8/14/2008 7:28:19 PM |
Do you have an accent, or does everybody else? |

Pfafftown, NC
age: 53
Well I’ve been told I’m now a damn Yankee!!
Once you live in NC for 5+ years you graduate to damn Yankee!! 
If I talk with family up north I’m told I have an accent,
but to me I still have my northern accent, 
with a slang now added to it!
More like a northernsouthern! 
8/14/2008 7:29:52 PM |
Do you have an accent, or does everybody else? |

Douglassville, TX
age: 57
ya'll know i sure don't have an accent. If anyone thinks I do I will go on and letcha'll know what i dang well thing bout it . LOL I think everyone else has the accent this is just the way i talk. LOL  
8/14/2008 7:39:09 PM |
Do you have an accent, or does everybody else? |

Abingdon, VA
age: 56
The deep Appalachian Region has the dialect of the Shakespearean era. Welcome to my world.
The word for pants, is pronounced paints. I suppose most of us don't realize the grammar is poor. We're about as southern as possible.....but I love it.
8/14/2008 7:48:59 PM |
Do you have an accent, or does everybody else? |

Vero Beach, FL
age: 50
I am told I have an accent that is difficult to place. People don't know where I am from. I think that is because I listen so closely to those I am speaking with that I pick up their accent to understand them better... and soon I am speaking it along with the accents of others I know well.
I have an odd voice.
8/14/2008 7:56:42 PM |
Do you have an accent, or does everybody else? |

Providence, RI
age: 58
Just relocated back north to R.I. after 19 plus years in Fl. Came back often enough to never really lose this gutteral yankee, but find I've incorporated sayings unique to the South. Certainly miss Southern as spoke by a woman, has a unique lilt, and a single word or phrase can speak volumns....no other accent will come near making a man feel special
8/14/2008 8:19:17 PM |
Do you have an accent, or does everybody else? |

Homer City, PA
age: 56
Ooooh, yeah! There is something veeeeerrrrrry romantic about a gentleman's southern accent!
I have a new sister-in-law from Mississippi.... real deep southern accent. Only met her once, but I get a kick out of her calling me "Ma'am"!!

8/14/2008 8:38:03 PM |
Do you have an accent, or does everybody else? |

Lake Havasu City, AZ
age: 63
Well I do have a southern accent,being a ky gal and raised in Ky and Ohio. I love to hear a southern man talk,I get weak in the knee's and when he calls me darling , I would fallow him any where.I use to call my first love all the time ,just to hear him call me darling and Baby.He had a deep voice also. wow should of could of would of,but didn't. Wish I could call him now.I do miss hearing those charming words. Only a southern draw can make them sound special. I don't think I was ever called darling or baby my a northern.
8/14/2008 9:02:47 PM |
Do you have an accent, or does everybody else? |

Elgin, IL
age: 51
I don't have an accent at all. Very plain no accent type of voice. Yep that's me.

Oh yea - that is so true Atl!!!!! When I first met you - I was thinking just that - NOT In fact it was just the opposite - you left me a message o n my phone and I thoguth to myself-- wow where did that southern accent come from - certainly not from Florida!! Dang girl you are full of that southern charm dialect!!!!!!! 
As for myself - no accent, none what so ever!! I have never been asked where I was from because of my accent. Just plain old monotoned me!
8/14/2008 9:55:59 PM |
Do you have an accent, or does everybody else? |

Walterboro, SC
age: 66
Jo, you even type with an Illinois accent  
8/14/2008 10:04:28 PM |
Do you have an accent, or does everybody else? |

San Antonio, TX
age: 64
....Yump'n Yiemie...By Golly Ya...U does Yak all Bit funny Ya...Vell at yeast a turd of U do...No Yokn'....
[Edited 8/14/2008 10:23:50 PM]
8/14/2008 10:10:32 PM |
Do you have an accent, or does everybody else? |

Winnemucca, NV
age: 56
I speak perfect construction worker English its the rest of yall that has a problem 
8/15/2008 3:29:36 AM |
Do you have an accent, or does everybody else? |

Longwood, FL
age: 53
YES she does!!! Oh yeah, there's little lilt of "Chi-caahh-go" there! And it does sound just like it when she types...I hear it everytime I read what she has types! 
And setter.....I didn't hear any construction type words when I spoke to you. Can you type them here so I'll know? 
[Edited 8/15/2008 3:30:44 AM]
8/15/2008 4:59:28 AM |
Do you have an accent, or does everybody else? |

Huntsville, AL
age: 56
No, I don't have an accent.
Most Southerners don't
8/15/2008 6:01:17 AM |
Do you have an accent, or does everybody else? |

Cape Girardeau, MO
age: 53
yes, I've been told I have a long drawn out lazy southern accent,..I've lived in other parts of the country-it seems to follow me wherever I go..and while MOST people I've encountered from other parts of the country think it's charming..others have the tendency to try to correct me in speech patterns..ain't gonna change lol
8/15/2008 6:14:11 AM |
Do you have an accent, or does everybody else? |

Ocala, FL
age: 56
I have a combination-accent.... I grew up in Maryland (where, of course, I thought that it was people from other parts of the country had the accents when I heard a visitor speak), but while in the Navy I lived in South Carolina (Charleston) for many years, then in Virginia for many years, then in Florida, then in Washington State...and picked up different "dialects" and ways of saying things from all these places... Nowadays when I'm visiting any different area I kinda fall back into talking the way the locals do wherever I am....so I just git-er-done ya'll.. (Oh, and the plural of ya'll is You All - depending on where you're living lol..)
