consequences of the illegal act and re-establish the situation which would, in all probability, have existed if that act had not been committed.
in another word if you or your family have not commit any act that cause any damages to innocent people then why are you b*tching as of you being guilty? ?.... never made or point a finger at any particular person at all but... the guilt will present it self 
6/16/2014 2:50:39 AM |
Reparations for slavery |

95, joined May. 2011
It's you paying me $5 million bucks for listening to your petty b*tching...
I prefer gold bullion for payment. If gold is not available, silver works just as well...
6/16/2014 3:25:18 AM |
Reparations for slavery |


Baton Rouge, LA
32, joined May. 2013
Who Conspiracy emotional feeling because of the first amendment act of god/Yahweh justification by justifying a judgments of action while defining his laws in his articles of sectional of sins ????
Who conspiracy bearing eternal unjust pain of childbirth and hard labor of unjust toiling responsibility by being the providers of wishful thoughts of thinking or longing for the definition meaning of the word desire with a brainwashing manipulation to being blind guild from birth????
Who conspiracy god divine nature law of sex is marrying your '''just'' master/husband as a scepter ruler over his unjust responsibilities of toiling the field for the lust of a job,, for the lust of money of being the provide for everything her chosen participate in god divine nature of sex is marrying her husband/master as a ruler over her????
Who conspiracy eternal life for a equal opportunity of being provided for a desire?????
Genesis 3:16-19 New International Version (NIV) 16 To the(( woman)) he said,
“I will make your ((pains in childbearing)) very severe;
(((( ((painful((( labor )))
you will give birth to children. (((Your desire))))
DictionaryThesaurusWord DynamoQuotesReferenceTranslatorSpanishLog In Sign Up Premium
de·sire [dih-zahyuhr] Show IPA verb (used with object), de·sired, de·sir·ing. 1. to wish or long for; crave; want. 2. to express a wish to obtain; ask for; request: The mayor desires your presence at the next meeting. noun 3. a longing or craving, as for something that brings satisfaction or enjoyment: a desire for fame. 4. an expressed wish; request. 5. something desired.
will be for(((( your husband/master))))and ,,he will rule over you...
7 To Adam he said,,,
“(((Cursed))) is the((( ground))) because of((( you)));
((( through))) (((painful))) (((toil)))
toil1 [toil] Show IPA noun 1. hard and continuous work; exhausting labor or effort. 2. a laborious task. 3. Archaic. battle; strife; struggle. verb (used without object) 4. to engage))) in (((hard and continuous work; ((labor arduously)): to((( toil in the fields))). 5.
you will ((eat food)) (((from it all the days of your life))). 18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. 19 By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken;who conspriacy Yahweh first amendment act of defining laws 1 Peter 2:18-25 New International Version (NIV)
18 Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. 19 For it is commendable if someone
((( bears up ((under the (((pain)))) of
((((unjust suffering ))))
because they are conscious of God. 20 But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it?
But if you
(((suffer for doing good)))
and you endure it, this is commend(((able before God. 21 To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.
22 and no deceit was found in his mouth.” [a]
the definition of la·bor /'lab?r/
work))), ((((especially hard physical work)))). ((("the price of repairs includes labor))) and parts" synonyms: work, hard work,
exertion, industry, drudgery, effort, menial work; More
the process of childbirth, especially the period from the start of uterine contractions to delivery. "his wife is in((( labor))(" synonyms (( childbirth))), birth,())(( delivery, nativity; More
verb work hard; make great effort. "they labored from dawn to dusk in two shifts" synonyms: work, work hard, ((toil))), slave (away), grind away, struggle, strive, exert oneself, work one's fingers to the bone, work like a dog, work like a Trojan; informal slog away, plug away; literary travail, moil "a project on which he had labored for many years" strive, struggle, endeavor, work, try, work hard, try hard, make every effort, do one's best, do one's utmost, do all one can, give one's all, go all out, fight, put oneself out, apply oneself, exert oneself; informal bend/lean/fall over backwards, pull out all the stops, bust a gut, bust one's chops "she labored to unite the party
6/16/2014 8:18:13 AM |
Reparations for slavery |


