6/15/2014 12:45:08 AM |
Reparations for slavery |

Bellaire, OH
52, joined Apr. 2008
YOUR reply was borderline .... retarded. re read my previous post,with comprehesion this time,and get back to me.  
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

6/15/2014 12:55:59 AM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
hunter12gauge:YOUR reply was borderline .... retarded. re read my previous post,with comprehesion this time,and get back to me.  
And your statement isn't worth the topic of this thread, did your family went thru slavery here in this country? My was.. Were your family was killed during the leadership of this country? My was... was your lands taken from you by force? My was... was natural resources taken from you? My was..... my family as well as my self work hard from the bottom up and am soon to own my own business by 2015 and will continue to do my jobs of two and will continue to be successful. ...
... tell me something interesting where your family situation is any where close to where my family have gone thru... 
6/15/2014 1:03:36 AM |
Reparations for slavery |


West Plains, MO
46, joined Feb. 2014
Are you suggesting the injustice of stripping us of our land can somehow make up for the very same injustices 150 yrs ago? Then my great great grand kids can sue for reparations for the injustices of today?
This is an absurd conversation, g'nite
6/15/2014 1:22:56 AM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
naprinciple:Are you suggesting the injustice of stripping us of our land can somehow make up for the very same injustices 150 yrs ago? Then my great great grand kids can sue for reparations for the injustices of today?
This is an absurd conversation, g'nite
It only make it right for those family that were there before you if your land you on was a stolen property! Your government or leadership should pay for whatever damage it made to have you give back a land you did not know belong to a family of blood shed that demanded reparations from the start.
Would you be ok if the Chinese came over and stolen everything from you and you and your childrens childrens grow up demanding reparations of what belong to their family ?
6/15/2014 1:52:51 AM |
Reparations for slavery |
Abilene, TX
37, joined May. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
6/15/2014 1:54:43 AM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
You represent the white race I see.... thanks for your honestly cowardboy.
6/15/2014 1:58:30 AM |
Reparations for slavery |


Albuquerque, NM
59, joined Jan. 2013
Cowardboy? what happened with the blacks 150yrs ago, you all can a trigger pretty good these days.
6/15/2014 5:41:36 AM |
Reparations for slavery |

Berwyn, IL
44, joined Jan. 2013
Liberals already sold the future U.S. generations into slavery they'll never be free of debt
and that includes black children as well. So you are willing to heap more misery upon their shoulders? That's evil man, selfish and pure evil. 
6/15/2014 8:17:00 AM |
Reparations for slavery |


Mesquite, TX
64, joined Jun. 2007
online now!
The niggas held moses in bondage for 500 years yet I hear no jews asking for free money they work for it.. If you niggas want money then pay the jews first I am half jew so I want my fukkin money b*tch... Read the bible and learn MF.
6/15/2014 9:36:52 AM |
Reparations for slavery |

North York, ON
44, joined Apr. 2014
well OP its the same ole bull shit argument
here is why I believe reparation for slavery is nonsense
1) many people died in the civil war fighting for the freedom for slaves
2) do you compensate those families who lost loved one in that war?
3) do all blacks receive compensation?
4) what about those blacks mixed with whites who may have southern slave owners in their blood?
5) what about the blacks that migrate to the USA from countries and their ancestors has nothing do with slavery
6) how can you prove who is a descendant of slaves?
7) do rich blacks receive compensation or just poor blacks, what about criminal black gangs? and those in prison for committing heinous crimes?
and who decides who gets what?
you avoided my post OP...
6/15/2014 1:18:57 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Marina del Rey, CA
31, joined Aug. 2011
Too bad those DEMANDING REPARATIONS aren't offering to repair the taxpayers who have been supporting their whiney asses by providing welfare, housing, food stamps.
No sense in opening a dialogue that's only one-sided.
Unless of course you're a WHINER African-American welfare wh*re.
6/15/2014 1:24:10 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Marina del Rey, CA
31, joined Aug. 2011