Mesquite, TX
64, joined Jun. 2007
online now!
You lying nigga I have more American indian in my little toe than you have. Did yo mammy blow smoke up your a** when you was small and tell you this lie? Look in the mirror Samboo you are blacker than ole Tobys ass.You stupid think you are a christen nigga go on with your rants we love it nigga.   
6/16/2014 8:21:34 AM |
Reparations for slavery |


Mesquite, TX
64, joined Jun. 2007
online now!
Fairy princess I am still waiting on your answer me and the Rabbi both have put down payments on new caddys.   
6/16/2014 1:26:31 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

North York, ON
44, joined Apr. 2014
OP no response to my posts? interesting.
6/16/2014 5:28:52 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
OP no response to my posts? interesting.
Repost it since it didn't catch my attention obviously.
6/16/2014 5:44:46 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
well OP its the same ole bull shit argument
here is why I believe reparation for slavery is nonsense
1) many people died in the civil war fighting for the freedom for slaves
2) do you compensate those families who lost loved one in that war?
3) do all blacks receive compensation?
4) what about those blacks mixed with whites who may have southern slave owners in their blood?
5) what about the blacks that migrate to the USA from countries and their ancestors has nothing do with slavery
6) how can you prove who is a descendant of slaves?
7) do rich blacks receive compensation or just poor blacks, what about criminal black gangs? and those in prison for committing heinous crimes?
and who decides who gets what?
Yes blacks as awhole in America have received and continue to receive their reparations. .. look it up and do your homework !
Many of the the civil war were Blacks that fought for their freedom in this country.. look it up do your homework !
Yes many blacks here as well as natives American have whites mix blood in them, many of blacks ancestors and natives people were rapes and kidnapped...look it up your homework !
How can you prove whos a descendants of a slave? Simple by having proof of family bloodline, family linish... look it up do your homework!
Do you know the jews, Chinese, african America as well as some africans in Africa and northern natives people receiving reparations ? Are you aware of that?
Do you know exactly what reparations is?
Since I answers most of your questions with Facts or you can do the work of search to prove me wrong which you wont be able to.
6/16/2014 5:53:53 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


San Diego, CA
30, joined Nov. 2013
I disagree with the idea of reparations, but let's set the record straight:
Not ONE white man in the civil war (To include Lincoln) was fighting for the freedom of negroes. Had the south not revolted...Lincoln may NEVER have abolished slavery and he certainly wouldn't have garnered the support for the amendment had he tried. 
6/16/2014 7:16:19 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
I disagree with the idea of reparations, but let's set the record straight:
Not ONE white man in the civil war (To include Lincoln) was fighting for the freedom of negroes. Had the south not revolted...Lincoln may NEVER have abolished slavery and he certainly wouldn't have garnered the support for the amendment had he tried. 
Thats fine you disagree but its a fact you and your people have received reparations still to this day, the sad part is most of you dont acknowledge it.
6/16/2014 7:54:02 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

North York, ON
44, joined Apr. 2014
Yes blacks as awhole in America have received and continue to receive their reparations. .. look it up and do your homework !
Many of the the civil war were Blacks that fought for their freedom in this country.. look it up do your homework !
Yes many blacks here as well as natives American have whites mix blood in them, many of blacks ancestors and natives people were rapes and kidnapped...look it up your homework !
How can you prove whos a descendants of a slave? Simple by having proof of family bloodline, family linish... look it up do your homework!
Do you know the jews, Chinese, african America as well as some africans in Africa and northern natives people receiving reparations ? Are you aware of that?
Do you know exactly what reparations is?
Since I answers most of your questions with Facts or you can do the work of search to prove me wrong which you wont be able to.
you are seriously ignorant of the fact and you haven't answered my questions.
Here is some homework for you sport,Africans enslaved and sold Africans to Europeans who brought them to the New World.
The Nazis took property from people and killed their relatives and ruined their lives. Somehow after all that destruction this was the outcome, but look at the turmoil that is still going on in the middle east. Suicide bombers and incoming missiles here and there doesn't seem like a very good place to raise your family!
There are still people being enslaved and killed in genocides in Africa, why don't you learn about that and try to do some good in the world. Help some one else instead of being so selfish!
The Chinese has never been compensated but the Japanese have been because their properties were confiscated.
Back to slavery topics, people like you say the united states became rich on the backs of free labor, if that was the case why is the southern states among the poorest states like Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia but slavery which was abolished in the northern states are among the richest states Pennsylvania, New York and Massachusetts.? how do you explain that?
6/16/2014 8:09:14 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Peoria, IL
36, joined Apr. 2014
I disagree with the idea of reparations, but let's set the record straight:
Not ONE white man in the civil war (To include Lincoln) was fighting for the freedom of negroes. Had the south not revolted...Lincoln may NEVER have abolished slavery and he certainly wouldn't have garnered the support for the amendment had he tried. 
It's presumptuous to think every Union Caucasian man didn't believe in the war to free the slaves. Look how much debt the Union incurred from the war-he knew damn well the slaves could have their freedom bought. Moral of the story: Lincoln didn't care about the white man either. What he cared about was power.
6/16/2014 8:24:37 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


San Diego, CA
30, joined Nov. 2013
It's presumptuous to think every Union Caucasian man didn't believe in the war to free the slaves. Look how much debt the Union incurred from the war-he knew damn well the slaves could have their freedom bought. Moral of the story: Lincoln didn't care about the white man either. What he cared about was power.
Not presumptuous...common sense, and a healthy helping of history.
What Lincoln cared about is and always will be debatable. What isn't debatable is his quotes:
"I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them."
This was the letter to Horace Greely of the New York Tribune in 1862.
So far as EVERY caucasion...certainly there were some that believed that black men should be free. However, my presumption that there were none willing to fight and die for it (other than John Brown) in the war is both suggested by history and not disputed by facts. I stand by that until it is proven otherwise. 
6/16/2014 8:30:21 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


San Diego, CA
30, joined Nov. 2013
Thats fine you disagree but its a fact you and your people have received reparations still to this day, the sad part is most of you dont acknowledge it.
Of course we have. I don't acknowledge it because it's common sense.
How would one go about acknowledging such a thing I might ask? Do white men acknowledge their success in expanding from sea to shining sea at the expense of the native Americans and Mexicans? How about the Israeli's acknowledging their current territory at the expense of Palestine for the actions of the 6 day war? Some black men and women have risen to hieghts they otherwise may not have in the last 50 years if not for the good-intentioned 'reparations' of law makers and bleeding-heart liberal Americans. I know that, and I'm thankful for the OPPORTUNITY. That doesn't mean that I am obliged to take advantage of it. The point is; there exists NO society on Earth at any time that hasn't been built on the backs of the losses of a weaker populous.
We as AMERICANS can either be bound by that, or move forward FROM it. It just so happens that choose the latter; not from ignorance, but from pragmatism. 
[Edited 6/16/2014 8:32:07 PM ]
6/16/2014 8:31:33 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Peoria, IL
36, joined Apr. 2014
Not presumptuous...common sense, and a healthy helping of history.
What Lincoln cared about is and always will be debatable. What isn't debatable is his quotes:
"I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them."
This was the letter to Horace Greely of the New York Tribune in 1862.
So far as EVERY caucasion...certainly there were some that believed that black men should be free. However, my presumption that there were none willing to fight and die for it (other than John Brown) in the war is both suggested by history and not disputed by facts. I stand by that until it is proven otherwise. 
"I would save the Union (my ego). And let others die for it"...sorry this is what I think
6/16/2014 8:33:37 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