6/15/2014 2:38:07 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
The niggas held moses in bondage for 500 years yet I hear no jews asking for free money they work for it.. If you niggas want money then pay the jews first I am half jew so I want my fukkin money b*tch... Read the bible and learn MF.
Did you know the jews gotten their reparations ? Of course you don't because you are to dumb to read history
6/15/2014 2:42:50 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
My natives "American" deserve their reparations rather you like it or not, my people suffered the damage that been made from the invaders! Most of you have no rights to speak on something you or your family never experienced !
Therefore your point is invalid!
6/15/2014 2:44:40 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Mount Pleasant, MI
50, joined Jun. 2007
Get a job.
6/15/2014 2:45:57 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
Get a job.
I have one, in fact I have 2 !
6/15/2014 3:07:16 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


West Plains, MO
46, joined Feb. 2014
Did you know the jews gotten their reparations ? Of course you don't because you are to dumb to read history 
Quoted for irony
6/15/2014 3:35:00 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
Reparations for slavery is the idea that some form of compensatory payment should be made to the descendants of those who have been enslaved by the Atlantic Slave Trade.
In 1999, the African World Reparations and Repatriation Truth Commission called for "the West" to pay $777 trillion to Africa within five years.[1] Note that the gross domestic productof all countries in the world was somewhat more than 70 Trillion in 2011, in other words these claims amount to the value of over 10 years production of goods and services of the entire planet.
In 2004, Lloyds of London was sued by the descendants of African slaves. The case was not successful.In Jamaica in 2004, a coalition of Rastafari movement groups argued that European countries formerly involved in the slave trade, especially Britain, should pay 72.5 billion pounds sterling to resettle 500,000 Jamaican Rastafarians in Africa. The claim was rejected by the British government, which said it could not be held accountable for wrongs in past centuries.
In 2007, Guyana called for European nations to pay reparations for the slave trade.
In 2011, Antigua & Barbuda called for reparations at the United Nations, saying "that segregation and violence against people of African descent had impaired their capacity for advancement as nations, communities and individuals".
In 2012, Jamaica revived its reparations commission, to consider the question of whether the country should seek an apology or reparations from Britain for its role in the slave trade.
Also in 2012, the Barbados government established a 12-member Reparations Task Force, to be responsible for sustaining the local, regional and international momentum for reparations.Barbados is reportedly "currently leading the way in calling for reparations from former colonial powers for the injustices suffered by slaves and their families."
In 2013, in the first of a series of lectures in Georgetown, Guyana, to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the 1763 Berbice Slave Revolt, Principal of the Cave Hill Campus of the University of the West Indies, Sir Hilary Beckles urged Caribbean Community(CARICOM) countries to emulate the position adopted by the Jews who were persecuted during the Second World War and have since organized a Jewish reparations fund.
Wouldn't it be right for those who suffer from slavery ?
I don't see how someone from today can owe someone else for something that happened 2 hundred years ago. It's also ridiculous for someone to expect compensation for something they never actually went through. 
6/15/2014 3:36:38 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