San Diego, CA
30, joined Nov. 2013
"I would save the Union (my ego). And let others die for it"...sorry this is what I think
There will be no proving or disproving of that theory as his 'ego' was blown all over the balcony of a theatre before he could write his memoir. 
6/16/2014 8:33:42 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
you are seriously ignorant of the fact and you haven't answered my questions.
Here is some homework for you sport,Africans enslaved and sold Africans to Europeans who brought them to the New World.
The Nazis took property from people and killed their relatives and ruined their lives. Somehow after all that destruction this was the outcome, but look at the turmoil that is still going on in the middle east. Suicide bombers and incoming missiles here and there doesn't seem like a very good place to raise your family!
There are still people being enslaved and killed in genocides in Africa, why don't you learn about that and try to do some good in the world. Help some one else instead of being so selfish!
The Chinese has never been compensated but the Japanese have been because their properties were confiscated.
Back to slavery topics, people like you say the united states became rich on the backs of free labor, if that was the case why is the southern states among the poorest states like Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia but slavery which was abolished in the northern states are among the richest states Pennsylvania, New York and Massachusetts.? how do you explain that?
What you fail to understand is africans problem isnt my problem or it having any connection with me at all. AFRICANS AMERICANS STILL TO THIS DAY receive reparations, did you know that? Or you refuse to acknowledge that huh
. Slavery was a big business but the slavery in America was the worst and has no connection of how any other nations form their slavery business, if you payed attention along the subject and comments you would have notice everything you said is proven wrong... Do some research on the United states reparations payments that still exist to this day.
You talk about Nazi damage to the jews, did little you not know the jews received reparations from their damage as a people, little do you not know the U.S debts to china and other countries which you and the American people are paying for, I could go on and on and you would not swallow the truth because your pride is under you.
So explain to me exactly why african Americans received their reparations since to you who ever get reparations they're selfish meanwhile you're not calling the ones who stolen from them, rape, torture, murdered their families a selfish bastard. .. you are ok with the fact my native tribes got taken from our resources, lands, family, nationality, my ancestors suffered under the American leadership or European invaders ! And you have the nerve to claim my people are selfish for the justice our family demanded for over 300 years now. We are human beings, we are people rather you consider it or not and We want reparations just like the africans, jews, Chinese, africans Americans, Japanese, northern natives, and the lists go on.
Before you continue your ignorant off the subject reply. .. Do research!
6/16/2014 8:50:53 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Peoria, IL
36, joined Apr. 2014
What you fail to understand is africans problem isnt my problem or it having any connection with me at all. AFRICANS AMERICANS STILL TO THIS DAY receive reparations, did you know that? Or you refuse to acknowledge that huh
. Slavery was a big business but the slavery in America was the worst and has no connection of how any other nations form their slavery business, if you payed attention along the subject and comments you would have notice everything you said is proven wrong... Do some research on the United states reparations payments that still exist to this day.
You talk about Nazi damage to the jews, did little you not know the jews received reparations from their damage as a people, little do you not know the U.S debts to china and other countries which you and the American people are paying for, I could go on and on and you would not swallow the truth because your pride is under you.
So explain to me exactly why african Americans received their reparations since to you who ever get reparations they're selfish meanwhile you're not calling the ones who stolen from them, rape, torture, murdered their families a selfish bastard. .. you are ok with the fact my native tribes got taken from our resources, lands, family, nationality, my ancestors suffered under the American leadership or European invaders ! And you have the nerve to claim my people are selfish for the justice our family demanded for over 300 years now. We are human beings, we are people rather you consider it or not and We want reparations just like the africans, jews, Chinese, africans Americans, Japanese, northern natives, and the lists go on.
Before you continue your ignorant off the subject reply. .. Do research!
Lol do you plan on looking up the descendants of the slave gathers in Africa too? You better spend more time on than DH
6/16/2014 9:24:56 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
Lol do you plan on looking up the descendants of the slave gathers in Africa too? You better spend more time on than DH
For what reasons should I look up for the descendants of slaves gathers in Africa?
6/16/2014 9:47:21 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Kansas City, MO
60, joined Oct. 2013
Still resisting getting a job there Princeton?
I'm sure if you put your mind to it you could get a job cleaning bathrooms at the Y.

6/16/2014 9:48:53 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
Still resisting getting a job there Princeton?
I'm sure if you put your mind to it you could get a job cleaning bathrooms at the Y.
Already have one, in fact I have 2 jobs.... try again 
6/16/2014 9:52:15 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Kansas City, MO
60, joined Oct. 2013
For what reasons should I look up for the descendants of slaves gathers in Africa?
DUH. You need to figure out which Black Africans were selling their countrymen into slavery - you need to see who were Black Slaveholders.
But I know it doesn't matter to you - all that matters is you get yours which I hope you do -- I just think what you get is gonna not be what you got in mind freeloader.
My advice quit scamming and GET A JOB.

6/16/2014 9:54:04 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Kansas City, MO
60, joined Oct. 2013
Already have one, in fact I have 2 jobs.... try again 
You're a glutton for exposing your stupidity. I see someone else already called you on this issue. You may be stupid but I ain't
6/16/2014 9:54:16 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


San Diego, CA
30, joined Nov. 2013
I seriously don't understand why people don't block her BEFORE the barbiturates wear off. 
6/16/2014 9:58:25 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
DUH. You need to figure out which Black Africans were selling their countrymen into slavery - you need to see who were Black Slaveholders.
But I know it doesn't matter to you - all that matters is you get yours which I hope you do -- I just think what you get is gonna not be what you got in mind freeloader.
My advice quit scamming and GET A JOB.
It doesn't matter because am not African or black idiot !
Why would I need to get a job if
I have 2 jobs idiot ?

6/16/2014 9:59:57 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
I seriously don't understand why people don't block her BEFORE the barbiturates wear off. 
Because it Would be a good Laugh to see her continuously look stupid and ignorant 
6/16/2014 10:04:18 PM |
Reparations for slavery |
Abilene, TX
37, joined May. 2013
Here we go again hey princess you will not get any of what was stolen from your shitty native family if so take it back punk
6/16/2014 10:04:39 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

North York, ON
44, joined Apr. 2014
What you fail to understand is africans problem isnt my problem or it having any connection with me at all. AFRICANS AMERICANS STILL TO THIS DAY receive reparations, did you know that? Or you refuse to acknowledge that huh
. Slavery was a big business but the slavery in America was the worst and has no connection of how any other nations form their slavery business, if you payed attention along the subject and comments you would have notice everything you said is proven wrong... Do some research on the United states reparations payments that still exist to this day.
You talk about Nazi damage to the jews, did little you not know the jews received reparations from their damage as a people, little do you not know the U.S debts to china and other countries which you and the American people are paying for, I could go on and on and you would not swallow the truth because your pride is under you.
So explain to me exactly why african Americans received their reparations since to you who ever get reparations they're selfish meanwhile you're not calling the ones who stolen from them, rape, torture, murdered their families a selfish bastard. .. you are ok with the fact my native tribes got taken from our resources, lands, family, nationality, my ancestors suffered under the American leadership or European invaders ! And you have the nerve to claim my people are selfish for the justice our family demanded for over 300 years now. We are human beings, we are people rather you consider it or not and We want reparations just like the africans, jews, Chinese, africans Americans, Japanese, northern natives, and the lists go on.
Before you continue your ignorant off the subject reply. .. Do research!
you are hilarious son, seriously you are funny.
Can you prove you are a descendant of a slave? and the price of that debt by the way was paid it was called " freedom"
I have no idea if reparations are paid today nor do I care, what i care about is my company and the profit I make, the taxes I pay, the employees that I pay etc.
Second, if you understood tribal wars, the defeated tribes possessions are the property of the victorious tribe so they don't have land, possession etc.
Maybe you should do your homework son,When African slavery began there was no way Europeans could have enslaved millions of Africans, They had no immunity from diseases that flourished in tropical Africa. Capturing Africans to sell into slavery was done by Arabs and black Africans.
Would reparations advocates demand that citizens of Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Kenya and several Muslim states tax themselves to make reparation payments to progeny of people whom their ancestors helped to enslave? I don't think so but you want to hold Americans hostage over this?
6/16/2014 10:15:36 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
you are hilarious son, seriously you are funny.
Can you prove you are a descendant of a slave? and the price of that debt by the way was paid it was called " freedom"
I have no idea if reparations are paid today nor do I care, what i care about is my company and the profit I make, the taxes I pay, the employees that I pay etc.
Second, if you understood tribal wars, the defeated tribes possessions are the property of the victorious tribe so they don't have land, possession etc.
Maybe you should do your homework son,When African slavery began there was no way Europeans could have enslaved millions of Africans, They had no immunity from diseases that flourished in tropical Africa. Capturing Africans to sell into slavery was done by Arabs and black Africans.
Would reparations advocates demand that citizens of Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Kenya and several Muslim states tax themselves to make reparation payments to progeny of people whom their ancestors helped to enslave? I don't think so but you want to hold Americans hostage over this?
You don't seem to pay attention very good or just trying to run away from the fact. I clearly told you by bloodline/ family linish can be provided to prove anybody around the would prove their descendants. ..its commonsense ! ! I have proofs, my father have proofs, my grandfather has proofs, my tribes have proofs and documents of the very foundation of my tribe existing, We even have a reparations agreement that didnt fully get pass for over 300 years.
You do realize how stupid you look right?
What does africans slavery have to do with me or my apa tribe here in this native land?....
6/16/2014 10:20:37 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
Here we go again hey princess you will not get any of what was stolen from your shitty native family if so take it back punk
Be careful what you wish for cowardboy! 
6/16/2014 10:22:21 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