West Plains, MO
46, joined Feb. 2014
I don't see how someone from today can owe someone else for something that happened 2 hundred years ago. It's also ridiculous for someone to expect compensation for something they never actually went through. 
Never mind making people who had nothing to do with bear the costs
6/15/2014 3:40:52 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
Exactly. The whole idea of it is absurd to me.
All I know is I ain't giving nobody shit. They'll have to come take it from my broke ass. 
6/15/2014 3:53:55 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
I don't see how someone from today can owe someone else for something that happened 2 hundred years ago. It's also ridiculous for someone to expect compensation for something they never actually went through. 
Doesn't matter how you put it, their are people of today receiving their reparations thats happened 100s years ago that didn't even exist but their family did. When things of history such as slavery, stolen homes/lands, resources being taken place will damage a generation down the line. I work two jobs and living great but my great parents demand their reparations that were demanded from the family blood line for almost 300 years now, not only my family have documentation to prove that but it a continuous fight for what my family gone through and I will continue my family justice ! Rather you like it or not.
6/15/2014 3:55:18 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
Doesn't matter how you put it, their are people of today receiving their reparations thats happened 100s years ago that didn't even exist but their family did. When things of history such as slavery, stolen homes/lands, resources being taken place will damage a generation down the line. I work two jobs and living great but my great parents demand their reparations that were demanded from the family blood line for almost 300 years now, not only my family have documentation to prove that but it a continuous fight for what my family gone through and I will continue my family justice ! Rather you like it or not.
Doesn't matter if I like it, like I said I ain't paying shit. And anyone who does is a fool! 
6/15/2014 3:59:28 PM |
Reparations for slavery |
Abilene, TX
37, joined May. 2013
Us whites have every rights to take from your people to take care of our own and it called survival at it best
6/15/2014 4:01:26 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
Doesn't matter if I like it, like I said I ain't paying shit. And anyone who does is a fool! 
But your government should be worry, you wonder why you are paying a debt that arent even yours.... who the fool now?
6/15/2014 4:02:55 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
You for thinking somebody owes you shit. 
6/15/2014 4:04:11 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
Us whites have every rights to take from your people to take care of our own and it called survival at it best
Sound just like the rest trolling, you guys must be very proud of what your people have done and not only you admit it but excuses the evils you all benefited from under the damage among my people.
No wonder why this country is falling apart so bad.. its Obama fault 
6/15/2014 4:06:08 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
You for thinking somebody owes you shit. 
Actually your leadership of this country does, this was not your native land in the first place so therefore I have the right to to claim what belong to my family hundreds of years now.
6/15/2014 4:10:58 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
It wasn't yours either.
I feel like I'm arguing with a retard. 
6/15/2014 4:13:24 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
It wasn't yours either.
I feel like I'm arguing with a retard. 
If its belong to my family what less does it make it for what belong to me and my family?
6/15/2014 4:16:24 PM |
Reparations for slavery |
Grosse Pointe, MI
54, joined Mar. 2012
I have some blacks that work for me on my estate... I asked them recently if they felt entitled to reparations and each one down the line replied "NO SIR!".......
So there you have it ..
6/15/2014 4:17:08 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
I tell you what, just admit that it ain't got nothing to do with you feeling like your owed something. Admit that you're just a greedy motherf**ker and you don't feel like some shit that happened 300 years ago happened to you personally and I'll say good luck to you and getting your money. I'll wish you the best.
6/15/2014 4:18:11 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
So tonyc4444
Tell me exactly why the africans American, the jews, northern natives indians to name a few gotten their reparations in today generation when they didnt exist?
[Edited 6/15/2014 4:19:04 PM ]
6/15/2014 4:23:24 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
You're going to have to rephrase that cause your shitty grammar is making it impossible for me to understand.
Like I said, just admit all you care about is getting paid, that you don't feel entitled to anything because of the color of your skin and I'll wish you luck. Just admit it. All you see is green. Not black or white.
6/15/2014 4:33:40 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
Still waiting here. Come truprince. Just admit your trying to get paid, that you don't believe you're actually owed anything you just want to get as much green as you can from whatever moron will give it to you. Come on. You can do it.
6/15/2014 4:36:57 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
You're going to have to rephrase that cause your shitty grammar is making it impossible for me to understand.
Like I said, just admit all you care about is getting paid, that you don't feel entitled to anything because of the color of your skin and I'll wish you luck. Just admit it. All you see is green. Not black or white.
Just what I thought. .. having trouble answering the question huh ..... let me make it easier for you, as a native "American" we don't identify ourselves with color we Identify ourselves by nationality! As well as my part puerto rican! But nice try ...... so again explain to me why africans American still receive their reparations?
Oh how about explain why jews today receiving their reparations to this day?
Ohhh how about the northern natives indians reparations?
China have their reparations. .. some part of africa got their reparations. .. and America mostly make their payment and their payments arent money since it has no value. ..... do Tonyc4444
Explain to me How and why the nations or groups I listed receive reparations of what happened to their family?