North York, ON
44, joined Apr. 2014
You don't seem to pay attention very good or just trying to run away from the fact. I clearly told you by bloodline/ family linish can be provided to prove anybody around the would prove their descendants. ..its commonsense ! ! I have proofs, my father have proofs, my grandfather has proofs, my tribes have proofs and documents of the very foundation of my tribe existing, We even have a reparations agreement that didnt fully get pass for over 300 years.
You do realize how stupid you look right?
What does africans slavery have to do with me or my apa tribe here in this native land?....  no the joke is on you, your so called people tried this crap in many countries and it was struck down, where are these reparation agreements?
6/16/2014 10:25:29 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
no the joke is on you, your so called people tried this crap in many countries and it was struck down, where are these reparation agreements?
Still trying to run from the question. ...
What does africans slavery have to do with me or my apa tribe here in this native land?....
6/16/2014 10:27:49 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

North York, ON
44, joined Apr. 2014
your apa tribe in New York?
6/16/2014 10:32:27 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

North York, ON
44, joined Apr. 2014
oh and if this is a new zealand problem why are you in new york?
6/16/2014 10:32:55 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
your apa tribe in New York?
All throughout the eastern United state at most and less on the western of united states.
Since you asked where are those reparations. .. you can check/research The American Indians reparations.
6/16/2014 10:35:01 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
oh and if this is a new zealand problem why are you in new york?
Now you went from Africa to new zealand ...lmao... you do too much buck dancing on the discussion, stick to the arguments wisely because you will only prove ignorant and shame.
6/16/2014 10:36:39 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Naperville, IL
24, joined Jul. 2013
how about a good swift kick in the arse as a reparation?
6/16/2014 10:40:50 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

North York, ON
44, joined Apr. 2014
Now you went from Africa to new zealand ...lmao... you do too much buck dancing on the discussion, stick to the arguments wisely because you will only prove ignorant and shame.
isnt your apa tribe from new zealand? mind you there are so many version of apa anyways, so tell me why your reparation suit keeps getting denied ?
6/16/2014 10:52:42 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
isnt your apa tribe from new zealand? mind you there are so many version of apa anyways, so tell me why your reparation suit keeps getting denied ?
Nope wrong , the original apa tribes widely thru out Florida up to Massachusetts, as my grandfather would say we wete neighbors with the cherokee tribes which are che che tribes or some other tribes which are fighting for reparations too.
The main reasons why the reparations keep getting put on holds is because they do not or can afford to give up resources they are benefitting from, the lands of life/food, treasures that was stolen from my tribes and many others. We do understand the payments of not only cash which we do not want because we have money and it nothing to us but the American debts to other countries will no longer stand up on economy although it barely standing, they can't afford to let go of whats ours they are afraid to fall but continuously is on hold since 94.
What they don't realize is will cost them more as it being holds, not denied.
6/16/2014 11:01:17 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
Mind you they only wanted to give us 20% of what was ours 300 years ago in late 1800th we demand full or 90% and my tribe along many others tribes fought for our lands, in 94 the reparations were on hold or I can say around 1989... I have to check my grandfather documents to be exact.
6/16/2014 11:03:18 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Naperville, IL
24, joined Jul. 2013
does that mean the Jews own the pyramids in Egypt?
6/16/2014 11:04:35 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Assumption, IL
66, joined May. 2010
Nope wrong , the original apa tribes widely thru out Florida up to Massachusetts, as my grandfather would say we wete neighbors with the cherokee tribes which are che che tribes or some other tribes which are fighting for reparations too.
The main reasons why the reparations keep getting put on holds is because they do not or can afford to give up resources they are benefitting from, the lands of life/food, treasures that was stolen from my tribes and many others. We do understand the payments of not only cash which we do not want because we have money and it nothing to us but the American debts to other countries will no longer stand up on economy although it barely standing, they can't afford to let go of whats ours they are afraid to fall but continuously is on hold since 94.
What they don't realize is will cost them more as it being holds, not denied.

@ Prince ~~ Sweety -- are you black, Native American or a mixture?
6/16/2014 11:05:57 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
does that mean the Jews own the pyramids in Egypt?
The real jews you mean?
I wouldn't know, they dont seem to claim they did.
But good question
6/16/2014 11:07:46 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
@ Prince ~~ Sweety -- are you black, Native American or a mixture?
Aboriginal native "indian" and puerto rican.
6/16/2014 11:11:34 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Assumption, IL
66, joined May. 2010
so you are an English-speaking Canadian of French extraction combined with Latino markers -- is that correct?
6/16/2014 11:13:58 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
so you are an English-speaking Canadian of French extraction combined with Latino markers -- is that correct?
6/16/2014 11:15:37 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Assumption, IL
66, joined May. 2010
I'll make this simple for you ---- Are you an American?
6/16/2014 11:23:46 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Boulder, CO
95, joined Jun. 2008
is your immigration origin from Puerto rico?
[Edited 6/16/2014 11:24:18 PM ]
6/16/2014 11:26:38 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Naperville, IL
24, joined Jul. 2013
Puerto Rico is drowning in debt.
6/16/2014 11:30:08 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
cupocheer: I'll make this simple for you ---- Are you an American?
Native "American" and puerto rican .... commonsense I already told you if you have payed attention to the comments on this subject matter you would likely have answers to your many questions you continue to asks.
6/16/2014 11:37:53 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Assumption, IL
66, joined May. 2010
Aboriginal native "indian" and puerto rican.
Over 4,000 Posts! (5,701)
Bronx, NY
30, joined Apr. 2012
cupocheer: I'll make this simple for you ---- Are you an American?
Native "American" and puerto rican .... commonsense I already told you if you have payed attention to the comments on this subject matter you would likely have answers to your many questions you continue to asks.
Puerto Ricans are American. They don't need to "immigrate" -- they can "migrate".
And, Prince, I can answer a lot of questions on NATIVE AMERICANS.
Shall we start with A.P.A. as it concerns Native Americans?
Then we'll move on to the che che indians.
Now -- which are you an extraction of: aboriginal "native" or Native American?
6/16/2014 11:39:57 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Albuquerque, NM
59, joined Jan. 2013
Portofprince, your a mulatto, at best a mestizo.