6/15/2014 4:38:45 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
Ill wait for your answer. ....
6/15/2014 4:44:06 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
Just what I thought. .. having trouble answering the question huh ..... let me make it easier for you, as a native "American" we don't identify ourselves with color we Identify ourselves by nationality! As well as my part puerto rican! But nice try ...... so again explain to me why africans American still receive their reparations?
Oh how about explain why jews today receiving their reparations to this day?
Ohhh how about the northern natives indians reparations?
China have their reparations. .. some part of africa got their reparations. .. and America mostly make their payment and their payments arent money since it has no value. ..... do Tonyc4444
Explain to me How and why the nations or groups I listed receive reparations of what happened to their family?

Because whomever is paying it out is a moron, that's an easy one to answer.
Now I'm waiting on yours. Admit that you're just trying to get paid. That none of this other shit even matters, you just want money.
6/15/2014 4:51:15 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
Because whomever is paying it out is a moron, that's an easy one to answer.
Now I'm waiting on yours. Admit that you're just trying to get paid. That none of this other shit even matters, you just want money.
Your own leadership in this country is lol.. this is where am going to make you look stupid lmao... who you think paying The U.S debts ?
If you cant answer this as of you couldn't answer the first question, you might be one of the worst idiot on here.
6/15/2014 4:53:16 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
Your own leadership in this country is lol.. this is where am going to make you look stupid lmao... who you think paying The U.S debts ?
If you cant answer this as of you couldn't answer the first question, you might be one of the worst idiot on here. 
And you think the leadership in this country is smart? Have you heard of the bridge to no where? It's all about votes, they want you to vote for them so they shell out money.
Not stop avoiding my question. And answered yours, now admit it. Admit that you just want the money you don't give a shit about what happened 200 years ago.
6/15/2014 5:00:18 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
And you think the leadership in this country is smart? Have you heard of the bridge to no where? It's all about votes, they want you to vote for them so they shell out money.
Not stop avoiding my question. And answered yours, now admit it. Admit that you just want the money you don't give a shit about what happened 200 years ago.
like I said money has no value
my family demand justice for almost 300 years now, so do I, thats include what was stolen from my ancestors! And yes it matters to me therefore I wouldnt have made it an issue.
NOW ....
You fail to answer the questions directly. .. again who is paying the debts for over 200 years or more now?
Answer that since u didnt!
Why is people of today receiving reparations today from the damage that is added to America debts !?
6/15/2014 5:05:18 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
I already answered your question dip shit. Because the people shelling out the money are morons and want votes. That's it. You don't deserve shit except what you earn in this life. That's really all there is to it.
Pretty pathetic you can't even admit you're just a greedy bastard. At least be a man about it. 
6/15/2014 5:09:33 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
I already answered your question dip shit. Because the people shelling out the money are morons and want votes. That's it. You don't deserve shit except what you earn in this life. That's really all there is to it.
Pretty pathetic you can't even admit you're just a greedy bastard. At least be a man about it. 
Voting did not exist then so nice try, debt has nothing to do with voting idiot, people selling out the money thats wants vote? You realize how stupid you sound 
Debts has nothing to do with voting idiot lmao... I knew I was gone to make you look like a fool... when does political got to do with reparations  
6/15/2014 5:15:25 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
Now am going to make you look even more retarted lmsooo
So what does voting or policies got anything to do with china, jews, northern natives in canada, part of africa, and many other group receive reparations from America that aren't under the political of U.S?
Ill wait for the dumbest reply you got.... ... u better off hiding 
6/15/2014 5:17:42 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
You gotta be the biggest moron on this sight.
You asked me why anyone would pay out reparations if it wasn't a real thing. I answered because they are stupid and want votes.
They give you money so that you will vote for them. It's that simple. Idiot.
Not stop being a coward and it admit it.
6/15/2014 5:21:01 PM |
Reparations for slavery |
Abilene, TX
37, joined May. 2013
You gotta be the biggest moron on this sight.
You asked me why anyone would pay out reparations if it wasn't a real thing. I answered because they are stupid and want votes.
They give you money so that you will vote for them. It's that simple. Idiot.
Not stop being a coward and it admit it.
He a smart a** but I have to be honest reparations has nothing to do with voting
6/15/2014 5:24:13 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
You gotta be the biggest moron on this sight.
You asked me why anyone would pay out reparations if it wasn't a real thing. I answered because they are stupid and want votes.
They give you money so that you will vote for them. It's that simple. Idiot.
Not stop being a coward and it admit it.
I did not asks you that, learn how to read number one, and two politically has nothing to do with reparations you idiot !..... who the hell gave money for a vote dumbass....
You done look a fool lmao
6/15/2014 5:24:58 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
He a smart a** but I have to be honest reparations has nothing to do with voting
I'll be a smart one I wouldn't wanna be as dumb as tonyc4444
6/15/2014 5:28:30 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
I did not asks you that, learn how to read number one, and two politically has nothing to do with reparations you idiot !..... who the hell gave money for a vote dumbass....
You done look a fool lmao 
Learn to read? B*tch learn to form a sentence. 
6/15/2014 5:30:13 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
Learn to read? B*tch learn to form a sentence. 
Learn to go pass a 4th grade IQ 
6/15/2014 5:31:44 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
He doesn't know what reparations is lmaooooo
He think its political election to gain vote lmaooo

6/15/2014 5:36:31 PM |
Reparations for slavery |
Abilene, TX
37, joined May. 2013
Learn to go pass a 4th grade IQ 
Learn to deal with your lost punk because you will not get what belong to your shitty sink native family and us white don't care about yours or anyone reparations punk what is done can get done again
[Edited 6/15/2014 5:37:03 PM ]
6/15/2014 5:37:01 PM |
Reparations for slavery |


Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
He a smart a** but I have to be honest reparations has nothing to do with voting
He said the Government was paying out money for reparations, I said if they do that it's because they want votes.
If that's not what he said it's not my fault for not being able to speak retard.
6/15/2014 5:40:10 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
He said the Government was paying out money for reparations, I said if they do that it's because they want votes.
If that's not what he said it's not my fault for not being able to speak retard.
Debt you idiot. .. and yes it your fault for being a retard 
6/15/2014 5:41:15 PM |
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Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
Learn to go pass a 4th grade IQ 
What you meant was:
"Learn to go past a 4th grade IQ."
Which is a f**king retarded thing to say because people can't "learn to go past" a certain IQ level.
6/15/2014 5:43:11 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
What you meant was:
"Learn to go past a 4th grade IQ."
Which is a f**king retarded thing to say because people can't "learn to go past" a certain IQ level.
You still an idiot lmao

6/15/2014 5:44:24 PM |
Reparations for slavery |

Franklinville, NJ
33, joined Apr. 2012
Learn to deal with your lost punk because you will not get what belong to your shitty sink native family and us white don't care about yours or anyone reparations punk what is done can get done again
I'll be greatful to hear you say these things in person. .. it would be exciting
6/15/2014 6:45:50 PM |
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Mesquite, TX
64, joined Jun. 2007
online now!
Fairy princess I talk to the rabbi this morning he said you was a lying nigga we have never paid by you niggas I want my money where is it at I will take gold do not want paper..     
6/15/2014 7:09:02 PM |
Reparations for slavery |
Abilene, TX
37, joined May. 2013
What can a shitty indians give us ? What ours now is ours
6/15/2014 7:20:02 PM |
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Reading, PA
53, joined Mar. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
6/15/2014 7:26:58 PM |
Reparations for slavery |
Abilene, TX
37, joined May. 2013
Prince this cowboy just sent me 3 emails saying I got a great body.
He's just a homosexual looking for a man.
You're a lying n**ger